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Tobias Prinz

Du verspürst den Drang nach Bewegung. Du liebst guten Espresso? Dann bist du beim PACEPRESO genau richtig. Unser Motto: STARKE BOHNE. SCHNELLE BEINE. Bei uns kommen Hobby- und Profiathleten aus dem Ausdauersport zu Wort. Mehr von PACEPRESSO findest du auf Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Strava und überall wo es Podcasts gibt. #pacepresso #starkebohne #schnellebeine
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There are lots of voices in the coaching world. Few are as trusted as the Pacey Performance Podcast. Rob Pacey and his guests share the philosophies, ideas and insights in conversations that are the signal in the noise of the sport performance space.
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Discover the insider secrets of real estate investing and unlock your path to financial freedom with the Get Creative Podcast with Pace Morby. Join Pace and industry experts as they share invaluable tips, creative finance strategies, and success stories to help you thrive in the competitive world of real estate investing. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, our podcast provides actionable insights to accelerate your journey towards wealth and independence. Tune in now an ...
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W "RACE PACE - podcasty o bieganiu" wspólnie poszerzamy sportowe horyzonty, aby biegać bardziej świadomie. Audycja to rzetelne informacje od wyselekcjonowanych specjalistów. Jeżeli takie wartości są Ci bliskie - wesprzyj podcast w dalszym rozwoju. ★ ★ ★KONTAKT: [email protected] ★WWW: ★FB: ★IG:
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The Pre PACES Podcast

Sam Williams

The Pre PACES Podcast aims to help you pass the devilishly difficult MRCP PACEs exam. We’ll provide the best expertise from both seasoned consultants who have examined on PACEs for years, as well as tips and tricks from junior doctors who are fresh out of sitting the exam. Most of all, we want you to enjoy listening and ultimately succeed in passing the exam. Best of luck! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pacers Sound

Pacers Sound

The official audio hub for all your Indiana Pacers news, stories, talk, and more. Home of "The Sideline Guys Podcast" with Pat Boylan and Jeremiah Johnson.
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PACE – der Ausdauerpodcast

Marvin Neumann, Torben Müller

„PACE – der Ausdauerpodcast“ stellt die Erfolgs-, Leidens- und Sportgeschichten von Läufern und Triathleten in den Vordergrund. Bei welchem Training oder Wettkampf ist man richtig über sich hinausgewachsen, welche Trainingseinheit geht richtig auf den Keks und wo flossen Tränen (vor Trauer und Freude)? Vom Anfänger bis Spitzensportler. Wir (Torben & Marvin) heißen Ausdauersportler:innen aus der Lauf- und Triathlonszene bei uns willkommen. Euch erwarten also zahlreiche Interviews, Wissenswert ...
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PACE Hospitals Podcast

PACE Hospitals

PACE Hospitals is a multi-super specialty hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana, India; it demonstrates medical excellence to its patients. Our team of experienced, specialized, multidisciplinary doctors and surgeons is committed to providing quality medical care. Welcome to "PACE Hospitals Podcast," the podcast where we delve into the heart of healthcare excellence with PACE Hospitals. This podcast is all about making healthy living easy and accessible, brought to you by the experts at PACE Hosp ...
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Locked On Pacers - Daily Podcast On The Indiana Pacers

Locked On Podcast Network, Tony East

Locked On Pacers podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Indiana Pacers and the NBA. Host Tony East, a Pacer reporter for Forbes, provides your daily Pacers fix with expert, local analysis, and coverage of all aspects of the Pacers franchise. Locked On Pacers takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Pacers locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On ...
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power & pace | Triathlon-Training by

