Welcome to the weekly podcast from the Northview Campus at Magnify Church! We want to help you take your next step in your relationship with God. Check us out at bhbconline.org
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Welcome to the weekly podcast from the Ensley Campus at Magnify Church! We want to help you take your next step in your relationship with God. Check us out at bhbconline.org
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Blythefield Hills Baptist Church. We want to help you take your next step in your relationship with God. Check us out at bhbconline.org.
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Living like Jesus means living counterculture. Everywhere you look people are stepping over each other to get ahead, competing with their neighbors to have the best stuff, and cutting corners to achieve the “easy life.” Don Denyes looks at another story Jesus shared with His disciples that helps us better understand what He means that “The first sh…
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Self-Righteous or Made Righteous
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33:16God wants our hearts! We sometimes go through the motions, but miss the point. Don Pearson looks at an interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees in Luke and reminds us that loving God and loving others, isn’t just about following rules. It first requires humility and repentance.Door Don Pearson
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Self-Righteous or Made Righteous
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44:12God wants our hearts! We sometimes go through the motions, but miss the point. Brett Bellamy looks at an interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees in Luke and reminds us that loving God and loving others, isn’t just about following rules. It first requires humility and repentance.Door Brett Bellamy
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Self-Righteous or Made Righteous
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44:12God wants our hearts! We sometimes go through the motions, but miss the point. Ben Phebus looks at an interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees in Luke and reminds us that loving God and loving others, isn’t just about following rules. It first requires humility and repentance.
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Knowing the Love of the Father
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42:01It’s hard to look in the mirror and see our faults and shortcomings. Yet to truly grow as a Christian, we need to humbly confess our sins, repent, and accept the love that God so freely gives. Don Pearson examines the response of the older brother in the second half of The Prodigal Son story to help us see what it takes to truly know the love of th…
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Knowing the Love of the Father
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46:21It’s hard to look in the mirror and see our faults and shortcomings. Yet to truly grow as a Christian, we need to humbly confess our sins, repent, and accept the love that God so freely gives. Brett Bellamy examines the response of the older brother in the second half of The Prodigal Son story to help us see what it takes to truly know the love of …
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Knowing the Love of the Father
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39:46It’s hard to look in the mirror and see our faults and shortcomings. Yet to truly grow as a Christian, we need to humbly confess our sins, repent, and accept the love that God so freely gives. Stu Quackenbush examines the response of the older brother in the second half of The Prodigal Son story to help us see what it takes to truly know the love o…
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The Prodigal Son, Part 1
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34:25Last week, we learned about the joy when a lost coin and a lost sheep are found. How much greater is the joy when a lost son is found! This week Trevor Hunt focus on the third part of this parable and invite us into the celebration!Door Trevor Hunt
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The Prodigal Son, Part 1
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50:09Last week, we learned about the joy when a lost coin and a lost sheep are found. How much greater is the joy when a lost son is found! This week Brett Bellamy focus on the third part of this parable and invite us into the celebration!Door Brett Bellamy
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How God Reveals Himself (and Why)
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43:56Don’t you wish that God wrote proof of His existence on a neon sign somewhere, so no one could miss it? Louie Konopka takes us on a journey through several different passages of Scripture to show us that God truly is right here with us. If we look for Him, we can’t miss Him!
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Have you ever found something that you thought was gone for good–maybe a set of keys or ring that has sentimental value? Brett Bellamy shares an incredible parable in our Storytellers series, that reminds us just how deeply we are loved and about the JOY God has every single time someone who is lost, is found!…
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Have you ever found something that you thought was gone for good–maybe a set of keys or ring that has sentimental value? Steve High shares an incredible parable in our Storytellers series, that reminds us just how deeply we are loved and about the JOY God has every single time someone who is lost, is found!…
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Have you ever found something that you thought was gone for good–maybe a set of keys or ring that has sentimental value? Don Denyes shares an incredible parable in our Storytellers series, that reminds us just how deeply we are loved and about the JOY God has every single time someone who is lost, is found!…
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Perseverance pays off! If you give up halfway up the mountain, you’ll miss the amazing view from the top. Tim Blazer reminds us in our next section of Luke, that following Jesus is not easy. We must count the cost, prepare our hearts, and remember that we don’t walk the road alone. The cost of discipleship is great, but the reward is worth it!…
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Perseverance pays off! If you give up halfway up the mountain, you’ll miss the amazing view from the top. Trent Heaton reminds us in our next section of Luke, that following Jesus is not easy. We must count the cost, prepare our hearts, and remember that we don’t walk the road alone. The cost of discipleship is great, but the reward is worth it!…
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Perseverance pays off! If you give up halfway up the mountain, you’ll miss the amazing view from the top. Don Denyes reminds us in our next section of Luke, that following Jesus is not easy. We must count the cost, prepare our hearts, and remember that we don’t walk the road alone. The cost of discipleship is great, but the reward is worth it!…
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Eternal Dining Etiquette
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41:33When was the last time you were invited to dinner? How about an eternal dinner? Brett Bellamy opens the next parable in our Storytellers series, inviting us to have a heart of humility, hospitality, and hope in response to God’s invitation. How will you respond?Door Brett Bellamy
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Eternal Dining Etiquette
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32:56When was the last time you were invited to dinner? How about an eternal dinner? Don Pearson opens the next parable in our Storytellers series, inviting us to have a heart of humility, hospitality, and hope in response to God’s invitation. How will you respond?Door Don Pearson
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Eternal Dining Etiquette
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41:10When was the last time you were invited to dinner? How about an eternal dinner? Don Denyes opens the next parable in our Storytellers series, inviting us to have a heart of humility, hospitality, and hope in response to God’s invitation. How will you respond?
