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CAREhER 是亞太高階女性的領導力共學交流平台。提供全球觀點的內容如組織管理、DEI(Diversity 多樣性、Equity 公平性、Inclusion 共融性)、ESG(Environment 環境保護、Social 社會責任、Governance 公司治理)、虛擬貨幣及 NFT(非同質化代幣)和 Podcast 語音專訪、會員專屬的精緻交流學習活動,以及大型策展論壇,透過共學和交流,成為想像中的領袖。 CAREhER 目前有兩個 Podcast 節目,分別是「Future Makers」和「Leading Ladies」,「Future Makers」中 CAREhER 團隊的 Gen Z 製作帶有未來感的單元,她們討論新科技及趨勢,還有那些熟悉的主題,但將會以新視角詮釋。而在每週更新的 Podcast 節目「Leading Ladies」中,創辦人 Tiffany 邀請創業家、企業執行長、二代接班者、改革者,暢談她們的領導力歷程、人生體悟、產業趨勢等,主題涵蓋共好領導力、成長型思維、利害關係人經營、永續議題等,以及她們的真心話。除了在各大串流平台如 Apple Po ...
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Amazing Apps is for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform builders who want to use the Scrum framework to build amazing business apps that everyone will love. The podcast is hosted by Microsoft MVP, Neil Benson, and produced by Customery. [Dynamics365, D365, Power Apps, PowerApps, Power Pages, Power Apps Portals, Power Automate, Flow, Power Virtual Agents, PVA, PowerBI]
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 在台灣鬱鬱蔥蔥的茶園風景中,一個關於傳承、創新、同時不缺乏創業浪漫的故事正在展開: 跟隨 Mikey 從紐約設計師到先鋒茶農的轉型之旅,我們發現原來在看似輕描淡寫的創意裡,卻有他獨特對於打造品牌和平台的想法(和打法),將傳統與現代融為一體,與世界分享台灣文化品味的企圖心。有一天,世界會像聽到 sake 就想到日本、聽到 soju 就想到韓國,聽到 chajiu 就想到台灣? 【在這集聽他說】 從那塊雙溪的小…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 睽違一段日子,在米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 工作的 Lesley 已經從助理侍酒師晉升為首席侍酒師,還斬獲數個國際大獎!她娓娓訴說自己心境的轉變;儘管對「美酒」這個工作的熱情始終如一,她卻分享,現在的她更注重聆聽和觀察客人的需求,而不是強加艱深的專業輸出,反而對於為每一位客人提供難忘的體驗有更深的體悟。這種照顧人的心,成了她取得成功的秘訣,也更是她認為女性加入餐飲界的好契機。一起再度來聽她說故事,並且發現…
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Is AI a "boy's or a girl's" job? To Debra Bell, Vice President at Micron, AI is a "new" job -- so the undefined nature is precisely what makes it a great opportunity to lower the entry barrier and narrow the gender gap in STEM education and profession. In this episode, hear Debra's journey in the tech space as she grew, expanded her roles and leade…
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In this episode of Amazing Apps, host Neil Benson explores the importance of rethinking our approach to building business applications. Join us as we delve into the benefits of questioning our assumptions and adapting to new information in the dynamic landscape of app development. Unpacking the concept of "thinking like a scientist" and its impact …
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Facing the energy crisis, governments and organizations worldwide are investing not only in technology but also in talent. After all, sustainable energy transitions require actual people, who are properly skilled, to drive progress forward. As Asia’s Chief Financial Officer of GE Vernova - Gas Power, Patrick uses his 20 years of energy industry exp…
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「你知道你吃的魚來自哪裡嗎?」 Gigi 的故事就從這個簡單卻深刻的問題開始,但其實這也是食魚教育和海洋永續最直接的開始:認識餐桌上的那條魚、還有,那條魚是不是用一個對環境友善的方式捕獲而來。Gigi 是一位將對海洋的熱愛,轉化為實際行動的創業者;從顛覆傳統漁業模式,到獲得渣打女力創業獎肯定,洄遊吧 Fish Bar 不僅正開創一條連結人們與海洋的全新路徑,更讓大眾重新認識台灣豐富的海洋資源。這是一個關於勇氣、創新,以及如何在日常生活中做出支持環境永續的故事。而妳,也可以透過每一口食物的選擇來支持永續,讓海洋資源得到更好的保護與珍惜! 【 在這集聽她說 】 永續漁業並不遙遠,其實就是認識你餐桌上的魚 每一個有意識的消費選擇,都承載著對地球的影響 不同商業模式的串接,挑戰管理者的整合能力 堅持…
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#154. Neil Benson takes us on a journey of learning through experimentation. Starting with the historical origins of smallpox inoculation, Neil discusses the importance of conducting experiments to drive innovation and problem-solving. Sharing personal experiences from his biochemistry studies to his current work in building applications with Power…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 如果投資是一個光譜,一端是我們熟知的投資賺錢,另一端是以慈善行為為捐贈的投資,我們能否從中找到平衡?曾帶領兩個公司至 Nasdaq 上市的 Karen 如今投入在影響力投資的創投領域,運用她豐富的產業經驗,幫助更多新創團隊不僅實現營運和盈利目標,更對社會和地球做出正面貢獻。今天她將分享她對影響力投資的定義,也教我們怎麼從自身出發,透過有意識地消費和投資,實踐「你所花費的每一筆錢,都在為你想要的未來投票」理念…