Jule Bartsch, Anna, Bruder, Frank Wechsel, Björn Geesmann

power & pace ist das moderne Trainingskonzept von In den Kategorien MOVER, ALLROUNDER, CHAMPION, FINISHER und QUALIFIER trainieren viele Triathleten nach den Plänen von Coach Björn Geesmann auf ihre ganz persönlichen Ziele. Dieser Podcast bringt den Sportlerinnen und Sportlern die Trainingsphilosophie und deren wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen näher. Denn power & pace ist weitaus mehr als nur ein Trainingsprogramm: Rund um die Workouts hat sich eine große Community gebildet. Bei pow ...
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For those who are weary of trying harder and working longer, always leveling up and then doubling down, digging in and then tapping out, this is your set-aside space where we’re learning to live and work at the pace of grace. With practical tools and simple steps, The Pace of Grace is here to help you make the most important part of your life, permeate all of your life. Your host is Kim Avery, a counselor, coach, spiritual director, and the author of The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur: 31 Days ...
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Pace Project

Marte Gleditsch & Linnéa Öberg

Velkommen til Pace Project, en podcast med Marte Gleditsch og Linnéa Öberg. (This is the Norwegian version, search for ‘Pace Project English version’ for English) Følg jakten på toppformen inn mot midten av trettiårene. Vi lurer på om kvinnelige mosjonister bare bedre med alderen, eller om vi allerede har peaket? I Pace Project følger du vår ukentlige trening på vei mot flere hårete treningsmål, i tillegg skal vi diskutere alt som kan gi oss den optimale pacen både på trening og i livet. Føl ...
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In De Pacer bespreken loopliefhebbers Pim Bijl en Eric Brommert de bijzondere wereld van het hardlopen. Ze interviewen interessante gasten, spelen in op de actualiteit en volgen ondertussen de speciale voorbereiding van Pim op weg naar nieuwe doelen. Eerder was te horen hoe zijn route verliep naar een gedroomde eindtijd van 2.28.12 bij de Marathon Rotterdam op 24 oktober in 2021. Hij wordt begeleid en gecoacht door twee toppers: Michel Butter en Guido Hartensveld. Butter (de nummer 6 van de ...
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Pace on Earth podcast

Ellen och Johnny – ultralöpare

Ultralöpning på svenska! Vår podcast tar avstamp i ultralöpning men handlar om så mycket mer. Vi grottar vi ner oss i vad som krävs för utveckling och förändring, hur man gör för att gå utanför sin komfortzon och utmana sig själv. Och så pratar vi löpning, alternativträning, kost, meditation, uthållighetssporter och allt som hör därtill. Pace on Earth Podcast drivs av Ellen Westfelt och Johnny Hällneby.
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Pace Yourself

Amanda Pace

My name is Amanda Pace. The message behind PACE is Pursue, Attract, Create, and Elevate. I hope to have conversations that inspire and empower others to connect with their true authentic self. My goal is to empower each and everyone of you to find your inner confidence that you were born with and only compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Pace yourself, life is a journey not a race.
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Hi my name is Jared. I love stories and I love running. This podcast combines both. Join me as I talk to amazing and inspiring runners about the struggles and ultimately the triumphs that running has brought them. Support this podcast:
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Welcome to Conversational Pace, the podcast that dives deep into the world of endurance athletics and uncovers the extraordinary within the everyday. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner, a weekend cyclist, or someone looking to tackle the challenges of daily life, this show is for you. We believe endurance isn’t just about crossing the finish line or reaching a personal best. It’s a state of mind—a way of approaching life with resilience, determination, and the courage to keep moving forwar ...
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A series highlighting Pace University athletes and their stories. Hosted by Nick Diaz, an intern with the Booth Review sports media initiative in the Department of Media, Communications, and Visual Arts.
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Voci di Pace


