Welcome to "Pancakes House", a weekly Pop-Culture focused show encompassing entertainment across all mediums. Film, television, gaming, art & collectibles. Rediscovering cult favorites to reviewing the current while checking out the latest limited edition collectibles and pop artists.
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Pancakes House - Episode 5 - The Darth Jar Jar Theory & The Christmas Die Hard Debate
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17:21On this episode of Pancakes House I'll take a look at the theory that popped up on Reddit about Jar Jar Binks and why he might not be as silly as we were all led to believe in The Phantom Menace.Additionally, let's finally lay to rest the entire "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" debate. Spoiler alert: It is.Video episode coming soon.Don't forget to …
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I don't know how they got all that podcasting equipment into the city, but they've finally done it. I've edited the original to make a better idea of what you'll be getting.Door Danny Ross
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On this Pancakes House "Nosh" I'll take a look at this past Sunday's Westworld episode and try and see where this season might be headed.For more check out my YouTube page at YouTube.com/PancakesHouseOn Patreon at Patreon.com/PancakesHouseOn Twitter @ToPancakesHouse..and you also find the Pancakes House at pancakeshouse.bigcartel.com…
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Pancakes House - Episode 4 - Rob Liefeld, Deadpool & The MCU, John Carpenter's Christine
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22:21On the Pancakes House menu tonight is the art of Image Comics founder and Deadpool's Dad, Rob Liefeld. Who' is Deathstroke anyway? Also, are the MCU films actually any good? And finally, a look back at the 1983 John Carpenter / Stephen King masterwork Christine, about a nerd and his classic, murdering 1958 Plymouth Fury.You can find audio versions …
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Pancakes House Episode 3 - The Terminator & Harlan Ellison - Billy Mitchell & Twin Galaxies
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24:06In this edition of Pancakes House I'll take a look at The Terminator and James Cameron's inspiration for the 1984 Sci-Fi classic along with where the franchise could possibly be heading. Also, a King of Kong update as Guinness strips Billy Mitchell of all his world records.Door Danny Ross
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Pancakes House - Episode 2 - They Live - Y: The Last Man - The Max Headroom Incident - A Quiet Place
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21:00This week on Pancakes House episode two, I'll take a look at the ever relevant John Carpenter classic "They Live", also what's become notoriously known as the "Max Headroom Incident", great news for legendary graphic novel "Y: The Last Man", and finally John Krasinski's "A Quiet Place".Pancakes House is hosted by Danny Ross…
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Pancakes House - Episode 1 - The Walking Dead - Hateful 8 Vs. The Thing - Annihilation
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34:59Welcome to "Pancakes House", a weekly Pop-Culture focused show encompassing entertainment across all mediums. Film, television, gaming, art & collectibles. Rediscovering cult favorites to reviewing the current while checking out the latest limited edition collectibles and pop artists.On this FIRST episode we'll take a 3am drunken phone call from Op…
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