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Aktuell und hintergründig blicken wir mit Expertinnen und Experten in unserem ZDF-Podcast auf Nachrichten rund um Militärpolitik, Verteidigungsstrategien und globale Machtverhältnisse. Wir setzen aktuelle Ereignisse wie den Krieg in der Ukraine oder in Nahost in den Kontext und analysieren militärische Konflikte tiefgründig. Wird Waldimir Putin weiter eskalieren - auch gegenüber der NATO? Wie reagieren EU und USA auf die Aggressionen aus Russland? Jede Episode bietet detaillierte Einblicke i ...
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„Stets bereit“ ist ein militär- und sicherheitspolitischer Podcast von und mit Generalmajor i. R. Herbert Bauer. Ziel des Podcasts ist es, wehr- und sicherheitspolitische Themen allgemein verständlich zu erläutern und einer interessierten Zuhörerschaft wehrpolitisches Hintergrund- und Basiswissen bereitzustellen.
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Inside Military Business

WIMCOM - Consulting & Management in Military Business

Inside Military Business ist der Podcast der WIMCOM - der größten deutschen Unternehmensberatung, die ausschließlich im Military Business berät und unterstützt. Die WIMCOM ist der Spezialist für Geschäftsanbahnungen im Military Business für kleine bis große Unternehmen aus NATO/EU-Staaten, die ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen in diesem Markt (Domain B2M – Business to Military) anbieten möchten.
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Historiska Media | Acast

Militärhistoriepodden är podden om krig med människorna och samhällen i fokus. Det finns få ämnen som påverkar mänskligheten i lika hög utsträckning som den militärahistorien. Krig och konflikter berör samhället på alla nivåer – länder och städer drabbas, familjer splittras, söner eller fäder försvinner. Därför startar vi Militärhistoriepodden tillsammans med två djupt kunniga och engagerade personer. Martin Hårdstedt är professor i historia med breda kunskaper i ämnet, Peter Bennesved är id ...
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For more than 40 years bestselling author and historian Peter Hart has interviewed thousands of veterans about their experience of war. Join him and his chum Gary Bain as they explore all aspects of military history, from the ancient world to the Second World War. Pete and Gary don't just tell the history, they bring it to life with the words of the men and women who were there! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See ...
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Helping active duty, guard, reserves, and military spouses make a successful career transition into the world of financial planning. Welcome to the Military to Financial Planner podcast with your host, Daniel Kopp. Join him as he shares his unique perspectives and career transition advice, help you leverage your military experience, be intentional about each step of your career journey, and ultimately build the post-military life and career that you want.
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Após duas décadas de atuação via internet, agora a equipe do Clube dos Generais conta também com a produção de podcasts para trazer à discussão tópicos interessantes, curiosos e relevantes sobre História Militar. Se você é daqueles que gostaria de ter um blindado em casa, parabéns! O Clube dos Generais é o seu lugar! O Clube dos Generais é um participante do Programa Associados da Link Geral: Twitter: @ClubeGenerais YouTube: ...
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The Military Money Manual Podcast

Spencer Reese from

Military Money Manual Podcast is all about financial freedom while you serve in the US military. Learn more about military travel hacking and credit card annual fee waivers exclusively for active duty, Guard, Reserve, and military spouses in the Ultimate Military Credit Cards Course at Find Spencer's book, The Military Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Financial Freedom on Amazon or Credit cards, travel hacking, investing in the TSP, ...
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Military Miler