Il podcast Voci di Pace è uno strumento di comunicazione della Universal Peace Federation Italia volto a diffondere messaggi di pace, cooperazione internazionale, dialogo interreligioso e promozione dei valori umani universali. Attraverso interviste, dibattiti e testimonianze, si esplorano temi legati alla costruzione della pace, all’armonia sociale e alla comprensione reciproca tra culture e religioni, con l’obiettivo di ispirare azioni positive a livello locale e globale.
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show series
Chris was in Healthcare for 14 years and joined SubTo 3 years ago. He has had the desire to do more and start his own business with his wife. He had grown up around renovation and construction so he decided to start a side work venture into flipping. His very first creative deal was a 50 unit deal on seller finance and he eventually joined Top Tier…
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Ein Überblick über alte und neue Wettkampfregularien, die für dich relevant sind. In dieser Folge des power & pace Podcasts erklärt Jan Philip Krawczyk, welche Regularien für Triathletinnen und Triathleten relevant sind und welche Neuerungen das kürzlich veröffentlichte Regelwerk aufweist. Vom Check-In bis zur Ziellinie und darüber hinaus erfahrt i…
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Hypertension, or High blood pressure, is a condition in which the force exerted by blood opposing arterial walls remains excessive. It often develops without symptoms, but it raises the probability of heart disease, stroke, and kidney issues. Causes such as stress, an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and hereditary traits play a role in its dev…
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Today, Alex Golden and Mike Facci are joined by Bob Kravitz of to discuss Myles Turner's upcoming free agency, the future of Turner being the biggest domino to fall this summer, whether Indy should bring Myles back in the offseason, Siakam's all-star season, being so reliable and what his ceiling is, Thomas Bryant's midseason additio…
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Have you ever felt like you're so focused on your tasks, your plans, and your to-do list that you might be missing something important—something right in front of you? It’s easy to get caught up in the urgent and overlook the extraordinary ways God is moving in our daily lives. But what if we could train our hearts to see Him more clearly? In this …
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I episode #8 av Chasing Barcelona er det bare to uker til Barcelona Maraton! Begge to har vært litt slitne uka som var, av litt ulike grunner. Marte har hatt sin siste store mengdeuke. Uka har inneholdt både 4x5km og 36km langtur - noe som setter sine spor. Fra nå av jaktes overskudd inn mot løpet. Linnéa på sin side har gjenoppstått fra influensa,…
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Kohlenhydrate, Wettkampfernährung und Bicarbonat. Worauf kommt es vor allem beim Thema Ernährung während des Trainings und im Wettkampf genau an? Wir sprechen in dieser Folge mit Nutrition-Experte Robert Gorgos über seine Arbeit, seine Tipps und was er über Rote Beete sagt. ⁠MNSTRY PROBIERBOX 50% Rabatt mit dem Code: ⁠PACE50 (Werbung) + Robert's Bl…
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Rozmowa powstała dzięki społeczności wspierającej nas na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Patronite⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠❤️ 2:08:42 Adama Nowickiego z niedzielnego biegu w Sevilli to najlepszy czas polskiego maratończyka od 2012 roku kiedy to Henryk Szost uzyskał 2:07:39 - aktualny rekord Polski. Dowiedzmy się u źródła jak to wyglądało. Co się udało, a co jeszcze można p…
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Does the US distinguish between those who enter the country illegally vs. those who enter legally but overstay their visa? What if you are married to a US citizen, can you adjust your status while in the US and not have to leave the country? Immigration lawyer Michael O'Rourke has the answers. 0:00: Illegal entry vs. Overstay 2:45: Entered the coun…
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Vad har skidskyttar och ultralöpare gemensamt? En hel del, visar det sig. I dagens avsnitt pratar vi med Tord Wiksten, OS-medaljör i skidskytte och officiell Vasaloppscoach, om likheter och skillnader mellan skidlöpning och vanlig löpning. Vad har han lärt sig om effektiv rörelseekonomi? Hur borde längdåkare egentligen träna – jämfört med hur han s…
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What if the key to success isn’t talent or luck—but how you learn? In this episode, we dive deep into the 4 Stages of Learning and how understanding them can transform the way you train, work, and grow in every aspect of life. I’ll take you back to a defining moment at a swim camp—when a simple video analysis shattered my perception of my skills an…
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The Indiana Pacers and Atlanta Hawks both recently reached the Eastern Conference Finals faster than many thought. What can the Pacers learn from the Hawks errors after reaching that summit? Host Tony East is joined by Locked On Hawks host Brad Rowland to break it down and preview the upcoming two-game set between the teams. Your favorite podcast n…
