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Reversing Polarity

Reversing Polarity

Reversing Polarity is a queer Doctor Who fancast, watching classic episodes in a random order and explaining that Doctor Who has always been gay, actually. Episodes released every other Thursday.
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Our pleasure can be the fuel for abundant, sustainable work, service, and play throughout our long lives. Our sexuality can be a wholesome pillar of our daily experience. Our marriages can be fueled by desire rather than duty. Monogamy can be the hottest place on earth. It’s a confusing time to be a heterosexual, monogamous couple. The love and passion you desire may be more an inner urge than something you really see people around you living. But there are a growing community of devoted cou ...
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show series
This is an exclusive preview of my limited private podcast series: Elevate Your Marriage to Great! This podcast series is for you if you're an ambitious, growth-oriented woman who is tired of not receiving the passion, partnership, and potency you know is possible in your long-term relationship. If you loved this episode and want to hear more, you …
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“The day that you wake up, and you realize that you have been had, and the person you’re sleeping with is not the person you fell in love with, that’s the first day of your real marriage.” - James Framo. In this episode, my husband and I walk you through our journey through the four stages of relationship. From the initial spark of love without kno…
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Today, I'm so grateful to share with you a profoundly moving conversation with Myra Sack, a woman who embodies the essence of resilience and intimacy with life. In her newly released book, ​57 Fridays: Losing Our Daughter, Finding Our Way,​ Myra brings us into the intimate journey through the immense grief of losing her daughter, Havi, to Tay-Sachs…
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I want to go deep with you today about something that's been coming up a lot in my life and work: what it means to embrace our power and pleasure as women. For the longest time, I used to feel guilty for wanting more, for desiring abundance and joy in my life. But, after many years of being stifled under my feelings of shame, I realized that by pri…
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So often, we find ourselves stuck in the same old patterns, grappling with conflicts or feeling disconnected. We try workshops, therapy, self-help books, but somehow, things just don't stick. After today's episode, you'll understand why and what steps to take next. Through working in this way, I've seen couples completely turn things around in as l…
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I was so grateful to sit down and record with my teacher, Eric Klein, the founder of ​Wisdom Heart​ along with his wife, Devi. I wanted you to hear from him what he's teaching me about my body, mind, spirit, and the way that those interact with the experiences I have in my marriage, my earning, my business -- pretty much in every area of my life. I…
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In this triumphant return (recorded..................... at an undisclosed time), your beloved hosts compete to determine which Classic Who companion is the lesbianest. And as the title implies, Kamelion does not go quietly. Thank you for listening to this very late episode of Reversing Polarity! Rate/review us on your podcatcher of choice, follow …
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So many women come to me wanting to turn up their libidos and experience more and better orgasms. I start by asking them 11 questions that, on the surface, don’t seem directly related to erotic desire. But the answers that women give me tell me a ton about their relationships with themselves, their turn-on, their bodies, their sensations, and with …
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The term “gaslighting” has become a buzzword in recent years and, because of its widespread use, the meaning of this term has become a bit murky. In a nutshell, gaslighting is when you are experiencing something and endeavoring to talk to the other person about it, but they flip it around on you so that you wind up questioning yourself, your own ch…
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You may have heard the term “patriarchy” used to describe a social and political construct, but, as my mentor, Terry Real, explains, it is also a psychological notion. The way that patriarchy defines rigid gender roles becomes subconsciously embedded in the way we think and behave, which has deep implications for both partners inside a relationship…
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Kurt and I have been married for almost 23 years and we're planning on another 50 to 75 together. We think, in terms of taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits and given the way technology is going, we could each live to be well over a hundred which gives us an amazingly long time to grow in love together and to contribute in so many other par…
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At 50 or 60 years old, you don’t have the same career, health, finances, or family life that you did when you were 30. Why should your sex life be the same as it was 20 years ago? As we age, our bodies go through natural changes that can affect our sexual experiences and desires. This leads people to believe that they are no longer able to have the…
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Kurt and I just enjoyed celebrating our 25th Valentine's Day together, but, truthfully, we try to live like every day is V-Day. We know that love is a habit and a skill set that requires effort and practice 365 days a year. If you want a love that gets better over time, you need to intentionally date your partner all year long, not just on holidays…
