Chronic pain is something that can isolate some people. Because it is usually an invisible condition. People can overlook family and friends, who deal with chronic pain on a daily basis. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, what one person can tolerate another person cannot.
The trend now is spiritual manifestation.Many people are saying they they are having a hard time with manifesting what they want. I get into some reasons why things are not manifesting for you .
Relationship can leave trauma behind. It can be avoided many times, if people seek out consultation from a competent spiritual worker that is clear enough to see what is going on.
The moon is powerful, many people work with the moon for money. The moon can also heal. However it can pull to the surface things you need to deal with.
Racism does not end when a person dies. This is a fact that many people do not know or want to face. Being spiritually oppressed can affect your life in many ways.
Distractions come in many different forms, when you are on your spiritual journey. Stick to path once you have a mentor or god parent., that truly cares for your spiritual growth and journey.
Dreams often can give great insight. However when it comes to dealing with spiritual traditions and spirits. This can be tricky and even dangerous. It is important to seek out proper guidance. African traditions are not DIY projects.
Lately people love, to say they live in petty or they have the time. That energy can bring some consequences you do not want to come to you or your loved ones
As of late you see all kinds of memes and posts about, people claiming to be empathic. The sad part is those who truly are,empathic and are looking for help,will run into people who will not be able to help. Because most people now days do not want to train properly and do not want to pay to learn correctly. Then there is the other half that lie ab…
Are your children spiritually protected? Have you taught your children to not play with Ouija boards and spells. People market spell books geared towards teens. It may seem harmless. But do not be fooled by clever marketing
I speak about how children that did not make it here can cause the mother issues in her daily life.. The problems can range from back pains. fertility issues, finical issues, relationship issues. Come listen for more info.
Nature and our spirits send us signs to let us know if we are on the right track,also to warn us but many times we do not pay attention. The signs are always there