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#153. Neil Benson is joined by Keith Atherton, a proper pro developer. Keith shares his journey from developing custom apps using .NET, C# and SQL Server to embracing and mastering the development of enterprise business applications using the Power Platform. What do developers lose and gain using Power Platform compared to developing an app from sc…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— Have you asked yourself lately, “What do I want going forward, and what can I do about it today?” For Nori, she knew she wanted to quit her job at Amazon so she took her experience in banking, and built a …
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 踏入科技業已經 25 年的 Sharon 聊起她的產業經驗,給我們留下最強烈的印象是又實際、又有前瞻感的領導力。這兩個看似衝突的特質卻在 Sharon 身上巧妙融合;從她談起運用新知來增加工作效率,到她說資源雖然有限,但能在有限的環境中,幫助團隊以及合作夥伴達成他們想要的,就不難理解她在豐富的職涯中,是如何有意識地不斷提升自己,也順勢拓展影響力。這一集,來聽聽 Sharon 聊她的影響力心法,即使面對未來大…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 因爲自身免疫問題開始嘗試食物療法的沛如,透過對食物的真實慾望和反應,找到了與身體對話、共好的平衡。2023 年 9 月推出新書《用愛發酵:和食物對話,從我到我們的療癒之路》,從美國到台灣,她看見在社會上對於「食物」相關的每個環節,都經常被諸多既得利益族群所掌控;但她卻也驚喜地發現,在這個過程中相對弱勢的族群,他們背後所辛苦耕耘、促進多元文化再生的美好故事。睽違兩年上節目,沛如將再次和我們分享她的新旅程,並花…
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#152. Host Neil Benson is joined by the talented Dani Kahil for an insightful discussion on managing backlogs and enhancing user stories in Azure DevOps and Jira. Neil shares his experiences with Jira, highlighting some configuration challenges, while Dani expresses a strong preference for Azure DevOps. They dive into the hierarchy of backlog items…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— Mari's final Advice for Growth: Self-reflection as a motivational tool: She recommends conducting a self-review every three months, where individuals evaluate what went well, what didn't, and set intention…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 本集重點 從建築建設、居家家具到綠植點綴 - 最後一場講座,我們從 #點線面 三個量度切入,分別請三位專家分享他們的理想生活新指標。很開心在「Living 住」這個議題,邀請 AJ2 愛家概念 創辦人 Kevin ,協同宏國建設五感十築創新長 Yvonne, 胖胖樹的熱帶雨林(Fat-Fat Tree Tropical Rainforest)以及 CAREhER 一同分享各自面對現下環境永續議題做出的努力與…
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#151. Amazing Apps host, Neil Benson, dives into a case study from one of his team's own projects: "Member Super", a financial services organisation in Australia. With over a million members, they needed a CRM application that could handle their complex stakeholder relationships and provide exceptional service to their customers. Member Super's exi…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 本集重點 夏末台北,我們再次聚集於五感十築宏國大樓舉辦了第二場 #yilan理想生活的新選擇 x 食講座,此次活動我們邀請Fika Fika Cafe 的創辦人 James、宜蘭 CÔTE À CÔTE 餐廳的創辦人 Fudy 主廚、美食加創辦人 Liz Kao,匯聚食物愛好者和對於永續健康生活的追求者,共同探討了飲食對生活的影響。 CAREhER Curated x #yilan理想生活的新選擇,我們透過…
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#150. What does it take to have a successful go live event for your Dynamics 365 or Power Platform application. Neil Benson sat down with Andrew Bibby, a seasoned expert in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform business applications. In this episode, Andrew shares his insights on the crucial process of preparing for and executing a successful g…