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Jesus’ heart is for us! He endured the cross because of His confidence in the Heavenly Father’s plan and because of His great compassion for us. Gery Heim continues our series in Luke with a story of an encounter Jesus had with a Pharisee, and encourages us to follow Jesus’ example as we live on mission for Him.…
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Jesus’ heart is for us! He endured the cross because of His confidence in the Heavenly Father’s plan and because of His great compassion for us. Don Pearson continues our series in Luke with a story of an encounter Jesus had with a Pharisee, and encourages us to follow Jesus’ example as we live on mission for Him.…
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Jesus’ heart is for us! He endured the cross because of His confidence in the Heavenly Father’s plan and because of His great compassion for us. Don Denyes continues our series in Luke with a story of an encounter Jesus had with a Pharisee, and encourages us to follow Jesus’ example as we live on mission for Him.…
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The topic of Hell is neither popular nor comfortable. As Don Pearson continues our series in Luke he helps us discover how even something so challenging points to the love and open arms of Jesus.Door Don Pearson
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The topic of Hell is neither popular nor comfortable. As Brett Bellamy continues our series in Luke he helps us discover how even something so challenging points to the love and open arms of Jesus.Door Brett Bellamy
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The topic of Hell is neither popular nor comfortable. As Stu Quackenbush continues our series in Luke he helps us discover how even something so challenging points to the love and open arms of Jesus.
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What do a seed, yeast, a viral video, or a small fire all have in common with the gospel? Don Pearson looks at two parables in our next section of Luke and encourages us to be diligent in spreading the gospel. Our work is not in vain.Door Don Pearson
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What do a seed, yeast, a viral video, or a small fire all have in common with the gospel? Brett Bellamy looks at two parables in our next section of Luke and encourages us to be diligent in spreading the gospel. Our work is not in vain.Door Brett Bellamy
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What do a seed, yeast, a viral video, or a small fire all have in common with the gospel? Don Denyes looks at two parables in our next section of Luke and encourages us to be diligent in spreading the gospel. Our work is not in vain.
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Compassion and Controversy
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36:35Have you ever had to make a choice to do what was right, instead of what was expected? Don Pearson opens the next section in our Luke series and shares a story where Jesus had to make that exact choice in the midst of controversy.Door Don Pearson
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Compassion and Controversy
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43:28Have you ever had to make a choice to do what was right, instead of what was expected? Brett Bellamy opens the next section in our Luke series and shares a story where Jesus had to make that exact choice in the midst of controversy.Door Brett Bellamy
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Compassion and Controversy
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43:53Have you ever had to make a choice to do what was right, instead of what was expected? Don Denyes opens the next section in our Luke series and shares a story where Jesus had to make that exact choice in the midst of controversy.
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Looking Back, Looking Forward
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35:08The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start. It is good to reflect on the past while we project toward the future. Don Denyes invites us to consider Paul’s perspective in Philippians 3 as we set goals for 2025.Door Don Denyes
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Looking Back, Looking Forward
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35:08The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start. It is good to reflect on the past while we project toward the future. Don Denyes invites us to consider Paul’s perspective in Philippians 3 as we set goals for 2025.Door Don Denyes
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Looking Back, Looking Forward
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35:10The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start. It is good to reflect on the past while we project toward the future. Don Denyes invites us to consider Paul’s perspective in Philippians 3 as we set goals for 2025.