Military Travel Rewards

Helping military members and families travel the world for free using points and miles! From annual fee waivers on premium credit cards to free nights and free flights, Tusi talks about all the tips, tricks, and best kept secrets in credit card rewards. Learn how you and your family can travel more often and more comfortably thanks to points and miles—and save thousands of dollars! This show is brought to you by, the #1 site for credit card rewards exclusively f ...
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Welcome to ChapsWife, a podcast for Christian military wives who are seeking to grow in their faith while navigating the unique challenges of military life. Hosted by Sabrina Gilliam, a chaplain’s wife and biblical counselor, this show provides biblical encouragement, practical insights, and spiritual support for military wives. Whether you’re adjusting to a new posting, managing the demands of military life, or seeking a deeper connection with God, ChapsWife offers the tools you need to thr ...
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Welcome to The Scuttlebutt, a weekly pre-recorded program presented by The Veterans Breakfast Club. “Scuttlebutt” is a military term (specifically Navy) for talk or gossip around the watercooler below decks. And this is what our program is all about: we have informed conversations about the military experience, past and present. We want to bridge the divide between those who serve and those who don’t. We look at headlines, we tackle important topics, and we ask questions. Join us on this jou ...
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Military Birth Talk

Military Birth Resource Network and Postpartum Coalition

Military Birth Talk features birth stories from service members, spouses, veterans, and providers, all told through the unique lens of birthing in the military. Birth is a profound, unforgettable experience leaving a lifelong imprint on our hearts. For military families and service members, giving birth and parenting in our community presents its own unique, challenging, and empowering realities--giving birth alone or in a foreign country, navigating Tricare during miscarriage or infertility ...
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Join The Military Sherpa, Mark Tilsher, on a leadership journey unlike any other. With years of military experience and top-notch leadership tools, Mark delivers practical and innovative strategies to help you lead your team to new heights. Discover how to cultivate a high-performing culture with episodes focused on personal growth, team building, and leadership development. From the battlefield to the boardroom, Mark's unique perspective will help you unlock the full potential of your team ...
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Mentors for Military Podcast

aka Mentors4Mil

Imagine a bunch of veterans sitting around a living room with their favorite adult beverage and someone brings up a topic that takes the conversation down a rabbit hole. That's our show. Grab a chair and your favorite beverage and join in on an awesome topic. Our hosts are military veterans and our guests are real people with a message to share. Real Talk. Real People. (aka Mentors4Mil)
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New podcast With Colonel AC. Oguntoye on the progress of the special military operation as of today, Inside the Special Military Operation presents Frontline Updates, delivering inside perspectives on the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our mission is to keep viewers informed and engaged by offering news updates, expert interviews, and historical context. Colonel AC Oguntoye, an Infantry Officer responsible for leading Infantry Soldiers at all levels of command and combined armed forces leads the ch ...
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This portable podcast is hosted and edited by Gavin Watson, a British Army veteran of 16 years. He talks to other military veterans, allowing them to share their stories and experiences from before, during and after service. This podcast will give non-military personnel the chance to gain a better understanding of military life and gain an insight into what the transition back to civilian life can be like. These strong individuals may inspire, after dealing with diversity, resilience and pos ...
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Catholic Military Life

Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

CATHOLIC MILITARY LIFE is a podcast of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). The AMS was established as an independent archdiocese by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1985 as the only Catholic jurisdiction responsible for endorsing and granting faculties for priests to serve as chaplains in the U.S. military and VA Medical Centers. AMS-endorsed priests serve at more than 220 U.S. military installations in 29 countries, making the AMS the nation's only global archdiocese. AMS-endors ...
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If you like history, especially US military history, then I think you will love Duty & Valor. Our mission at Duty & Valor is to honor and recognize the sacrifices made by our US military veterans by sharing their seldom heard stories. We believe that by sharing these stories, we can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the sacrifices made by our veterans. Whether you're a military veteran, active-duty service member, or just someone who wants to learn more about the sacrifices m ...
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Minnesota Military Radio

Minnesota Military Radio

Dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those who serve, Veterans and their families, Minnesota Military Radio brings you the latest news from Minnesota's proud military community including; the Minnesota National Guard, Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and the Minneapolis VA. Whether it's the latest on veterans' benefits, historic stories of service or how you can help our troops and their families, this is your best source to stay up to speed. Wit ...
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Project Sapient is a podcast meant to engage our brothers and sisters in the law enforcement and military communities, in conversations that we all know we need to have. All opinions you‘ll hear are our own, are protected by our first amendment of the United States Constitution, and in no way reflect or are meant to reflect the opinion of any specific agency, officer or service member. Some opinions may be controversial. Listener Discretion is advised.
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Military Mom Talk Radio

