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Soul Inspired with Joe Borowsky is a podcast hosted by Singer Songwriter & Coach Joe Borowsky. Episodes focus on soulful & mindful conversations that help people in all aspects of life. Main topics include spirituality & near death experiences, soulful transformational experiences, health & wellness, personal growth, the arts & much more.
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show series
Ishtar Howell tells of his experiences when he was a young child and teenager. He had a Near Death Experience and lost his mother during a car accident. We dig deep into what his experience looked like and how he stayed connected with his mother during her crossing over to the other side. For more info on Ishtar, he can be found at the following li…
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Kat Dunkle joins us this week to talk about her near death experience. She was an Atheist before her experience and we talk about how God showed up for her when she visited the afterlife. She has also written a book called "Is It Safe To Die?" and it can be found on amazon at the following link:…
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Dominic opens up about his life experience becoming a coach of consciousness. We talk about how intuition can be integrated and an important part when it comes to helping others find their own inner peace. You can find more about Dominic at the following links: https://www.l…
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Psychic Intuitive & Channeler Pamela Downes sits down to talk about the Unraveling that has begun in March of 2025! We go into detail of what she has been shown and what to be aware of in the months to come. We also chat about the things we should be doing during this time to align energetically with these changes. Pamela also runs a community call…
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John talks to us about his Out of Body Experience he had during a self hypnosis. His experience completely changed his life and he was told of future events involving his father. John was part of the US Navy during his 20s and later worked for the federal government in Law Enforcement. We speak about the impact his near death - like experience had …
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Jenn Brown tells her life story of how she dealt with her infant having shaken baby syndrome, a false accusation and how her oldest child was diagnosed with cancer. We go into detail on how she kept herself together through an unbelievably difficult time in her and her families life. Jenn Brown is also a Life & Relationship coach and can be contact…
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Deborah Atella had a near death experience during a medical emergency. She tells of her experience on how real her NDE was and how in the afterlife she was reunited with her past relatives. She is the creator and host of the I FREAKING KNEW IT podcast. Deborah is also a Life Coach, Reiki Master, and Certified Meditation Teacher. Deborah loves helpi…
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Meaghan Faragasso had a very close call in her teenage years dealing with a life threatening condition. She speaks about her experience and how her connection with a higher power or God helped her push through to heal. Meaghan now through holistic nutrition and as a functional nutritionist helps others and can be found on all socials by looking for…
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Kimberly Meredith is a well-known psychic medium, medical intuitive, and spiritual healer. She is recognized for her ability to receive divine messages and perform healing through channeling high-frequency energy. After experiencing a near-death experience (NDE), she gained heightened spiritual abilities, including the capacity to communicate with …
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Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, had a profound near-death experience (NDE) in 2008 when he fell into a coma due to a severe case of bacterial meningitis. Despite having little brain activity, he experienced what he describes as a journey beyond this world, encountering a realm of immense love, divine beings, and a profound sense of unity. He be…
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Raven was married to a man of 15 years when tragedy hit. She tells the story of what happened to the family and how he lost his life while rafting. We talk about the spiritual signs she was receiving from dreams about the incident. Raven is also a shaman and intuitive healer and can be found on her website at: https://…
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Leslie Peters has had multiple Near Death Experiences. She has also lived the vast majority of her life with a brain injury resulting from one of these experiences. All while doing very well in her career as a Registered Nurse. In this episode we dig into what Leslie experienced during her NDEs and what her life has been like as someone who has alw…
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Regan Forston talks about his own personal experiences in the afterlife including a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. Since his experience he has been practicing hypnosis with a strong focus in the afterlife, life between lives and past lives. We go into great detail some of the experiences Regan has had during hypnosis including his own. You can find info on…
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Carolin Hauser found herself in a place of intense stress and a feeling of no purpose. In her deepest moment she experienced a life changing out of body experience. This experience changes her life for the better and we go into detail of how she navigated her life going forward. Carolin has gone on to write a book called "The Bliss Codes" and you c…
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Ellyn Dye has had one of the most profound and detailed experiences from beyond this realm. At age 35 she was in a car accident which led to her near death experience. We go into detail about what that experience was like and how she met 12 beings of light. In some great detail Ellyn explains the things she saw and experienced while on the other si…
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Diane Calderon had a spiritual experience around the same time that her son passed away. We talk deeply about her experience and how she knew her son was visiting from the other side! Diane has also written a book called "Living & Loving Life All Day Every Day: A Mother’s Story of Loss, Love & Connecting with the Afterlife" Diane's Book: https://ww…