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#149. Andrew Welch is the Chief Technology Officer at HSO. Andrew is an expert in IT strategy and has a wealth of experience advising customers on their big strategic technology decisions. He is also an author, Microsoft MVP, and a regular presenter at conferences. Joining us today, Andrew shares valuable insights on the importance of IT leadership…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 本集重點 作為迎接夏日的盛典,CAREhER 這次與綠建築先驅 —— 宏國建設攜手,以其永續品牌及宜蘭指標新案「五感十築」為主題,策展一系列沙龍,帶領大家深入 《理想生活》 和 《永續生活的實行》。 藉由風格生活領袖們的分享,從品牌成功案例、策略,至生活細微的日常,感受到有別於以往的「永續」觀點,和不同面向的新知識。本場邀請 Pinkoi 共同創辦人 Peter Yen,Tokyobike Taiwan 行…
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#148. Get ready for another captivating episode of Amazing Apps! In this episode, Neil Benson engages Shawn Tabor, Director of Consulting Services at Hitachi Solutions, in an insightful conversation about the dynamic realm of Microsoft Business Applications and its role in the manufacturing and service industries. Explore Hitachi's product landscap…
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#147. When should you use Power Platform pipelines and when should you use Azure DevOps pipelines to deploy your Power Platform or Dynamics 365 applications? That's the question that Benedikt Bergmann answers in this episode of Amazing Apps. Benedikt is a Power Platform consultant known for his expertise in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). N…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— “Sometimes I'm hesitant to show my vulnerability. As a young manager, I thought all the leaders are perfect and they don't make any mistakes and they’re charismatic. But this is not true,” she said. This a…
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#146. In this episode, we're thrilled to have Martin Hinshelwood from naked Agility join host, Neil Benson. Martin shares his perspectives on improving the success of agile engagements through the role of a consulting product owner, and why you should build your own business applications rather than buy Dynamics 365 if you're looking for competitiv…
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#145. We're back with another incredible episode of Amazing Apps, and this time we have an amazing guest on board. Neil Benson is joined by the Low Code Lead & Platform Evangelist at ANS Group, Chris Huntingford. Chris spills the beans on citizen developers, he talks about the concept of ecosystem enablement, the potential of low code platforms, th…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 本集重點 Combining her passion for fashion and education, Aya-san found a career in developing and supporting talent with the LVMH Group. As she discussed the challenges and opportunities of managing people an…
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#144. Neil Benson is joined by Matthew Venamore, a scrum master with extensive experience coaching Dynamics 365 teams. Matthew shares valuable insights into the challenges faced by new scrum masters when joining existing teams and emphasizes the importance of empowering the team. He advises taking a standoffish stance initially, observing the team …
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#143. On this episode of Amazing Apps, we discuss resourcing agile teams using the Scrum framework. Neil Benson talks about who we should have on our teams as product owner, developers and scrum master. Should Microsoft partners offer to provide a consultant for every role on the team? Listen in to find out. Timestamps (02:04) Product owner maximiz…
