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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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Peggy Smedley Show

Peggy Smedley

The Peggy Smedley Show, your voice for our connected world, is an authoritative conversation hosted by tech journalist and sustainability influencer, Peggy Smedley with market leaders, authors, consultants, analysts, and more.
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Smettere di lavorare

Smettere di lavorare

Francesco Narmenni vive senza lavorare da molti anni andando nella direzione opposta suggerita dai guru del business e del marketing, ovvero allontanandosi dal denaro, dal successo e vivendo fuori dagli schemi imposti dalla società. Attraverso la sua esperienza Narmenni ci insegna come semplificare la propria esistenza, vivere con pochi soldi e usare il denaro per generare altro denaro. Secondo l'autore si è veramente liberi solo dopo essersi creati una realtà dove poter decidere come vivere ...
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Smertesnak er til dig, som kæmper med længerevarende smerter og til dig, som hjælper andre med at tackle deres. Dine værter er specialiserede fysioterapeuter, undervisere og smertebehandlere, som giver dig brugbare redskaber, dugfriske perspektiver og nye strategier til at blive mindre begrænset af smerter. Vi gør vores allerbedste for at punkterer de myter, misforståelser og overbevisninger som står i vejen for at komme tilbage til et liv, hvor smerter ikke er en begrænsning.
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I Smell Music!


Podcast dla wszystkich miłośników muzyki, pragnących inspirować się i poszukiwać nowych, muzycznych fascynacji. Wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi eksplorujemy ciekawe muzyczne obszary, odkrywając nowe, nieznane nam oblicza tej wspaniałej dziedziny sztuki. Dołącz do nas!
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The Smellcast

Toppie Smellie

Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled. Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction. Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it. Fascinated by the minute and th ...
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Smeared Mascara

Smeared Mascara Podcast

You may laugh, you may cry… either way we’ll be right there with you. Mandy and Brooke are two moms and friends exploring pop culture, family and kids, along with everything that sparkles, shimmies/shimmers or touches our spirit. Get ready for an adhd fueled, midlife hobby podcast, peppered with a healthy dose of realness and comedy.
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I Smerteuniverset vil du lære at smerter ikke altid er så simple som mange tror og hvorfor det er muligt at have smerter selvom man ikke har nogen skade. Dette er en podcast for alle der gerne vil lære mere omkring smerter og for dig med kroniske smerter, som søger viden til hvordan du kan få en bedre hverdag eller blive smertefri. Vi tager dig på en rejse i smertens univers og interviewer både forskere, klinikere og patienter for at belyse den nyeste viden omkring smerter og rehabilitering. ...
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C-Suite Conversations | An SME Strategy Podcast

SME Strategy Consulting INC

We interview CEOs, business leaders, and thought leaders to get their perspectives on strategy, leadership, management, and other trends that can support your career and help you run a ”best-in-class” business or non-profit. Be sure to subscribe and tell us what you’re taking away from each episode. About SME Strategy We facilitate strategic planning offsite meetings and support the accountability of the plans and the leadership teams who lead them. Learn more at: ...
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Smell Ya Later

Smell Ya Later

Two friends from the beauty industry chat about all things scent and smell. Every week, Smell Ya Later explores the myriad ways we interact with the aromas and odors in our lives, the scents seared into our memories, and how scent defines the way we envision our future. Hosted by Tynan Sinks & Sable Yong For more info, check out our website: Follow @smellyalater.mp3 ( on Instagram for episode updates and maybe memes som ...
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S.M.E. Stories Podcast

Northway Capital Group

Where we tell the exciting stories of the small business owners in Canada, whether it's your side hustle, full-time venture, or monetizing your passion project, it's all in the story. Different business owners from various industries tell you how it is. Our goal is to educate and motivate you to control your destiny. Real estate, pets, healthcare, fitness, and art industries will be on the show. Solopreneurs, partnerships, corporations, and franchise owners are all welcome. Sit back, get los ...
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Klasické rozprávky (nielen) zo Zlatého fondu denníka SME, ktoré číta člen činohry Slovenského národného divadla Robert Roth. Ku klasickým textom od Pavla Dobšinského a Hansa Christiana Andersena v dobovom jazyku neskôr pribudnú aj nové slovenské autorské rozprávky.
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Smells Like Identity Hygiene

