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Sustainable Period Products: All About Menstrual Cups With Dr Cuterus
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16:27FIT speaks to Gynaecologist, Dr Tanaya Narendra, AKA Dr Cuterus, about sustainable period products, the menstrual cup, puritan culture, and eco-anxiety among mensturators. "I started using the cup in 2017, but my mum who was a gynaecologist, said no. Indian Gynaecologists tend to have a block in their head about using anything insertable inside the…
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#COVIDFacts। कोरोना और #CoronaVaccine से जुड़ी बेतुकी बातें – जैसे कि वैक्सीन से नपुंसकता होती है, गर्भवती महिलाओं को समस्या होती है – इस सबके तार्किक जवाब जानिए टीचर दीदी से.Door Quint Fit
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कोरोना वैक्सीन से जुड़ी अफवाहों और गलत जानकारी का सच ना माने. क्विंट ने जिंगल के माध्यम से ये बताने की कोशिश की है कि कोरोना वैक्सीन कोरोना से बचने का कारगर तरीका है. साथ ही, ये भी बताया है कि कोरोना से बचने के लिए इससे जुड़ी सभी सावधानियां बरतने की जरूरत है.Door Quint Fit
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FIT spoke to Dr. Pratima Murthy, Director of NIMHANS, about the Centre's National Tele-Mental Health Program, which was announced in the Union Budget 2022. How can you get access to the services? When will the program start? Is this measure adequate? Listen to the interview, where we answer all these questions. You can also read the interview here.…
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कोरोना काल में काढ़े को लेकर कई तरह के दावे वायरल हुए, बहुतों ने दावा किया कि काढ़ा पीने से इम्यूनिटी यानी बीमारियों से लड़ने की क्षमता बढ़ती है. कुछ ने तो ये भी दावा किया कि काढ़ा पीने से कोरोना संक्रमण ही नहीं होगा, तो कुछ लोग काढ़े को COVID-19 का इलाज तक बताने लगे. काढ़े को COVID का इलाज या कोरोना से बचाव का उपाय बताने वाले दावों पर हमने डॉक्टरो…
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COVID-19 महामारी से निपटने के लिए हमें कोविड उपयुक्त व्यवहार अपनाने के साथ कोरोना की वैक्सीन लगवाना भी जरूरी है. फिर भी कई लोगों के मन में वैक्सीन को लेकर काफी झिझक और डर है, जबकि वैक्सीन हमें गंभीर COVID-19 होने या कोरोना संक्रमण के कारण अस्पताल में भर्ती होने से बचाने में काफी मददगार हो सकती है. सुनिए क्विंट फिट का ये कोविड फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट.…
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सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हुए कई मैसेज में इस तरह के दावे किए जा रहे हैं कि वैक्सीन की दूसरी डोज लेने के बाद कोरोना संक्रमण होने का खतरा बढ़ जाता है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स ऐसे दावों को फर्जी बताते हुए कहते हैं कि कोरोना की वैक्सीन COVID-19 या इसके कारण गंभीर बीमारी से बचाने में मददगार है, वैक्सीन संक्रमण का खतरा नहीं बढ़ाती.…
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अगर आपमें COVID-19 के कोई भी लक्षण नजर आ रहे हैं या फिर अगर आप किसी कोरोना संक्रमित शख्स के संपर्क में आए हैं, तो डॉक्टर आपका COVID-19 टेस्ट करा सकते हैं. क्विंट फिट के इस कोविड फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट में जानिए COVID-19 होने पर आपको किन चीजों पर ध्यान देने की जरूरत है और क्या सावधानियां बरतनी है.Door Quint Fit
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कोरोना वैक्सीन को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर कुछ पोस्ट काफी वायरल हुए, जिनमें दावा किया गया है कि कोरोना वैक्सीन को स्टेबल रखने के लिए उसमें सुअर की चर्बी का इस्तेमाल हो रहा है. इस तरह के दावों की सच्चाई जानने के लिए सुनिए क्विंट फिट का ये COVID फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट.Door Quint Fit
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the Gut-Brain Axis: Can A Messed Up Gut Cause Chronic Pain?