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Have you ever been surprised and wished you knew what was coming, so you could have been better prepared? Brett Bellamy continues our series in Luke and reminds us that we alredy know how the story ends. While we wait for Jesus’ return, we have work to do!Door Brett Bellamy
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Have you ever been surprised and wished you knew what was coming, so you could have been better prepared? Steve High continues our series in Luke and reminds us that we alredy know how the story ends. While we wait for Jesus’ return, we have work to do!Door Steve High
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Emmanuel, God With Us and For Us
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28:15O come, let us adore Him! Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, yet can be difficult for so many who are hurting. Don Denyes and Stu Quackenbush share the HOPE we have in knowing that Jesus, our Emmanuel, is both with us and for us! Invite a friend and come lift your candle high, as we sing, dance, and worship Jesus Christ our Lord!…
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Emmanuel, God With Us and For Us
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17:07O come, let us adore Him! Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, yet can be difficult for so many who are hurting. Don Pearson shares the HOPE we have in knowing that Jesus, our Emmanuel, is both with us and for us! Invite a friend and come lift your candle high, as we sing, dance, and worship Jesus Christ our Lord!…
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Emmanuel, God With Us and For Us
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23:13O come, let us adore Him! Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, yet can be difficult for so many who are hurting. Brett Bellamy shares the HOPE we have in knowing that Jesus, our Emmanuel, is both with us and for us! Invite a friend and come lift your candle high, as we sing, dance, and worship Jesus Christ our Lord!…
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What does it really mean to have “God with Us?” Does it change our day to day activities, the way we interact with family and friends, or how we handle difficult situations? Stu Quackenbush opens our two week mini-series Emmanuel, God with Us and invites us to consider the impact of Jesus’ birth on our whole lives.…
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Do Not Be Anxious About Your Life - Part 2
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47:37It’s hard to live without worry if we don’t have a right view of God and His love for us. Building off last week’s teaching, Brett Bellamy digs deeper into Luke and Philippians and gets practical about the process of letting go of worry and anxiousness.Door Brett Bellamy
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Have you ever been surprised and wished you knew what was coming, so you could have been better prepared? Steve Welch continues our series in Luke and reminds us that we alredy know how the story ends. While we wait for Jesus’ return, we have work to do!
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Your Worldview is Showing
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47:57What keeps you up at night? Are you worried about your future, your kids’ future, or maybe the state of the world? Trent Heaton jumps back into our Luke Storytellers Series and helps us trade our worldly perspective for a heavenly one.Door Trent Heaton
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Do Not Be Anxious About Your Life, Part 1
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39:03What keeps you up at night? Are you worried about your future, your kids’ future, or maybe the state of the world? Brett Bellamy jumps back into our Luke Storytellers Series and helps us trade our worldly perspective for a heavenly one.Door Brett Bellamy
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Your Worldview is Showing
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42:04What keeps you up at night? Are you worried about your future, your kids’ future, or maybe the state of the world? Dr. Don Denyes jumps back into our Luke Storytellers Series and helps us trade our worldly perspective for a heavenly one.
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The holidays are are good time to slow down and reflect on God’s provision. Sounds good, right? Yet, if we were honest, how often do we believe that what we have or have accomplished, is because of OUR hard work? Are we storing up treasures here instead of focusing on God’s Kingdom? Brett Bellamy look at a parable in Luke to help us keep the right …
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The holidays are are good time to slow down and reflect on God’s provision. Sounds good, right? Yet, if we were honest, how often do we believe that what we have or have accomplished, is because of OUR hard work? Are we storing up treasures here instead of focusing on God’s Kingdom? Don Pearson look at a parable in Luke to help us keep the right pe…
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Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to slow down and reflect on God’s provision. Sounds good, right? Yet, if we were honest, how often do we believe that what we have or have accomplished, is because of OUR hard work? Do we truly give God the credit He deserves? Dr. Don Denyes takes us back in Scripture to 1 Chronicles to help us have a right view of …
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Prayer can be confusing. How do we know if we are praying for the right things? Do we pray too often or not enough? Are our prayers aligned with God’s will? As Don Pearson continues our Storyteller series, they’ll dig deeper in Luke to help us understand more about coming to God with our hearts.Door Don Pearson
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Prayer can be confusing. How do we know if we are praying for the right things? Do we pray too often or not enough? Are our prayers aligned with God’s will? As Brett Bellamy continues our Storyteller series, they’ll dig deeper in Luke to help us understand more about coming to God with our hearts.Door Brett Bellamy
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