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成為會員聽埋Midnigt食堂: 深夜Hideout 基本上會討論吓關於 Path of Exile (流亡黯道 PoE) 同生活上事無大小嘅事 各位香港人不妨 stay awhile and listen Midnight 食堂 Subscribe: ========= 其他平台: ========= POE: /global 852 korean Telegram: Discord: Youtube:
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Forever Exiled is a Path of Exile podcast hosted by Justin (Tagz) and Tyler (Wrecker of Days) that covers all things Path of Exile. We’re both heavily obsessed with the game. Every time we go out for dinner, the conversation quickly turns from real life to the builds we’re playing, the news that GGG has released, and all of our opinions and dreams regarding it all. We talk so much PoE, that a podcast just made sense ;-). Tagz has been playing Path of Exile since Beta in April 2012 and Wrecke ...
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For anyone who knows J1mmy on YouTube (any Old School RuneScape fans out there?), you'll know what a great guy he is. Great videos, a great sense of humour, and great lawn appreciation. So, who better to have on the show than J1mmy! We had the pleasure of running into J1mmy and Flutten in LA (at the Path of Exile 2 Play Test) and are pleased to be …
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睇完最近 LA 啲片後我就開始諗 到底PoE1 插槽相關機制例如色連數量 仲有冇必要保留返原貌呢? **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 唔想睇太多POE2遊戲片段 07:48 輔助角色 10:56 Spirit 14:31 Uncut Skill/support gem 17:55 POE1插槽相關機制 33:26 T17 42…
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It's a normal episode! Back to the basics, but let the good times roll. The past two weeks have been unique with the Path of Exile 2 play test and we'll have some guests for the next couple of weeks, so this was our little hiatus of home and comfort. Skills and supports were the majority of our PoE talk but we took a few minutes to shout out Reddit…
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PoE2 LA 試玩&女巫示範片 吸引唔少PoE1玩家既目光 今集就講下到底我地對呢堆消息有咩感想 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 火炬SS5個名... 06:28 POE2 LA 試玩 12:50 合作模式 17:40 好多合作&配合成份 20:40 無人識用切換武器天賦點 22:36 技能 28:31 輔助設計改變 34…
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Glavin! Talk about nerding out! This week is all about Path of Exile 2! Who cares about 3.24's Necropolis league (is that still going on?)! Now that we have passed the embargo date that GGG set for the PlayTest they invited us to, we just can't stop talking about the differences between Path of Exile 1 & 2! It was a privilege to be invited to the e…
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係6月份呢個 ARPG 淡季 個人病咗所以諗嘅嘢都有啲負面 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 生活近況 07:55 ARPG淡季 09:36 POE1 仲有排 18:19 每季耐左 完成度都係咁 25:02 3.24甲蟲係咪太多 31:39 避開Elden Ring? 35:07 擔心POE1既將來 41:46 Last Ep…
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We had a lot of fun this week! GGG invited us to Los Angeles to play Path of Exile 2! We play-tested all of the new additions that they've added and they were keen to get feedback on it! We had an amazing time both with the event itself and meeting so many members of the community. There's so much info to discuss that we're going to have to split i…
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**資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 500 美金一個Skin 05:32 用NBA對比 09:01 比錢買辛苦 12:38 Ban Ahri 熱潮 14:02 免費遊戲都係靠課長 15:18 30%收入會分比 T1喎... 17:53 每年都有 21:02 借貸買Skin? 23:02 心理戰術 25:47 POE都有差唔多$5…
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GGG blew our minds this week! 3.24's Necropolis didn't get touched this week. GGG posted a video while at a PlayStation conference this week that dramatically impacts Path of Exile play on both PC and Xbox/PlayStation. PoE 2 is changing so much of the core Path of Exile experience for everyone and we can't wait to try it out this coming week in LA!…
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最近直播時有人話玩落Survival Game唔知有乜好玩 所以今集討論一下點解我同Carl都鐘意玩呢種遊戲 唔知你地又點解鐘意/唔鐘意呢種遊戲呢? **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 in 陳生we trust 01:37 玩過邊d生存遊戲 06:40 建造基地/安全點 12:18 危機感 16:57 This War of …
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It's been a glorious week of watching people in our FE community die in our private league. Your deaths give us great joy. So does going CI as soon as possible! If you're not playing for fun, you're playing wrong 😉 . We hope you're having a great week, whether or not you're play Path of Exile's 3.24 Necropolis. Thanks for your listens each week! Yo…