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15:49Ever thought about how the cause for your persistent joint pain could be...your diet? Could the food you eat be triggering your migraines? Anoushka Rajesh from Quint FIT speaks to Dr Maura Henninger, a naturopath and holistic medicine specialist about this link between gut health and chronic pain and how fixing the former could help relieve pain di…
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COVID-19 वैक्सीन को लेकर कई तरह के भ्रामक दावे फेसबुक, ट्विटर, वॉट्सएप वगैरह पर शेयर किए गए हैं. एक विदेशी एक्सपर्ट का हवाला देते हुए एक अफवाह ये फैलाई गई कि टीका लगवाने से कोरोना और भी घातक रूप ले लेता है और खतरा बढ़ जाता है. क्या वाकई इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है? जानने के लिए सुनिए क्विंट फिट का ये कोविड फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट.…
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Pain and Prejudice: What’s It Like Living With Chronic Pain?
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13:03"When I asked the neurologist to explain my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, he told me to google it," says Swati, a lawyer, activist, and a chronic pain warrior. "When the pain is invisible, people can be apathetic, they often think we're faking it, or being lazy," says Pooja, a writer and a vocal mental health and disability activist. "I don't want my …
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कोविड-19 वैक्सीन को लेकर किए जाने वाले तमाम झूठे और भ्रामक दावों में एक दावा यह भी किया जा रहा कि वैक्सीन में बछड़े का सीरम होता है. अफवाह फैलाई जा रही है कि कोविड वैक्सीन में गाय के गर्भ में पल रहे बछड़े के ह्रदय के खून का सीरम मौजूद है. क्या है इसकी सच्चाई, जानने के लिए सुनिए क्विंट फिट का ये कोविड फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट.…
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सोशल मीडिया पर कई वीडियो इस दावे के साथ वायरल हुए कि COVID-19 वैक्सीन में एक माइक्रोचिप होगी, जिसे वैक्सीन के साथ ही लोगों में इंजेक्ट किया जाएगा, जिससे लोगों को कंट्रोल किया जा सके और उनके व्यवहार को भी चेंज किया जा सके. क्या है इस तरह के दावों की सच्चाई, जानने के लिए सुनिए ये पॉडकास्ट.Door Quint Fit
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"There is, what I would call a hidden pandemic of violence against women during this pandemic (COVID-19) that is quite serious," says Dr Gita Sen, feminist scholar and member of Public Health Foundation of India. The COVID pandemic has led to various subsequent social, economic and ecological crises along with the obvious healthcare crisis. How has…
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इस तरह के मैसेज व्हॉट्सएप पर शेयर किए जा रहे हैं कि कोरोना वैक्सीन लगवाने के 45 दिनों बाद तक शराब नहीं पीना चाहिए और कितने ही लोग इस वजह से वैक्सीन लगवाने से बच रहे हैं क्योंकि वे 45 दिनों तक शराब नहीं छोड़ सकते. क्या वाकई इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है? जानने के लिए सुनिए फिट का ये पॉडकास्ट.Door Quint Fit
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Exploring the Epidemic of Heart Attack In the Young
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13:10"Having a heart attack at such a young age was a total shock to me," says Abhay Bahl. "My life was shattered. My world was shattered," Furqan Ahmed. Both Abhay Bahl and Furqan Ahmed had unexpected heart attacks at the age of 39 this years, and they're sharing their stories with us. Did you know, around 50 percent of heart attacks in India occur in …
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महिलाओं को पीरियड्स के 5 दिन पहले या 5 दिन बाद नहीं लगवानी चाहिए वैक्सीन? जानिए इस दावे का सच
सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल एक मैसेज में दावा किया गया है कि 18 साल के ऊपर की महिलाएं पीरियड्स के 5 दिन पहले और 5 दिन बाद तक कोविड वैक्सीन न लगवाएं क्योंकि पीरियड्स के दौरान इम्यूनिटी बेहद कम हो जाती है. जानिए इस दावे का सच.Door Quint Fit
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सोशल मीडिया पर ये दावा किया जा रहा है कि COVID-19 वैक्सीन से पुरुषों की फर्टिलिटी कम हो जाती है. ये दावा गलत है कि COVID-19 Vaccine लेने से पुरुषों की फर्टिलिटी कम हो जाएगी. कोरोना वैक्सीन से पुरुषों की बच्चे पैदा की क्षमता पर असर पड़ने के जो दावे किए जा रहे हैं, उनमें कितनी सच्चाई है, जानने के लिए सुनिए क्विंट फिट का कोविड फैक्ट चेक पॉडकास्ट.…
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सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल एक वीडियो में ये दावा किया जा रहा है कि मास्क के अंदर बारीक कीड़े होते हैं, जो सांस के रास्ते शरीर में जा सकते हैं और उसी से लोग मर रहे हैं. डॉक्टर और हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, जिन्हें बारीक कीड़े बताया जा रहा है, वो असल में फाइबर के धागे हैं, जिनका कोई नुकसान नहीं है.Door Quint Fit
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एक वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर हो रहा है, जिसमें नींबू के रस को नाक में डालकर कोरोना को ठीक करने का दावा किया जा रहा है. हालांकि, क्विंट फिट ने पड़ताल में ये दावा झूठा पाया. फोर्टिस हॉस्पिटल शालीमार बाग के डॉ. विकास मौर्या ने बताया कि नाक में नींबू की बूंदें डालने से आपका कोरोना ठीक नहीं होगा.Door Quint Fit