Sandra Beck

Military Mom Talk Radio starring Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd provides a powerful platform for women to discuss their ideas, issues, and concerns with respect to the military lifestyle. From navigating healthcare, to childcare, to eldercare to making the most of your military benefits and opportunities, we validate, comfort, educate, and inspire women to live their best life and lead their military families... for when one serves, the whole family serves.
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Military Family Life

Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre

Military Family Life does not come with an instruction manual!Each episode we bring you the stories of people who have ‘been there’ – and they are here to share the lessons they have learned along the way … to help you live your BEST military family life
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WarDocs - The Military Medicine Podcast

Doug Soderdahl, Wayne Causey, Kevin Kniery

Welcome to WarDocs! This is a podcast developed and hosted by 3 Army surgeons, Doug, Wayne and Kevin who all possess a passion to honor the legacy and preserve the oral history of Military Medicine and get the amazing stories of these healthcare heroes to our listeners. We will take a behind the scenes look into unique opportunities and experiences told firsthand from current and former military medical professionals and provide interesting and informative content about the mission, history, ...
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The Military Wire with Mike Schindler

The Military Wire with Mike Schindler

The Military Wire with Mike Schindler features interviews with some of America's Most Elite Men and Women who have served this country. Their raw stories of overcoming, finding mission and purpose, and the impact they are having in their communities will provide insightful tips and fast-track your ability to change your life and your own community.
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The Military Science Fiction Podcast

James S. Aaron, Rick Partlow, Josh Hayes, Jeffery H. Haskell

Welcome to the Military Science Fiction Podcast. We’re four veterans who were crazy enough to become writers, and we’re here to talk about what makes great Military SF, the greatest niche within a niche of any fiction. More niche than the Coast Guard. On board is Rick Partlow, author of more than sixty novels, including Contact Front and the Drop Trooper series, Jeffery H. Haskell, author of the Grimm’s War series, as well as the Wraith and Arsenal superhero series, Josh Hayes, author of the ...
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Join Shield of Sisters as we delve into the personal narratives of Lady Veterans who suffered Military Sexual Trauma during their service to our country. These courageous women shall be INVISIBLE NO MORE. The mission of Shield of Sisters is to support and empower Lady Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma by providing a sisterhood focused on healing and restoration. We create safe spaces where these courageous women can share their stories, access vital resources, and transfor ...
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Women of the Military