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暗黑4 第4季被人譽為終於正式推出 遊戲系統同一年前絕大部份已經面目全非 雖然好多改善 但係解決唔到根本嘅問題.... 悶 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 D4 終於正式推出 05:19 End Game 09:58 賽季內容缺乏 14:41 打造系統 18:16 地獄浪潮 & Open World 24:15 成長時間太濃…
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Brittleknee is back! It's catch-up time among friends! And as I'm writing this description much later from when we decided the episode, I don't remember anything that we talked about. So hopefully you enjoy episode 241 as much as we did! Because we LOVE our BK episodes! Thanks so much for having us as a part of your weekly routine. You all rock mig…
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Sony & Helldiver 風波都仲未完 Microsoft 同 EA 就已經爭住出風頭 睇下邊間大廠可以對Gamer 同 Dev 更差 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 Sony & Helldiver 2 06:29 影響埋其他PS遊戲 10:44 其實係租Game? 12:23 免責條款&EULA唔係大晒 13:5…
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Apparently 3.24's Necropolis is dead. Who cares! GGG made a big (controversial) splash in the patch notes department this week, and though it wasn't with the purpose of spicing things up, social media sure got spicy in response! There's always lots to catch up on and look forward to with Path of Exile. So, whether you're still playing, or waiting f…
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今次嘗試討論一個被好多遊戲廣泛使用嘅系統 就係主屬 (Attribute) 雖然所有主屬系統都大同小異 不過真係做得好嘅確實唔多 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 主屬背景&簡介 09:12 主屬系統變化 16:26 Fallout 主屬系統 18:03 主屬加點方法 24:27 主屬作為裝備需求 27:34 主屬範圍 30:…
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It's episode 239! And you know what that means? Nothing! It's week 5 of 3.24's Necropolis and players are still going strong with their corpse crafting. Life keeps on ticking away, and it's always good to catch up with friends. Our private league is ready to go and we are all going to hate it 😉. GGG had a slow announcement week this week which give…
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爆咗機但係仲未玩完 官方最近亦都釋出唔少相關未來發展資訊 非常期待佢地後續發展 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 1000+條片 04:27 永無寧日發展 06:49 未推出已經諗DLC? 07:50 現有內容佔好少 10:46 更新5 & 6 14:35 好多內容未整好 19:40 Curcible 系統 22:28 個人玩…
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Realizations, theory-crafting, filters, posts, PoE 2, and IRL dominate episode 238. I know that shounds like a lot of hopping around, but it's all tied together through the perfect rambles of conversation. GGG has been busy with patches, Jonathan is back on the Path of Exile 2 interview train, and we are getting into lawn season! It's like Christma…
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可能係我地好彩無預到效能問題 但係隻遊戲真係比想像中好太多! 不過好還好, 並唔代表完美 而且都有幾多地方需要改善 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 值唔值得買? 04:17 Hotfix前後 09:47 好多人有效能問題 13:20 無得改鍵 18:13 彈Game問題 20:52 難度高 21:45 修裝貴 26:45 唔…
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This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Rory Rackham, Lead Game Designer for GGG! He's had an impact on so many (maybe all?) aspects of Path of Exile and has been a major voice in the development of the game since PoE itself was in diapers; a true cornerstone of the company. In episode 237 we talked about the life of Rory, what led him to GGG…
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今季好壞各半 但係好多更新都令到我地感覺 今季比往時更似測服 同時我地都認為有野值得入核心 但係諗唔到可以點樣加入核心先會仲有佢嘅價值 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 強制機制=強制學怪物能力 07:22 墓場 10:48 遊戲性改動 14:08 GGG預見唔都好多影響 17:58 普通玩家未必跟到改變 18:48 玩家要與…
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The .1 patch is out! You know a league is set once the .1 patch gets released. GGG changed up some pretty big details in Path of Exile with it too! We're still having a great time playing Necropolis while trying out a whole bunch of different Atlas ideas, crafting strategies,'s all a PoE lovers dream. Hopefully you're enjoying the time…
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由提出玩Private League (PL) 到實行 一路都有人問 "點解玩私服? 有咩唔同?" 今集請到3位玩私服上黎分享下 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 點解會加入私服玩 11:33 3.24機制感想 17:10 對3.24機制不滿 21:55 其實3.24不滿 25:46 章節改變有乜影響 28:21 PL理想與現…