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Heute nehme ich euch mit aufs Rennrad! Mein Gast ist Tobias Müller, ein aufstrebendes Talent aus Hagen, der seinen ersten Vertrag bei einem Development Team unterschrieben hat. 🎉 Was genau ein Devo-Team ist, warum er lieber draußen als auf der Rolle fährt und wo man in Hagen richtig geil Rennrad fahren kann – all das erfahrt ihr in dieser Folge!📌 T…
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Pace Morby talks with Darryl Jones to hear how he closed a 16-unit multifamily real estate deal with the Morby Method, built a winning mindset, and scaled his current deals. He's paying it forward by helping others achieve their first wins in real estate through the Morby Method. This episode promises insights & inspiration! ➡️ Get in the room wher…
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In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Kyle Sammons shares his journey from being a college athlete to becoming a sports science coordinator with the Arizona Cardinals. He discusses his experiences in sports technology and how they shaped his approach to athlete rehabilitation and performance enhancement. Central to the conversation is t…
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The Indiana Pacers fell behind in the fourth quarter, then dominated to close out the Houston Rockets. How did they do it? Why was Tyrese Haliburton so good again? Host Tony East breaks it all down. Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team and league coverage delivered right to your in box. Sign up for free now, at …
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On today's show, Alex Golden and Mike Facci recap the Pacers 115-102 victory over the Houston Rockets. The guys key in on how impactful the team was defensively in the 4th quarter, Myles Turner's rim protection in the clutch, Haliburton's spectacular offensive showing, Aaron Nesmith and Andrew Nembhard providing solid play, Jarace Walker getting in…
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On this edition of The Sideline Guys Powered by Gainbridge, Pat Boylan and Jeremiah Johnson dive into Tyrese Haliburton's brilliant since returning from All-Star break. The duo will also evaluate Myles Turner's increasing value to Indiana, and take a look at how the playoff picture is shaping up in early March.Minute Markers:0:30 - 5-2 Start Out of…
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In this episode of the Locked On NBA Squad Show East, hosts debate the merits of LaMelo Ball versus Trae Young as franchise players. They discuss the potential availability of Ball on the trade market and analyze his impact on the Charlotte Hornets. The panel also creates Oscar-inspired NBA awards, including best lead player and best special effect…
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John was an architect in training until ran out of money, joined Army and still there, financially knew he needed to do more. He owned one house and wanted to buy another and started looking into Real Estate investing, invested conventionally for a bit and was tapped out at banks, then found Pace on Bigger Pockets and joined SubTo and started creat…
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In this episode, we sit down with Peter Hans Hirschboeck, founder and managing director of impactECI, to explore the rapidly evolving world of data centers and energy infrastructure. With a background in electrical engineering and years of experience leading energy projects at AWS, Peter shares invaluable insights on how the demand for AI computing…
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The Indiana Pacers had a mediocre January. Are they playing worse, and why? Plus, should Jarace Walker be playing more? And why is Tyrese Haliburton hoopin'? Host Tony East is joined by Kami from iPacersblog to break it down. Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team and league coverage delivered right to your in box…
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On today's episode of Setting The Pace, Alex Golden and Mike Facci open the show discussing the Rockets sitting out a handful of players on Monday vs OKC and what that means for Indiana on Tuesday, with half of their starters not in the rotation. Then, Kevin Bowen joins the show to discuss Jarace Walker playing in the G-League on Monday with the Ma…
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The Indiana Pacers bounced back for a win against the Chicago Bulls on Sunday, and they made several key adjustments to get it done. What were they? And why did Aaron Nesmith have a career high? Host Tony East breaks it all down. Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team and league coverage delivered right to your in…
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On today's show, Facci is joined by Derek Schultz of Query & Schultz and the Indianapolis Business Journal to discuss Indiana's 127-112 victory over the Chicago Bulls. The guys highlight the return of the point god, Tyrese Haliburton. Aaron Nesmith's career night in points, Indiana's defense tightening up, Indiana signing Tony Bradley to a 10 day c…