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Whenever I say that I help couples create Legacy Love, the people I’m talking to light up because they're the kind of people who have a vision for their whole life. They want to leave a legacy in this lifetime and creating a love worth kind of handing down, something that goes far beyond just the couple to bless others, appeals to them. But, as gre…
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In this episode, I'll walk you through a couple of the ways that I've been helping clients for more than 20 years to review their old year and vision their new year. Visioning together is one of the foundations of Legacy Love; creating a relationship that's not just good, not just great, but builds your impact in the world, the legacy you want to l…
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Content warning for discussion of anti-semitism. This episode: we recorded in a heatwave so relish that memory, the hero for words returns, Aym relates a deeply stressful tale of subterranean transportation, Rosie was on the verge of heat exhaustion and coped with a rare blue streak and we do not relish the Oh Sixties of it all.…
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How far are you willing to go to create the passionate marriage you want? Are you ready to try anything? If you’re like many of my clients, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to create a connected, turned-on relationship. And I believe you can do it. Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet that will resolve your conflicts and create closeness. …
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Content warning for discussion of sexual assault. This episode: We welcome a friend to discuss oil genres (again), Rosie has a bone to pick with Will, there is a ranking of unusual breakfast items, the Monk is prepared for a Reaper invasion and Dennis Spooner will not stop bashing companions over the head. Thank you for listening to this very forty…
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In this very urgent and timely episode of Reversed Polarity, your hosts discuss Vibes (TM), their conflicted feelings about Thasmin as two queer people on the internet, just how hard Rosie cried over Ian Chesterton's cameo, and the possible links between Taylor Swift's new album and Doctor Who (no, seriously). Follow us on Twitter @polaritypod, on …
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This episode: we really do not want to do the recap, Rosie’s GCSE in Physics does not come in handy, Aym celebrates their escape from Sontaran purgatory, and there is just no way to get through even one episode without bringing up at least three terrible films. Thank you for listening to this very forty-fourth episode of Reversing Polarity! Rate/re…
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If you feel like you are wasting your time and energy being upset about the same things month after month, year after year, the good news is that there’s a way out. You can break the cycle of hurt and resentment that keeps you from living the life you want. Sound good? Today's episode will equip you to free yourself from any grudge, irritation, fru…
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This episode: we inadvertently summon the Tissue Compression Eliminator into the Centenary through a series of dirty jokes, Aym discovers a fun fact about their own past, Rosie never did get round to Timelash, Tangentcast returns, and the Rani earns her place as our very evilest wife. Thanks as always for listening! Rate/review us if you can, and f…
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This episode: some shockingly lukewarm takes, we rapidly abandon the format in favour of Whovian debate, there is an honestly incredible amount of biblical discussion, Rosie has a lovely bridge to sell you, Aym's headphones declare war against them, and we are going to bed at a sensible time. Follow us on Twitter @PolarityPod, on Tumblr at polarity…
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In my coaching practice and in my life, I hear so many questions about family planning; how to decide, when to start, and how many kids to have. The list goes on. There are strong societal expectations around becoming parents that can keep us from realizing what we really want and what’s best for us and our relationships. In this episode, I decided…
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This episode: the Cybermen are masters of disguise, please listen to Spare Parts please I am BEGGING you, Aym composes a beautiful poem, Rosie honest to God rambles about Noggin the Nog, Ben is a complete fashion icon, and we would both - much like Ben - die on a hill for Polly. Follow us on Twitter @PolarityPod, on Tumblr at polaritypod.tumblr.com…
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While I’m not a clinical psychology professional, I often work with couples who have discovered that their brains are wired in completely different ways. This realization often arises when one partner (or both) consistently behaves in a way that creates friction between them, totally baffling the other. As humans, our brains are wonderfully diverse…
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This episode: Nah. For further reading, start with Kate Orman's excellent essay 'One Of Us Is Yellow': Doctor Fu Manchu and The Talons of Weng Chiang. If you would like to read some positive reviews of this story feel free to check Letterboxd, IMDb, any issue of DWM or the Celestial Toyroom from 1974-2014, or ask your grandad. In other news, Rosie …