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#142. Neil Benson discusses the challenges of organizing a large Scrum team to maximize efficiency. He suggests rotating developers between teams and organizing teams around specific components or external systems they need to integrate with. Neil also recommends self-organizing teams and coaches teams to create their own code of conduct and establ…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 當我們聊到女人如花,是不是盛放後便走向凋零?許芳宜說,若以十年為期,我們可以將自己想像成不同的花材,「二十歲的妳或許是含羞草、三十歲後長成了玫瑰」,人生或許有高峰、有低谷,但每場花謝都是為了迎來下一場更加自在、美好的綻放。也回應今年奧斯卡最佳女主角楊紫瓊的話語,”Ladies, don't let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime.” 不要讓任何人說…
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#141. In this episode of Amazing Apps, podcast host Neil Benson is joined by Allan de Castro, a senior technical consultant for the Power Platform at Avanade France. They discuss their experience applying Scrum to recent projects, including the role of an architect in the Scrum framework. The episode covers key challenges such as the importance of …
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 在一個頂尖的科技公司任職二十年,擔任過不同領導職務並遊走在數個國家的人生,甚至在日新月異的科技產業、邊工作還可以邊完成博士學位?光聽就很不簡單,但 Hedy 回想起職涯剛起步時,那時候看起來很高很高的高層點醒她 “Knowledge is Power” 後,她一路便抱著成長型思維,度過了各種挑戰。讓我們一起聽聽她如何解鎖影響力,勇於面對新的機會但同時也承認錯誤並修正,所帶來的職涯成長。有趣的是,後來她自己也…
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#140. Today, it’s just me, and I’d like to discuss what EMPIRICISM means to teams building complex, enterprise Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications. In this episode, I’ll break down what empiricism is and its importance in Scrum, provide examples of work that would benefit from an empirical approach, and share insights on how we can use emp…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 在 Earth Day 地球日當週,我們決定邀請在國際婦女節論壇收到熱烈迴響、來自奇異燃氣發電的 Kaz 「回鍋」,和聽眾更深入地分析在能源永續這條路上,所需平衡的三重挑戰:費用、永續、和社會責任。身為 GE 剛上任不久的亞洲區減碳長(很酷的職位!),他謙虛地說這個新成立的部門反應了公司、甚至是全球對於節能減碳的重視。讓我們一起來聆聽他是如何在錯綜複雜的利害關係者中穿針引線,推動政策和科技向前。 【內容重點…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 出生於馬達加斯加這個全球第四大的島嶼,儘管自然景色優美,Eileen 卻見證了島上的貧窮和相應而來的問題;低教育普及率、家暴、以及不平衡的資源分配等現象,造成馬達加斯加婦女的種種困境和龐大的生活壓力。但這非但沒有阻礙 Eileen 的腳步,反而更點燃了她想創建一個能全面支持婦女就業和生活的 support net,更透過種種努力打開國際能見度,躍上「真正的」舞台(包括米蘭時尚週!)。相信妳在聽了她的故事後,…
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#139. Today’s guest is Emma Beckett, an experienced test professional who runs her own company, Fortitude 17, in London, UK. A professional footballer, Emma pursued a career in software testing, even though her first role in tech was in Desktop Support — hardware, not software! As you’ll hear, Emma is a Certified ISTQB Test Consultant and trained i…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【 英文訪談 】首度在 CAREhER 2023 國際婦女節論壇成團出道的「J 團」,說的不是哪個新人氣 idol,而是四位來自新加坡、韓國、日本跟東道主台灣的企業領袖一同聯手,分享他們跨產業、跨世代,透過實際領導經驗所淬鍊出的真知灼見。「天團」成員們個個魅力十足,開足火力般地妙語如珠,我們剪音檔時傷透了腦筋,四位「偶像」太愛也太會聊天導致氣氛太熱絡,我們不知道怎麼才能把現場的笑聲剪掉!錯過了論壇,或者是想…
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#138. My guest today is Malin Martnes, a Microsoft MVP and MCT who runs her own company MaCoTra AS in Oslo, Norway. As you’ll hear, Malin doesn’t have any technical background on Dynamics 365 and Power Platform but she focuses on using these systems. In this episode, Malin talks about how she came to be a CRM consultant and set up her own consultin…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【報名 4 月 Mentor Her】https://forms.gle/jivc9EnVL9rDQEtEA 有時想了解不同產業的人在做什麼,或是有沒有什麼挑戰是別人也共同經歷的,卻不知道從何開始?或許妳聽過 mentorship,不管是求學時期的教授、職場上的主管,還是正式計畫中的 mentor,這些都能夠幫助我們在追求自我成長的過程中得到需要的資源,而 CAREhER 也以 #Belonging #Re…