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Dr Sharareh Vahabi, consultant cardiologist with specialist interest in cardiac imaging, joins Sam to discuss infective endocarditis. Something often seen on the wards and absolutely fair game to come up in PACES too! We talk through the pertinent risk factors in these patients, the importance of blood cultures and all the pertinent management tips…
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The Indiana Pacers were on fire from deep. Pascal Siakam scored 36 points and looked incredible. Yet the Pacers lost to the Miami Heat. How? What went wrong? Host Tony East breaks it all down. Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team and league coverage delivered right to your in box. Sign up for free now, at locked…
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On this episode of the Fieldhouse Files podcast, I’ll wrap up an eventful February for the Pacers, discuss how it went coming off a successful January, a quiet trade deadline, my thoughts on the All-Star game, and on a handful of players. Then, I’ll wrap-up with a return of shout-outs. Among the items discussed on this episode: 01:00: Pascal Siakam…
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On today's episode of Setting the Pace, Alex goes solo to recap the Pacers 125-120 loss to the Miami Heat. Pascal Siakam was sensational with 36 points. Myles Turner and Tyrese Haliburton also played solid games, Andrew Nembhard looked much better than he had in the previous 4 games and the Pacers fell short thanks to some rough stretches in the 2n…
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The stretch run is here for the Indiana Pacers. What do they need to show in the final month of the season? Host Tony East is joined by the Miller Time Podcast's Dave Searle to break it down. Plus, why is Tyrese Haliburton playing so well? And why isn't Jarace Walker playing? Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team…
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Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs. Special Guests: Nikol Prieto - Outreach and Education Lead - INDATA Project Belva Smith - Sensory Team Lead - Clinical AT Justin Amber - Assistive Technology Technician - Clin…
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Alex Golden and Mike Facci are back to discuss the Pacers recent play during their four game homestand post All-Star break. The guys dive into what trends are good for certain players, what trends are bad for certain players, how the team has played, what they've done well as a team, what they haven't done well as a team and what to watch moving fo…
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Justin was a nurse for 14 years & retired this past December to go full-time real estate as he knew he wanted to do more financially. Justin's business partner, Eric, was in grad school and became a bio med engineer, married a woman from Brazil and had twins one of which has serious health issues, went into real estate investing with buying/renting…
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Was führt zu Sportverletzungen und wie könnt ihr mit diesen umgehen? Wie entstehen Sportverletzungen? Welche Arten von Sportverletzungen gibt es und wie könnt ihr diese in den Griff bekommen? Neben diesen Fragen besprechen Physiotherapeut Jan Frieling und Teammanagerin Lea Rosenberg außerdem, wie ihr die richtige Physiotherapeutin bzw. den richtige…
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The Indiana Pacers outlasted the Toronto Raptors on Wednesday night behind a huge Tyrese Haliburton game. How did he carry them to a win? What did Myles Turner do well, and how did Indiana's defense step up? Host Tony East breaks it all down. Your favorite podcast now has a newsletter! In One-stop for ultimate team and league coverage delivered rig…
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Gestational diabetes is a condition classified by elevated blood sugar levels that grow during pregnancy and typically resolve after childbirth. It originates when the body cannot produce enough insulin to match the elevated demands of pregnancy, leading to insulin resistance. GDM often presents without noticeable symptoms but can lead to complicat…
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Tonight it was all about TYRESE HALIBURTON! The Point God rose to the occasion early on in the 1st quarter, and the Pacers followed after their leader to win in convincing fashion against Toronto. Mike Facci is joined by Mark Montieth to dive into the Pacers win, the play of Tyrese and Myles, defense leading to offense, the impact of not having TJ …
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In this conversation, Chris Chase, Director of Performance at the Memphis Grizzlies, discusses the significance of deceleration in athletic performance, particularly in basketball. He emphasizes the need for strength coaches to adapt to technological advancements and the importance of understanding multi-directional speed. The conversation also tou…
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