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How Have Our Therapists Been Coping In the Pandemic?
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13:01Mohana Baidya, a psychologist and a councellor: Did we have an influx of cases? yes. Was it stressful? absolutely! Simran Kalra, a Therapist in Delhi: The most challenging part of 2020 was being the therapist and a patient. Kamna Chhibber, Mental Health, Fortis Healthcare: The most important thing is to know your limitations.…
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Living With, Not ‘Suffering From’ Down Syndrome
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13:00Parents of kids with Down syndrome talk to FIT about some misconceptions associated with the condition, and what new parents should know about caring for their kids with the condition. We also speak to Anita Menon, a model and an artist, who also happens to have Down syndrome. Down Syndrome, a genetic condition, is often dismissed as a life-ending …
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Would You Use Science to Get the ‘Perfect’ Body?
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17:20National Science Day 2020: What makes the perfect body? Can we take inspiration from the natural kingdom to get a better body? Devina Buckshee from Quint FIT speaks to The BBC's Gareth Cornick to find out what scientists think makes the most beautiful, functional body.Door Quint Fit
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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are easily preventable, manageable, and treatable - if only we talked more about them. Saakhi Chadha from Quint FIT speaks to Dr Nivedhita Manokaran, a Dermatologist, Venereologist and Clinician in Sexual & Reproductive Health & HIV Medicine, who takes us through the basics.…
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Parenting Podcast | How Do We Help Our Kids Navigate their Lives Online During the Pandemic
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15:37Parenting Podcast: How do we navigate the lives of our kids online during the pandemic? A conversation with author Jyotsna Mohan Bhargava about cyber bullying, teen suicides, self harm, body shaming among India's teens. Her book is Shamed, Stoned, Depressed: An Explosive Account of Secret Lives of India's Teens.…
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Living With Mental Illness in the Lockdown
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24:33World Mental Health Day 2020: The lockdown has been ongong for several months, and it is difficult for everyone. Adjusting to the 'new normal', the isolation and the uncertainty have caused an increase in our anxiety and depressive episodes. How are people with mental illnesses dealing with this time? For some, like Isha, lockdown has wornsed her a…
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Coronavirus and India: It's Time to Exit the Lockdown, says Dr K Srinath Reddy
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13:56President of Public Health Foundation of India, Dr K Srinath Reddy also spoke about how, "we should not shy away as a nation from facing the possibility of a community transmission." He also mentioned that herd immunity cannot possibly be a public health strategy.Door Quint Fit
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While the World Waits for COVID-19 Vaccines, How Effective Are They? Interview With Dr Mathew Varghese
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17:01In our series of expert talks on COVID-19 in India, we are speaking with Mr Mathew Varghese, India's polio warrior, who fought a long battle to help eradicate polio from the country. As a public health expert, Dr Varghese explains in detail, the problem with lockdowns, vaccines, repurposed drugs and India's coronavirus response.…
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Treatments, Vaccines, Testings: Experts Answers Queries on COVID-19
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15:42We bring together Dr Shahid Jameel, a well-known virologist and CEO, DBT, India Alliance and Dr Arvind Kumar, Chest and Lung Surgeon with Gangaram Hospital and founder of Lung Care Foundation, to answer your queries about the coronavirus outbreak in India, the lockdown, the treatments, vaccine developments and future of the pandemic. Host: Vaishali…
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Harvard Professor Vikram Patel on COVID-19, Anxiety & Lockdown
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15:00Dr Vikram Patel, Professor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, says the stringent lockdown imposed to clamp down on the coronavirus outbreak in India has led to panic migration, defeating the very purpose of clampdown. He talks about empathy not insensitivity, media responsibility and not ignoring t…