Amanda Huffman

Women of the Military is a place to share the stories of women veterans. It is through the power of telling our military story that people will begin to learn and understand about our service and inspire young women to consider military service. We cover topics about joining the military, leaving the military, the challenge of being a woman, military sexual trauma, and more.
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Through My Lens is Eric Militaru's introduction to the podcasting industry. The only problem is that he has no idea what he's doing. However, that won't stop him from learning and growing from this passion project. With a new "season" of episodes on the way, Eric will try to experience new things and explore the world around him as he grows to be a better person, one episode at a time. Email: [email protected]
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show series
US-Präsident Donald Trump will künftige Hilfslieferungen an die Ukraine wohl an Bedingungen knüpfen: Wertvolle Rohstoffe im Austausch gegen Waffen aus den USA. Washington investiere “Hunderte Milliarden Dollar”, so Trump und wolle Sicherheit bei Seltenen Erden. Sein Vorgänger Joe Biden habe nie um Geld gebeten, stattdessen “einfach Geld verteilt”. …
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Europa steht vor der Herausforderung, seine sicherheitspolitische Rolle neu zu definieren. Trotz wirtschaftlicher Stärke ist es militärisch fragmentiert und abhängig von den USA. Der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine, Chinas geopolitische Ambitionen und die Unsicherheiten der US-Politik haben gezeigt, dass wirtschaftliche Macht ohne militärische Ha…
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Mudando um pouco o enfoque normal do Clube dos Generais, partimos do Oriente e trazemos para você algumas das principais vitórias do Império Persa em campo de batalha. Além disso, atualizamos você sobre os principais acontecimentos nos fronts mudo afora! Primeira parte: Notícias do Front e primeiros decretos de Donald Trump Segunda parte: Maiores V…
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Today we discuss the shocking 2018 murder of Shelena Rae Kyle. Her killer? Soldier Logan Kyle, a man leading a secret life as a transgender woman. Join Margot as she reports on the investigation, drawing from an ARMY release of the report of trial, coupled with official Calcasieu records. Watch the Youtube Video Here ——- Thank you to today’s sponso…
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In this episode of Frontline Updates, hosted by Sheriffa Mohammed, MGT, we delve into the recent progress made in the special military operation as of February 7, 2025. Our special guest, Colonel A.C. Ogintoy, an experienced infantry officer, provides a comprehensive overview of the strategic strikes carried out by Russian armed forces over the pas…
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Unlock critical insights into the current military strategies and conflict developments involving Russian and Ukrainian forces with us, Sharifa Mohamed MGT, and our esteemed guest, Colonel AC Ogintoy. Discover the latest on high-precision strikes that have targeted Ukraine's military-industrial infrastructure, revealing the impact on Ukraine's oper…
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On June 11, 1937, a closed military court ordered the execution of a group of the Soviet Union's most talented and experienced army officers, including Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevskii; all were charged with participating in a Nazi plot to overthrow the regime of Joseph Stalin. There followed a massive military purge, from the officer corps through th…
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Discover the Top 5 Benefits for Veterans With 100% T&P Disability and how they can positively impact your life. If you're a veteran with Total and Permanent (T&P) Disability, these benefits are life-changing opportunities you need to know. From financial advantages to healthcare coverage and beyond, this video dives deep into the resources availabl…
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Josh and Rick talk about how they name ships, vehicles and weapons in their stories, how names can have meaning and dropships probably don't need a name. The Military Science Fiction Podcast, with Rick Partlow, Josh Hayes, Jeffery H. Haskell and James S. Aaron. Published weekly. #amwriting, #militarysciencefiction, #scifi Our Books: Jeffery H.Haske…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your trusted source for the latest developments in military operations. In today's episode, host Sharifa Mohammed, MGT, interviews Colonel A.C. Oguntoye for an in-depth analysis of the progress of the special military operation as of February 6, 2025. The discussion highlights the strategic use of advanced military ass…
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What vital role does military medicine play in keeping our warfighters safe and healthy on the battlefield? Join us for an eye-opening conversation with Lieutenant Colonel Gary Legault, MD, an Army ophthalmologist. You’ll learn how advancements in eye protection have revolutionized care on the front lines, significantly reducing ocular trauma surge…
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Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 should not have taken the world by surprise. The attack escalated a war that began in 2014 with the Russian annexation of Crimea, but its origins are visible as far back as the aftermath of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine moved to the center of tense negotiations between Russia a…