SPHERE - Identity Hygiene Solutions

93% of organizations experienced an identity-related breach within the last year. What were they missing? How could they have avoided it? Welcome to "Smells Like Identity Hygiene," the podcast for IT professionals, cybersecurity enthusiasts and anyone looking for a better way to protect their organization's most critical assets from risk. - Stay up-to-date with cybersecurity trends, news and industry best practices - Reduce cyber insurance costs, maintain compliance and prevent revenue loss ...
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These are the voyages of three smelly pirate content creators who have done everything from swab the decks to rigging the sails on hundreds of journeys. B2B marketing content comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be aimed at a wide audience or target a handful of key decision makers. The crew at Lion’s Way has worked on every imaginable type of content for tech companies big and small. And now we are sharing tales of high adventure on the high seas and hopefully providing you with some valua ...
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The World of Taste & Smell

World Taste & Smell Association

Discover taste and smell like never before! Hosted by Stephanie Feur and Mindy Yang, this podcast explores the art, science, and innovation redefining our sensory world. Hear inspiring stories and bold ideas from visionaries shaping the future of taste and smell.
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Smead Investor Podcast

Smead Capital Management

Smead Capital Management's Investors Podcast allows listeners to hear from SCM's portfolio managers and investment professionals on demand and anywhere in the world. The missives, newsletters and other communications are aimed at helping investors understand the mindset and process at Smead Capital Management.
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Smelly Cats - der "Friends" Podcast. 💜 In unserem Podcast dreht sich alles um die weltbekannte und berühmte TV-Serie "Friends". Wir, das sind Anni und Sophie, besprechen dabei Folge für Folge unsere Lieblingsserie. Ihr könnt gespannt sein auf unnötiges Hintergrundwissen, viel Spaß und eine Menge Gelaber.
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Stærk & Smertefri

Jacob Beermann

Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
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The Josiah Smelser Show