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137. Customery Academy is my online business through which I coach and train Microsoft customers and partners to build amazing, agile business applications. In this episode, I share a short history of Customery Academy, where it's at today, and my goals for 2023. Halfway through editing the episode, there's a surprise about just how many Customery …
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 創業很忙,做媽媽更忙,當這兩角色兼具時,糖話生醫的創辦人 Corina 談起創業十多年的經歷,認真地分享她思考排序「待解決問題」的方式:原來,做出抉擇然後專心投入很重要,而抉擇的方式,端看一開始起心動念的初衷。這點不僅在她試圖更好地 integrate 家庭和事業,更展現在她的關鍵企業決策。該不該建立自有品牌?還是繼續走 ODM 代工?該積極拓展國際市場?還是更穩紮穩打比較適合?或許同在創業的路上的妳,抑或…
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136. My guest is Richard Hundhausen, a former Microsoft MVP and Regional Director, Scrum.org Professional Scrum Trainer, and co-creator of the Nexus Scaled Professional Scrum Framework. As you’ll hear, Richard doesn’t have a background in Dynamics 365 or Power Platform, but he’s no stranger to developing apps on Microsoft technology. In this episod…
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#135. Remy is starting to hate Scrum. He thinks we should use Kanban. And get rid of Product Owners. It's a shame, then, that Remy doesn't understand Scrum. And doesn't want to understand Scrum. Don't be like Remy. Resources Kanban Guide on Kanban University Professional Scrum with Kanban training from Scrum.org Support the show CONNECT 🌏 Amazing A…
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#134. Today’s guest is Rishona Elijah, a Microsoft MVP (Business Applications) and Microsoft Certified Trainer who works as a Power Platform Trainer and Evangelist at Barhead Solutions in Sydney, Australia. She spends most of her time running training sessions and delivering events around Power Platform to business users to show them what they can …
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 歐洲熱浪、北極無冰頻率增加、野火叢生、珊瑚礁消失,地球的升溫仍持續發生。代表 BCCTaipei 台北市英橋商務協會 Women in Business: Climate Action Taiwan 的 Thomas 在他的研究中提到,現今我們對於能源的需求以及倡議行動,仍未跟上地球被消耗的速度。同時,他也再次提醒,如果我們想達到 7 年後聯合國協議減少 45% 溫室氣體排放量的目標,人類(尤其是新世代!)…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— Powered by Firstory Hosting
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#133. Today’s guest is Michael Roth, a Power Platform consultant with Avanade who specializes in governance. In this episode, Michael walks us through how he keeps business apps amazing by working on only the fun stuff, i.e., governance and licensing, and understanding how users experience tech, specifically Power Platform. Michael also highlights …
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【 英文訪談 】遠距工作不僅需要管理者對成員的信任,同時也考驗團隊間的分工協作,這一切,幫助企業招聘全球人才和跨地域營運的 Margaret 最有感。她指出,「能不能將 focus 從 "input" 轉變爲 "output" 」將是關鍵!而這也和許多公司重視成效的精神不謀而合。究竟企業能不能在這一波的轉型中符合人才對於彈性工作的需求,也將是競爭力的體現。感性的是,專訪中 Margaret 聊到她多變的人生…
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132. Today’s guest is Andrew Ly, a Microsoft Business Applications Solutioning Lead at IBM Consulting in Australia. Andrew shares his 22 years of experience in the Microsoft space, including the type of work he does and the clients he works with. Andrew also gives his two cents on the low-code, no-code approach and talks about the demand of in a da…
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你想經營斜槓、副業,但卻不曉得能做什麼主題、方向? 收聽「斜槓先修班」Podcast,將聽到如何找到斜槓靈感、到步步開啟個人事業的方法! 是你想發展斜槓、副業前必聽的節目! https://fstry.pse.is/65dgp7 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 「大家最不缺的是聚會,約不完的飯局、酒攤,但在回應這些邀約的同時,最寶貴的時間要如何運用、過濾,把除了在經營事業、健康、關係之餘的時間,真正放在有意義的社交圈拓展。我們希望讓會員們突破工作上的同溫層,但同時也找到頻率相同、搭得上話或有類似背景的同好。」兩年前 CAREhER 合夥人兼 CAREhIM 代表 Mikey 和大家分享社交俱樂部的概念,兩年後的 CAREhER,除了再次強調社群的價值外,也多了許多…
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