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In today’s episode, we’re hearing from Navy Spouse Sarah, who tells the story of her third pregnancy and birth. When Sarah was 28 weeks pregnant, she was in the car with her other two kids when she had an eclamptic seizure. Her husband, a submarine officer in the Navy, was underway at the time and rushed back after receiving an American Red Cross m…
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The Third Battle of Ypres slogs on, as weather, terrain and a resolute German enemy stymie the plans of the Allies. Pete and Gary continue to explore the bloody Third Battle of Ypres in 1917 - who was involved, why it was fought and how did it go so disastrously wrong? Presenters: Peter Hart and Gary Bain Publisher: Mat McLachlan Producer: Jess Ste…
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Welcome to this episode of Frontline Updates, where we provide you with the latest in military strategies and conflict zone developments. Today, hosting an exclusive interview with Colonel A.C. Ogontoya, we delve into the recent advancements of the special military operation as of February 5, 2025. Our discussion covers key breakthroughs across var…
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I’m excited to welcome Curt Sheldon on the podcast today. He is the founder of C. L. Sheldon and Company, a flat-fee RIA focused on serving senior military officers. Curt first launched this firm more than 14 years ago and offered flat fee engagements with investment management long before this became more common. His firm also prepares more than 3…
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5 February 2025 Grace of a Military Child and Life 5 February 2025 Grace of a Military Child and Life Season 4 - Episode 5 - Kasie Purvis - Army Veteran and Spouse - Gather the Scattered Podcast Host This week’s episode of Grace of a Military Child and Life welcomes Kasie Purvis, U.S. Army Veteran and Army Spouse. Kasie joins the podcast to share h…
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We often think of the modern era as the age of American power. In reality, we’re living in a long, violent Eurasian century. That giant, resource-rich landmass possesses the bulk of the global population, industrial might, and potential military power; it touches all four of the great oceans. Eurasia is a strategic prize without equal―which is why …
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When World War II ended, about one million people whom the Soviet Union claimed as its citizens were outside the borders of the USSR, mostly in the Western-occupied zones of Germany and Austria. These “displaced persons,” or DPs—Russians, prewar Soviet citizens, and people from West Ukraine and the Baltic states forcibly incorporated into the Sovie…
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Join us in this episode of Frontline Updates as we delve deep into the progress and strategic developments of the ongoing special military operation as of February 4th, 2025. Hosted by Sharifa Mohamed MGT, we welcome Colonel A.C. Ogontoye, an experienced infantry officer, to provide an exclusive analysis of recent military engagements across the Kh…
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Join host's Robert & Sean as he sits down with guests Blayne and Brandon, authors of "Perseverance is Greater Than Endurance."Brandon Young is a former US Army Ranger with four combat rotations in Afghanistan with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Blayne Smith is a West Point graduate and former US Army Special Forces (Green Beret) officer with combat tour…
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The Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pods System (TARPS) was a significant advancement in reconnaissance technology, particularly for the U.S. Navy during the late 20th century. TARPS, developed and deployed during the Gulf War (1990-1991), was a crucial system designed to enhance real-time intelligence-gathering capabilities for naval aviation, especia…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your trusted source for the latest developments on security and defense operations involving military forces. In this episode, host Sharifa Mohammed interviews Colonel A.C. Ogontoye, an infantry officer, to provide insights into the progress of the special military operation as of February 3, 2025. The episode discusse…
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The 2025 Air Force pilot bonus is out! This episode is specifically for USAF pilots (or anyone else oddly interested in the numbers). There are also bonuses for CSOs/Navs, RPA pilots, and ABMs, although we focus specifically on the pilot bonus. There are a few types of bonus money available this year for those who UPT ADSC expires in FY25, FY26, or…
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Effective leadership within private organizations on military bases demands more than authority—it requires influence, vision, and credibility. In this episode, we explore how leading volunteers differs from leading in the workplace, especially when faced with one-year cycles and peer-dominated environments. You’ll learn how to cast a compelling vi…
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Die WIMCOM Academy gibt es nun bereits seit drei Jahren. Eine Zeit, in der sich viel verändert und bewegt hat. Und in der auch die Academy sich stetig weiterentwickelt hat. Neueste Veränderung: Alexandra Kansy ist neu im Team dabei und berichtet in dieser Folge von "Inside Military Business" über ihre Aufgaben. Ulrich Krompaß blickt zudem auf die E…