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COVID-19: How to Protect Your Mental Health During Work From Home
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11:56The coronavirus has changed the very world we live in, in a matter of weeks. People the world over are now implementing measures to fight the virus. One of these measures is shifting from working in large offices and buildings to working from home as part of social distancing. While some people have welcomed working from home, others say its wreake…
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Sunita Dwiwedi got menopause when she was only 32. Between 1 -5% Indian women experience menopause before the age of 40. Quint Fit speaks to women who experienced menopause in their early 30s and asks gynaecologist Dr Deepa Dureja what could be the causes behind it. Produced and hosted by Divyani Rattanpal…
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Love Can Be Positive: Stories of Love From People with HIV
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13:35This World AIDS Day, we explore the love stories of positive people, living with HIV. How did they find their lovers, does the stigma creep into their relationship? We go beyond the statistics and the sob stories to find out: how do you love in the time of HIV? Link: Hosted by De…
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“My Illness Is a Life Sentence”: Diabetics Talk Mental Health
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10:22Denial, depression, and fear of death: This is how diabetes impacts mental health. In this podcast, Quint FIT brings to you stories of five diabetics who share how their diagnosis impacted their mental health. Hosted by Saakhi Chadha.Door Quint Fit
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This World Mental Health Day, what are people in Kashmir thinking? How are they feeling? There has been a simmering, seething mental health crisis silently brewing, but what are the voices in the Valley saying? Link: Written by Devina Buckshee (@DevinaB21) and illustrated by Erum Gour (@…
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Dear Indian Parents, Toss The Taboo and Talk About Mental Health
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16:11As per WHO, as of today, India is the most depressed country in the world. At any given point of time, nearly 50 million Indian children suffer from mental disorders, and this number will increase if the adolescent population is considered as well. The impact of mental illness is far beyond the imagination of society, in which the awareness about t…
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The Polluted Air Makes My Mental Illness Worse
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23:36When we talk of air pollution, we often tend to bracket it into scientific, or medical information. Seldom do we connect it to the psychological. But more and more research is finding that air pollution can worsen mental health in people. And as I found out in the following conversations, toxic air impacts not just our body, but also our minds, and…
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Every sociopath is not a serial killer. There’s more to them than Ted Bundys and Dexter Morgans of this world.Door Quint Fit
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A 2018 study concluded that India has one of the lowest incidences of cancer in the world. But what does it mean?Door Quint Fit
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FIT speaks with three experts about the threat that hospital-inquired infections like Candida Auris pose for India.Door Quint Fit
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Mental health and poverty have a cyclical relationship, but people affected by schizophrenia are often worst hit.Door Quint Fit
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The stressful election season has finally come to a close, and we decode election relation anxiety - is it real?Door Quint Fit
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Are some people genetically more inclined to be suicidal than others?Door Quint Fit
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The news doing the rounds states that Japan is banning microwaves for their radiations are very harmful for health.Door Quint Fit
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Women feel colder than men, but they have to work in a setup made according to the male body.Door Quint Fit
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A person’s sexual desire or libido can get affected because of various reasons. Not finding their partners attractive is rarely one of them. Overlooking it isn't the solution because sexual anxiety is a real thing.Door Quint Fit
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Crying instead of crying out? Yes, feelings of sadness and tears are real after sex for both men and women.Door Quint Fit
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