Josiah Smelser

Welcome to The Josiah Smelser Show! Join me as we study and develop the mindset needed to achieve greatness. From accomplishing goals or building a business to achieving financial independence, this show is about conquering limiting beliefs to achieve next level results. Formerly the Daily Real Estate Investor podcast, the show has been rebranded as Josiah uses the financial independence he achieved through his 7-figure real estate investing business to bring you practical advice, valuable i ...
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Ground Up Radio presents The SMEAR Campaign Podcast. SMEAR is an acronym that stands for SPREADING MEDIA EVERYWHERE AT RANDOM. Hosted by QueFourFive, the show serves as pulse to tap into what is relevant in the culture of hip hop, news, and the world as we view it.
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show series
Prečítajte si prehľad správ zo 16. februára 2025: Zdražovanie už je cítiť, USA chcú vyšachovať Európu 1. Zdražovanie sa už začalo. Poplatky rástli aj tam, kde si to ľudia nevšimnú 2. Vojna policajtov v praxi: Zmätená inšpekcia, Santusová na člne a kajúcnici v lufte 3. Európski lídri sa mobilizujú. Hrozí im strata kontroly nad mierovým procesom na U…
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Vitajte pri počúvaní série podcastu Dobré ráno - Čítanie na nedeľu. Každú nedeľu si môžete vypočuť vybraný text, ktorí napísali naši kolegovia a načítavame ho my moderátorky a moderátori Dobrého rána. Načítaný text: Načítala Eva Frantová – Vše…
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In this episode of C-suite Conversations, host Anthony Taylor speaks with Nicholas Lalla, founder of Tulsa Innovation Labs. They discuss the journey of establishing an innovation economy in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the importance of strategic focus and stakeholder engagement, and the challenges of change management in urban development. Nicholas emphasizes…
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Want to stand out and leave your competition behind? Click Here for a Surprise Join us with Steve Miller (Kelly’s dad, Author, and Uncopyable Gunslinger) as he shares innovative storytelling techniques and unconventional tactics to make your brand unforgettable. Challenge traditional marketing norms and discover…
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W 14. odcinku I Smell Music! kończymy wraz z Gosią z Połamanych Dźwięków nasze muzyczne podsumowanie 2024, zamykając listę 20 najlepszych wydawnictw, które miały swoją premierę w minionym roku! W tej ostatniej odsłonie tego cyklu przedstawiamy Wam miejsca 10-1 naszego płytowego rankingu roku 2024. Zapraszamy do słuchania! Playlista TOP30 2024 Połam…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na Nový týždeň, nový konflikt v koalícii. Tentokrát Andreja Danka so samotným premiérom Robertom Ficom. Predseda vlády dal Hlasu a SNS ultimátum do pondelka, aby zastabilizovali situáciu v koalícii, inak vyrieši rekonštrukciu vlády po svojom. To sa dotklo Andreja Danka a v emotív…
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Prečítajte si Víkendový výber: Snažiť sa len o to, byť dobrým hercom, to je na občana málo 1. Edward Norton pre SME: Médiá a diváci sú posadnutí tým, čo herci robia v zákulisí. Mňa to frustruje 2. Ja nie som vláda, ohradil sa. Spurná tvár Boba Dylana dostala spolu s filmovou podobou aj zmysel 3. Pornografia je tu už storočia. Kedysi niesla politick…
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Send us a text Welcome to Smeared Mascara’s annual Super Bowl Monday show. The ladies gloss over the actual game and focus on the Half Time performance. They delve into Jalen Hurts’ 90s R&B style, Kendrick’s outfit and Mustard’s real name. Learn about Sza’s other talent and why Serena Williams is the Crip Walk Queen. Mandy pretends to be a sports r…
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Kremeľ sa teší, šokovaná Európa zatiaľ rieši, ako ďalej. Donald Trump totiž hovoril s Vladimirom Putinom a na prvý pohľad to vyzerá tak, že Spojené štáty zradili Ukrajinu: Trumpov mierový plán totiž hovorí nanajvýš to, čo všetko Ukrajina stratí. Čo to znamená pre Ukrajinu, ale aj čo Trumpov postoj znamená pre Európu? Tomáš Prokopčák sa v podcaste D…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 13. februára 2025: Mlčia o ocenení za odkrytie prevratu, pakt Putin-Trump smrdí ústupkami 1. Kočner mal plaketu, za únos išli peniaze. O oceneniach v kauze prevrat SIS mlčí 2. Nadšený Kremeľ a nová bezpečnostná architektúra. Čo zmenil telefonát Trumpa s Putinom? 3. Obranu nechávajú Američania na Európanoch. Päť percent…
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Prečítajte si Výber šéfredaktorky: Fico obhajuje vojnového zločinca, nechápe, že Slovensko je Európa Oportunista Fico sa nezaprel. Akú budúcnosť pre nás chystá s Putinom? Fico nechce byť na smiech, chce, aby sa ho báli. Na proteste sa mu smiali Fico dal Hlasu a SNS ultimátum, hrozí výmenou ministrov. Chýba Vám empatia a cit, reagoval Danko v liste …
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We’re floating about in our nightgowns this week as Kim and Alice discuss the literature and lunacy behind The Woman in White. Everyone in the story might be deeply traumatised, but trust us, the dog is fiiiiine. Also - happy Galentine’s Day; dump your toxic partner. Sound Engineer: Keith Nagle Editor: Helen Hamilton / Keith Nagle Producer: Helen H…
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Rebelujúci poslanci už mesiace blokujú riadne fungovanie parlamentu. Premiér Robert Fico doteraz problém nepovažoval za premiérsku tému, svoj názor však tento týždeň očividne zmenil. Najnovšie dal stranám ultimátum. Ak koalícia nebude opäť normálne fungovať do pondelka, prestavia vládu po svojom. Reakcia od šéfa SNS Andreja Danka v podobe otvorenéh…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 12. februára 2025: Danko nestojí Ficovi ani za komentár, list Muskovi je obrazom úpadku 1. Čo Danko Ficovi napísal, čo zamlčal a čo z listu vyplýva 2. Je to smutnosmiešny príbeh úpadku, hovoria o Ficovom liste Muskovi bývalí ministri zahraničia 3. Rakúska krajná pravica vládu nevytvorí. Ľudovci hovoria o bezpečnostnom …