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Tusi addresses a listener's question -- should he prioritize opening multiple Chase Sapphire Reserves or Chase Ritz Carlton cards? The Ritz card has more benefits, but the Reserve is easier to use... Today, Tusi explains the benefits and drawbacks of both cards, the processes of upgrading to these cards, and coins the titles "Chase Freedom Upgrade …
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Belägringen av Wien 1683 var det sista osmanska försöket att på allvar hota Europas kristna riken. Hjälten för dagen var den polske kungen och härföraren Sobieski som lett anfallet mot belägrarna. Wien som belägrats sedan mitten av juli befriades och den osmanska hären flydde. Den polska kavallerichocken på efter middagen den 12 september 1683 rull…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your trusted source for the latest developments in military strategies and conflict zones. Join host Sharifa Mohamed MGT and Colonel A.C. Ogintoye, an infantry officer, as they delve into the progress of the ongoing special military operation as of February 2, 2025. Discover how the Russian Federation armed forces have…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, where we delve deep into military strategies and updates from conflict zones. In this episode, host Sherifa Mohammed and Colonel A.C. Oguntoye discuss the progress of the ongoing special military operation against Ukrainian forces as of January 29, 2025. Colonel Oguntoye provides a comprehensive overview of the Russian…
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Taking readers to the farms and factories, the marae and churches where Māori lived, worked and raised their families, Te Hau Kāinga: The Māori Home Front during the Second World War (Auckland University Press, 2024) by Dr. Angela Wanhalla, Dr. Sarah Christie, Dr. Lachy Paterson, Dr. Ross Webb and Dr. Erica Newman tells the story of the profound tr…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your trusted source for the latest developments on security and defense operations involving military forces. In this episode, we delve into the progress of the ongoing special military operation as of February 1, 2025. Host Sharifa Mohammed, MGT, and guest Colonel A.C. Ogintoy provide in-depth insights into recent str…
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Special Guest: Alexandra Siliezar, part 4 of 9 Host: Dr. Elizabeth Fulgaro Podcast features candid, in-depth interviews with military servicemembers, veterans or their family members. Real lives impacted by real events. What role did their faith in God play? Meet them. Walk with them. Find yourself in their stories.…
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The gang gathers to discuss a number of topics including whether UFOs are behind the infamous 411 disappearances and if hypnotism works on people who believe they’ve been abducted by aliens. Plus, Mack retells the story of his disastrous MUFON speech and later being chased by a hurricane. Special guest: Kim Scheie…
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This week, we’ll be connecting with Soldiers from the 34th Infantry Division who have recently returned from Operation Spartan Shield. We’ll also meet with members of the University of Minnesota’s ROTC program and receive an update from our Minnesota National Guard military producer. Guests include: LTC Jay Hackett – 34th Red Bull Infantry Division…
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Link to Resource: Are you struggling to create a daily routine that helps you stay balanced and purposeful as a Christian military wife or mom? If your days often feel unproductive, you're not alone. In this episode, I'll share how building a well-rounded daily routine can bring peace and purpose to…
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Im Verteidigungskampf gegen Russland nimmt die Ukraine immer wieder Ziele auf russischem Gebiet ins Visier. So auch diese Woche, als ukrainische Drohnen ein Zentrum der russischen Ölindustrie bei Nischni Nowgorod an der Wolga trafen. Regelmäßig werden durch solche Angriffe auch Ziele weit im russischen Hinterland erreicht: Das getroffene Gebiet lie…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your go-to source for comprehensive insights on ongoing military operations. In this episode, Colonel A.C. Oguntoye provides an exclusive briefing on the special military operation as of January 31, 2025. The Russian Armed Forces have achieved significant victories across multiple regions, including the liberation of s…
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Colonel AC Oguntoi, an esteemed infantry officer, joins host Sharifa Mohamed on Frontline Updates to provide an exclusive and detailed account of the Russian armed forces' strategic maneuvers as of January 31, 2025. Tune in to uncover how precision strikes and decisive ground operations have reshaped the conflict landscape, with significant Ukraini…
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In this short bonus episode, Paul Allen rejoins us to share the exciting news about the MQFP live exam prep course coming up at MilMoneyCon25. We chat through what that looks like, what you can expect to learn, how much it costs, when to plan travel, integration with the MilMoneyCon conference schedule, and a special opportunity for some scholarshi…
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In the history of Nazi concentration camps, and particularly labor camps, there is probably no place that bears the same stigma of wretchedness as 'Dora-Mittelbau' at Nordhausen. Located in the Harz mountains in central Germany, next to a quarry tunnel system in the Kohnstein mountain, it served to house thousands of slave workers for an undergroun…
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