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Now that we each have a full week of 3.24's Necropolis under our belt, we couldn't stop talking! GGG had a crazy last couple weeks of posts, PoE 2 updates, and bug fixes...but in episode 235, we couldn't help ignoring all that and instead just talked about the league, our builds, and how both halves of Necropolis have helped (or not) our playthroug…
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又到整裝賽季啦! 唔靠第3方網站, 又唔想聽咁多訪談? 傻啦 根本冇可能! **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 魔影墓場感想 11:30 延遲獎勵 15:22 墓場整裝簡介 19:48 必須要第三方先玩到 24:19 整裝機製OP但係難明 29:18 難以理解係唔係GGG整裝忠宗旨? 36:03 好似想改善新手體驗 40:52 …
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It's 3.24 Necropolis' league launch day! Hazaa! Hooray! GGG had big ambitions for this league and we were both very excited to get our hands on it and see how it turned out. We had the opportunity to try out some of the new gems and quality of life features that were added to Path of Exile and couldn't wait to share our experiences with each other.…
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需然有甲蟲, 天賦, 紋身等等好多改動不過都係翻新唔係我希望既全新內容Chester甚至頹到連玩嘅意欲都冇埋Bingo 結果: Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 POE2部份好失望 10:09 估唔到冇呢啲 14:30 今季Crafting 好奇怪 20:50 3.24係拖時間定設計得差? 25:21 整裝機…
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That's it! It's here! 3.24's Necropolis has been fully revealed! The patch notes are out, Json data is out, and the Q&A has been fully dissected. GGG has done it again! The league looks amazing, the core of Path of Exile looks amazing, and the Quality of Life looks amazing. We can't wait to play and see what the QoL feels like when we're in the gro…
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今次牙膏好似有心唔講細節 亦都有種交左差嘅感覺 唔知你地又認唔認同呢 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 眾神殿QoL Update 07:56 有片都交代得唔清楚 10:00 一鍵放入 15:35 官方連點 20:40 裂痕行過就開手 28:37 多個大師同時出現 31:08 密教獎勵物品化 38:31 三抗藥改動 44:10…
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In episode 232 of Forever Exiled, GGG gave us a ton to talk about! 3.23 Affliction is almost gone for good (& what a great league it was), 3.24 Necropolis looks to be the QoL league of a lifetime, Path of Exile crafting is changing up a bit, and of course where would we be without a few theories and hypotheses. Thanks for tuning in each week! We lo…
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3.24 將會叫Necropolis 有名就自然可以開始估 到底邊個最有可能估中呢? BINGO: **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 最近POE消息 02:38 3.24 預告後預測 04:10 Abyss 重製? 07:29 End Game 大改可能性好低 0…
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It's episode 231 and what perfect timing it was! BrittleKnee joins us on what might be GGG's slowest week ever. There's nothing like catching up with friends and we were excited to catch up with BK on how 3.23's Affliction went, along with Brittleknee's thoughts on Last Epoch, Diablo, and the near future of Path of Exile. As always, thank you very …
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今年內突然又殺出多一隻ARPG 4月中有搶先體驗 錄完擅發覺講錯Zelda遊戲 應該係扮演Link **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 LE 勝在有離線模式 07:10 PoE機制理念同做緊既係兩樣野 11:55 LE 熱情還在 13:02 CoF 中期吸引力好大 19:25 LE 金錢無用 23:13 令LE 金錢有用d 24…
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It's episode 230 (not 330) and we have a nice long chat for you this week! Justin played a ton of Last Epoch this week and Tyler posted some minion suggestions...surprise! The subjects carried us way longer than we originally planned but we loved every second of it. In Path of Exile Land, GGG's 3.23 is still ticking away and our Forever Exiled Affl…
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本身諗住15萬人 點知超過PoE Steam記錄 甚至直迫國際版整體記錄 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 首周體驗 09:20 首周實績 11:52 易入手真係好緊要 13:12 Bugs 17:40 Manson 拓荒炒車 23:50 Resonance 26:15 MG 行共產... 31:47 CoF 44:02 節奏…
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Our 3.23 Affliction Forever Exiled private league has one more day left in it, but we've both finished our last attempts at climbing the ladder. GGG had a slow week in Path of Exile land so we were able to go all-in on all of the joys and excuses of our hardcore experiences. Hopefully you all had a great Path of Exile week, whether you joined the i…