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If it feels like you're in a dry spell- your desires don’t match up, you’re not that interested, or it’s hard to transition from your everyday life to a really fulfilling sexual encounter, this episode is for you. Today I want to talk with you about what I think of as "nano sex." It's those little microscopic, erotic connections that create a lubri…
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Something your partner did cause you pain and frustration. You want to tell them what hurt you, but you seem to always end up in a fight when you bring it up. Sound familiar? In this episode, I get into the specifics of how you can deliver feedback about something your partner did and what you'd like them to do differently in a way that actually ge…
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This episode: Yet another unsurprising part of Rosie’s upbringing comes to light, Mark Strickson nails the Face Of Slight Concern, on all levels except the physical Turlough is out of the closet, we consider the fuckability of Harry Sullivan, folk horror gets brought up AGAIN, and Aym confesses to covetous behaviour. Follow us on Twitter @PolarityP…
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Wow, people really do make zines! Join us as we welcome special guest Katherine Wheeler to discuss zine culture, her most controversial Doctor Who take, curative versus transformative fandom, our love for Sacha Dhawan and, of course, her new zine: Around the Universe's Worst Planet in 77 Years! CW for discussion of (our dislike for) John Barrowman …
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This episode: Aym hits a bingo square early, both hosts were in a big WWDITs phase and it shows, we discuss our ultimate modern Sontaran story, Sarah Jane’s commitment to the bit is disappointing, there is some extremely timely discussion of Flux, and Rosie (sort of) wins a long-running argument. Thank you for bearing with us during the past few mo…
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These past few weeks have been tough on our nervous systems. Many people are hurting and bewildered. I wondered how I could best help through the podcast, and what came to me was that this popular episode, recorded with my friend Jessica Pullins, PhD, is the best set of tools I can give you to help you pull yourself and others through when your hea…
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Do you find yourself saying, "We're so busy, I feel like roommates?” Or maybe you say, "We know we need to go on dates, but we never seem to get around to it. And then if we do go, a lot of times we get into a fight." Today on Sex. Love. Power., we're talking about spending more time together. Whether that's talking, having fun, or getting naked to…
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Never fear dear listeners, this title has no bearing on our opinion of this PERFECT serial. This episode: we emerge from our hiatus like butterflies from a chrysalis, Rosie returns to the Television and Movie Store, a musical segment is ruthlessly cut for future content, we lament the lack of beards on Doctor Who, Aym forgets that dramedy is a word…
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Yet another special episode coming your way in honour of a very exciting and official podcast trip to London! We discuss the immersive theatre experience Doctor Who: Time Fracture, branching narratives, and somehow still manage to tangent about Star Trek within the first ten minutes. And yes, we really did acquire a twelve year old along the way. S…
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Do you feel like you're always in charge, like you're always handling all the heavy lifting in your shared life? Or do you ever feel your partner can be so controlling or perfectionistic that you tend to hang back? Both of these situations are issues of what I call polarity - the interaction between dominance and submission (and, no, I’m not just t…
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I want to devote a whole episode to the topic of defensiveness: how we engender it in each other, and why we get defensive ourselves. This is one of the biggest things I see stopping couples from communicating effectively, from connecting more deeply, and from experiencing more turn-on and erotic charge in their relationships. So if you've had defe…
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We reverse our polarities once again and welcome a very special guest (and new bestie of the podcast) to discuss the disappointment that was Legend of the Sea Devils, East and South East Asian representation in Doctor Who, and a plethora of other stuff because having to talk about Weng Chiang caused us severe psychic damage. As always, please feel …
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This episode: we recorded this before canon Thasmin and god does it show, Rosie shares a brief but extremely embarrassing anecdote, we forecast a future Mountain Goats release, there is (no joke) a tangent about the development of elevator technology, and our ongoing Z-Cars references finally reach their logical conclusion.…
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This week, I'm bringing back the most popular episode of the podcast for your listening pleasure. The 12 Elements of Power framework is more relevant now than ever for for us as feminists who don't want to think about power in an essentialist sense, don't want to think that there are particular qualities that we don't have access to because that ha…
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This is a different kind of episode. Often, I record podcast episodes about things that have come up with clients recently or I initiate out of conversations that I feel like we need to have in the culture that we haven't been having. Today's episode is about a topic that is blowing my mind right now, because I didn't think of it this way until I w…
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