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Peggy Smedley talks about one of the recent data breach reports. She says there were six mega-breaches in 2024, accounting for 85% of victim notices—and four of the largest breaches were preventable. She also discusses: Where we have been with cybersecurity in the past year—and what are the top five industries targeted. What we can surmise from tod…
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Peggy and Calum Mair, commercial director, North America, EPD, talk about sourcing materials for construction and the impact tariffs could have on the industry. He says tariffs from Canada and Mexico have the potential to really shake up the construction space. They also discuss: The pros and cons of tariffs. The hidden opportunities for the constr…
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Peggy Smedley and Karen Panetta, fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, talk about trends with AI (artificial intelligence) and smart homes and how it can help with energy efficiency. She says the most visible things people see are energy efficiency, health, and monitoring the smart home—but it is also in our appliances. They als…
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In this episode of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast, host Suzan Chin-Taylor sits down with Dr. Clare Monteau, leadership expert and CEO, for the first installment of a three-part workforce development series. They dive into the lasting impact of COVID-19 on workplace culture, the importance of trust and consistency in leadership, and pra…
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Le radio predatorie sono emittenti radiofoniche (o podcast) che adottano un modello di business ingannevole per attirare ospiti, spesso promettendo visibilità, autorevolezza o opportunità di networking. Tuttavia, il loro vero obiettivo è monetizzare direttamente sugli intervistati attraverso costi nascosti o vendite forzate.Come funziona il sistema…
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Majú peniaze, vlastnia kľúčové technológie, ovládajú informačný priestor. S Donaldom Trumpom prišlo do Bieleho domu aj akési techbratsvo a významný vplyv na chod krajiny zrazu majú ľudia ako Elon Musk. Či vidíme nástup novej digitálnej oligarchie, kto to je a prečo a čo to môže spraviť s demokraciami? Tomáš Prokopčák sa v podcaste Dobré ráno pýta O…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 11. februára 2025: Ficovi došla trpezlivosť, Dankovi argumenty a Taraba dosiahol nemožné 1. Fico dal Hlasu a SNS ultimátum, hrozí výmenou ministrov. Danko reagoval kritickým otvoreným listom 2. Taraba dokázal unikát: Zjednotil ľudí, obce, župy aj opozíciu s koalíciou - proti sebe 3. Rumunsko sužuje politická kríza. Opa…
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I oktober 2021 ble Einár skutt og drept i Stockholm, bare 19 år gammel. Han ble kalt "Sveriges Eminem", hadde et stort talent og opplevde massiv suksess før det gikk galt. I denne episoden tar vi for oss Einárs reise mot toppen av hitlistene, kidnappingen av ham, forholdet til det svenske gjengmiljøet og drapet. PS! Denne podcasten ligger også ute …
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We've all been perfume-fished before — someone smells really good, which makes you crush real hard, and then after getting to know them, you realize that maybe the best thing about them was their scent... Honestly, could be worse! [What we smell like today: Montale Bubble Forever, Merit Retrospect] Find more info, episodes, and merch at Smellyalate…
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Nevoľnosť, nechutenstvo, vracanie, ospanlivosť či apatia. Ale aj fatálne poškodenie pečene, ktoré môže priniesť otrava paracetamolom. Medzi deťmi sa zase rozširuje takzvaná paracetamolová výzva, o niekoľkých prípadoch predávkovania už hovoria v nemocniciach v Bratislave aj v Banskej Bystrici. Aký nebezpečný trend sa teda medzi tínedžermi šíri a aké…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 10. februára 2025: Huliak sa deliť nechce, Danko bude zrejme musieť prehltnúť horkú pilulku 1. Vykričali si alkohol aj zradu. Dnes sa majú Danko s Huliakom podeliť 2. Danka by strata ministerstva pre šport zabolela. Športovci si ho pochvaľujú 3. Nemecký stroj sa zadrháva. Budúcu vládu môže rozhádať ekonomika 4. Či pres…
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Send us a text Getting to the point Chapter two of Trade Show Tidbits focuses on messaging Episode 4 - Three Tiers and a Hanging Sign explores the layered messaging funnel most effective for getting people to your booth, telling them who you are and what that’s good for them, and ultimately, getting the. To stop and engage with you. We’ll also star…
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I denne episode af Smerteuniverset møder vi Camilla, der blev ramt af uforklarlige smerter i ribbenene under lockdown. Det, der først blev afskrevet som øm muskulatur, blev starten på en langvarig og frustrerende rejse gennem det danske sundhedsvæsen – uden klare svar eller lindring. Fra lægebesøg til akutte undersøgelser, fysioterapi, kiropraktik …
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Prvý mesiac tohto roka bol z pohľadu politiky nabitý udalosťami. Koaličné strany vyhadzujú poslancov, ďalší odchádzajú sami, premiér Robert Fico tvrdil, že čaká riešenie a zatiaľ rečnil o štátnom prevrate riadenom zo zahraničia vždy, keď sa na námestia postavia davy ľudí žiadajúce ukotvenie Slovenska v západných štruktúrach a koniec jeho vlády. Ako…
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