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個個都讚Last Epoch 我地先由最壞打算講起 到底估唔估中呢? 打臉記得要細啲! **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 Last Epoch 推出最壞預測 03:34 POE 又延遲 06:51 Last Epoch Twitch Drop 07:22 終於清完 Backlog 09:52 LE: Healing Hands…
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In episode 228 we fail at rushing our conversation 🙂 . We're excited for our private league (that started "10 minutes ago"), but the conversations about Path of Exile 2 and the subjects GGG gave us this week just couldn't be resisted. But NOW we're off to play our 3.23 Affliction PL! So have a great week and thanks for listening! We hope you die lo…
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成日都提起Last Epoch 原來佢同POE呢個龍頭比 都有好多唔輸蝕既地放 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:10 終於玩完 3.23 POE 06:34 推出時間 06:58 收費模式 07:44 倉庫大小 10:34 一鍵存放素材 13:03 過濾器 16:24 近戰打擊感 23:16 技能變化好大 27:55 重置天賦 3…
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It's episode 227! Which means it's a great time to talk about Death(s). Lots of them. Ziz's private league, our private league, normal league, everywhere a league league...whether you're playing Path of Exile 1 or thinking of Path of Exile 2, hopefully you're dying (or will die) lots. GGG is hard at work on both games and we're excited to see what …
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好多人期待好耐嘅交易所未必只有好處 今集一齊探討會有乜影響 同埋點解個設計會係咁樣 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 TFT本意雖好 08:20 GGG忽視先係個問題 11:39 工具本無善惡 17:32 TFT權力係大家賦予 23:30 Johnanthan Roger vs Chris Wilson 30:23 點解唔係P…
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A slow week in Path of Exile Land news triggered a non-stop conversation in Episode 226. GGG had another Path of Exile 2 interview this week along with some community posts...and even a patch! Things are looking smoove in PoE Land/3.23 Affliction and the talk just keeps on flowing. Thanks for making time for us each week! You're all fantastic. Fore…
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細個睇小智 一路都渴望可以係遊戲內 有隻精靈(帕魯)陪伴出去冒險 到最後竟然係由其他遊戲圓夢 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 幻獸帕魯 05:17 任天堂法律部 09:02 Pokemon 受眾仲係小朋友咩? 12:12 數碼暴龍 13:57 5個塔 16:15 神獸 19:23 隻Game好多Bug 23:25 交配神寵 …
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Another great week of Path of Exile down the drain as we keep on keeping on. Episode 225 got us sidetracked from a slow week by GGG to the busy weeks we had in 3.23 Affliction. Path of Exile has been treating us so good, that the game can't handle it! If you're still playing PoE, we hope you're having a good time! Thanks, as always, for pulling up …
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D4過咗3季後 依然用Baby step 做改動 不但無驚訝仲毫無期待 另一邊廂 POE季季都有嘅花生今季繼續黎料 **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 忙碌一周 05:35 D4: 第3季前PN感想 09:43 D4: 點解唔季中先玩? 13:29 D4: 完全唔係"Mostly Buff " 17:52 D4: 更新似交功課 …
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Iiiiit's episode 224! Do you know what that means? We don't either but it's amazing to be playing 3.23's Affliction for so long! GGG came out with their .1 patch and we all just keep plugging away at what might be Path of Exile's most popular league of all time. If a mirror dropped for you, or if you had endless resources, what would you do with it…
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所有ARPG都係顧是但一邊 或者將佢地分開 只有Last Epoch先嘗試兩者兼顧! Time Stamp: 00:00 因為POE 已經改變左對 MTX要求 06:28 贈送系統問題 10:59 交易系統&伸延問題 19:16 問卷調查好重要 25:18 兩個派系 27:45 呢忽係我完全誤解左.... 29:04 進度要有方法可以跳過但唔可以太易 33:17 轉派系 35:47 遊戲會被參考 36:55 唔一定要搵解決方法 40:22 交易公會階級簡介 40:47 占卜派系Favor 用途 43:00 階級對比 Rank 1 49:27 階級對比 Rank 2 51:06 階級對比 Rank 3 53:55 階級對比 Rank 4 58:34 階級對比 Rank 5 01:06:14 階…
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It's episode 223 and it's the season for...staying healthy and gaming lots. GGG had a slow Path of Exile this week but are still coming out with patches and posts. Retention for 3.23's Affliction has been amazing and those numbers include us! Whether it's theory-crafting, implementing Magic Find, figuring out co-op...and with the Wildwood being as …
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今集Manson想分享玩左3季 又想送塊鏡比老友 佢亦都詳細分享劫盜心德 呢集亦都有其他搵錢方向 Deep Delve Guide: **資源有限不能夠製作字幕, 多謝支持** Youtube加入會員: Spotify訂閱Midnight食堂: Time Stamp: 00:00 一開始玩 06:27 搵錢既目標 15:05 用咩方法賺到鏡? 17:2…
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