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show episodes

Magdalene's Closet

Mary Magdalene Collins

The Marriage Circle presents Magdalene's Closet, where we unveil one topic at a time. We are an open and transparent group of individuals who discuss how to heal the brokenness and misunderstanding of Marriage through the eyes of God by breaking down each topic into stages and discussing them with truth.
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Sweetbitter | Mary Magdalene

Leesa Charlotte, Ellie Brigida & Alyse Knorr

About Sweetbitter | Sweetbitter is an investigative history podcast with a focus on queer & women's history. Each season, we explore a different corner of history, using historical figures as a starting point to discuss a broader story of erasure of people with marginalized identities. We collaborate with experts to bring these stories to a modern audience. Along with the listener, we try to untangle stories tainted by years of homophobia, colonization, and patriarchy erasing and rewriting h ...
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Join me, Kirstin Hanson, in our sacred weekly gatherings dedicated to honoring the Heart of Magdalene—a divine sanctuary. Embrace the Way of Jesus, the embodiment of Light and grace, and exploration of timeless Spiritual Truths . 🌹✨ You may join live every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time) on live YouTube: @heartofmagdalene13 With a profound commitment to heart devotion and reverence for the Light, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey into the sacred realms where divine ...
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The Magdalene Voices

Maria Saraphina | Spiritual Business Coach

The Magdalene Voices is giving voice to those silenced for centuries through Sacred Conversations with Beautiful, Illuminating Souls. The energy of the divine feminine is sweeping across the globe and uniting in Sacred Union with her divine masculine counterpart she is paving another way than the dark path of shadow human beings have been following for decades and centuries. I call it the Magdalene Rising. Millions of souls are waking up in darkness remembering who they truly are. The memory ...
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show series
Advent: a time of expectation Hello St. Mary Magdalene, Happy Advent! This is a wonderful time for us to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Savior and allow Him to break into our lives in new, powerful ways consequently transformed by this breakthrough of grace. Let the joy of Christ's coming fill our hearts, minds, and souls this season so t…
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Podcasten E38 fokuserer på modenhed i moderskabet og de udfordringer kvinder ofte oplever i denne rolle. Mette Miriam Sloth: Kvinders biologi og kulturelle normer kan skabe en illusion om, at moderskabet er den ultimative opfyldelse. Dette kan resultere i en forherligelse af moderskabet og en benægtelse af de smertefulde og vanskelige aspekter. Man…
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Called and Gifted coming to St. Mary Magdalene! Hello St. Mary Magdalene, It is with great joy that I invite you to take part in the Called and Gifted program and its unique discernment of spirits, a means by which we concretely discover how the Holy Spirit works in our life and enables us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Additio…
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I podcast E37 diskuteres den markante stigning i ADHD-diagnoser hos kvinder fra 2011 til 2023. Mette Miriam Sloth, cand.mag. i psykologi, præsenterer sin hypotese om, at en del af stigningen kan skyldes kvinders øgede relationelle overansvar i en tid med dybe transformationer. Podcasten belyser følgende: Stigning i ADHD-diagnoser: Grafen viser en s…
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I podcast E37 diskuteres den markante stigning i ADHD-diagnoser hos kvinder fra 2011 til 2023. Mette Miriam Sloth, cand.mag. i psykologi, præsenterer sin hypotese om, at en del af stigningen kan skyldes kvinders øgede relationelle overansvar i en tid med dybe transformationer. Podcasten belyser følgende: Stigning i ADHD-diagnoser: Grafen viser en s…
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I podcast E36 fokuserer Mette Miriam Sloth og Sune Sloth på, hvordan energiarbejde kan være et værdifuldt redskab for forældre, der ønsker at forbedre deres relation til deres børn og skabe et mere harmonisk familieliv. Vi argumenterer for, at energiarbejde kan hjælpe forældre med at forstå og ændre de underliggende årsager til deres bekymringer, r…
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