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A breathtaking NDE, Robin Landsong was just a child when she was taken! She tells the unbelievable story of her near death experience and how it led her to her profound journey of healing and singing. She also takes the time to use her vocals and showcase how she uses her beautiful voice to sing in her practice. You find more info out on Robin at h…
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David Suich is a researcher of Near Death Experiences and also a Spiritual Counsellor. He tells his spiritual experience he faced in his own life and how it led him down the path of studying Near Death Experiences. We also dig into why we are here, if we are being helped from other entities and also what the future may look like based of years of N…
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Louis Bourgeois had multiple NDEs, one which had him leave his body and see himself from above. He explains his life story and how his Near Death Experiences and Spiritual Experiences showed him the truth of our existence. We also dig into a vision he received that we are in the 3rd pulse of 3 pulses of world and human changes that are coming for 2…
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Derek Martin returns in part 2 of this 2 part conversation. In this episode we will dive into the bizarre occurrence of drones that are appearing in the sky, including the New Jersey drones. We also get more stories from Derek around BIGFOOT and also talk about peoples fascinations with fantasy. If you have a story or an inspirational message you w…
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When John Glasspoole was a child he had an accident where he fell and slipped on ice, hitting his head and causing him to leave his body. The Near Death Experience had a profound effect on him and we dig deep into what knowledge he gained during his experience. John also goes into great detail of the importance in regards to meditation and how we c…
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Dave Sledge had a Near Death Experience during childhood when he had a severe asthma attack. We talk about his experience and how he came within 30 seconds of a clinical "time of death" scenario. Dave now runs a podcast called "Our Sliver Of Time" where much like SOUL INSPIRED, he speaks with people who have had Near Death Experiences. He is on a j…
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On December 25th 2022 Dale Croteau had a massive heart attack on Christmas Day. He recalls the near death experience and how it changed his life. He was dead for 8-9 minutes and went to the other side. We also go into detail of what he saw and felt when he went to the afterlife. Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to all of the SOUL INSPIRED FAMILY! #…
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Bernadette Thompson tells her life experiences around spirituality and spiritual visits she has had from past ancestors and friends. We also talk about her loss she had with her husband and how that affected her life. She now does readings and works with those interested in ancestry and the spiritual connection to our ancestors. More can be found a…
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Derek Martin returns in part 1 of this 2 part conversation. In this short episode we will dive into the bizarre occurrence of drones that are appearing in the sky, including the New Jersey drones. Part 2 will have the entire talk so keep a look out! If you have a story or an inspirational message you would like to share, you can use the link below …
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Kristin Kirk is an International Healer & Spiritual Teacher. She has sensed other realms since childhood and could even see others past lives. We dig deep into her life experience and how she helps others! You can find out more on Kristin Kirk at her website: #spiritualexperience #pastlives #spirituality If you have a story…
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When Jacob Cooper was just 3 years old, he had a Near Death Experience and went to the other side. He recalls what he saw and how his afterlife experience shaped his viewpoint on life. We also talk about how our imagination shapes everything in life and how the spirit realm looks different from our 3D experience here. Jacob is a general therapist a…
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Kimberly Harms tells of her life journey losing many close family members throughout her life. We talk about how loss affected her and how today she focuses on the joys in her life and how faith plays a big part. Dr. Kimberly Harms is a former dentist and now helps others empower themselves through the grief process and how we can all find light in…
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Elissa Hope had a Near Death Experience at the age of 14. She tells her story of how she left this world and went to the other side. She even goes into DETAIL of what she says GOD LOOKED LIKE. We also talk about Elissa's experience with communicating with the other side, including her boyfriend who recently passed away. Elissa has a book and its cu…
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Beth Jones found herself going to a hypnotherapist and had no idea it would change her life. We dig deep into what that session did for her to show her how to break through years of trauma! We also speak about how disassociation can be a major factor when it comes to not being able to heal through our past traumas. Beth has written a book called: B…
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Amirah Hall had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE while in EGYPT. She was told she died during an event and later recalls what happened during an Out Of Body Experience. We also chat about how we need to learn and develop our senses and how we can work on our energy fields. This in turn can help us heal ourselves! Amirah has a 15 minute meditation to help wi…
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Shekina Rose had food poisoning which lead to a near death experience. We talk about what happened and how her experiences changed her life. We also dig in about how music influenced her decision to come back and how she now uses music and sound to help others with their energy field. For more information on Shekina you can go to : https://shekinar…
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Megan Babcock found herself walking around feeling dead inside. She shares her story around healing and how she did the work to re-train her nervous system and heal her inner child from past traumas. We dig into self empowerment and how we can possibly catch the stress we have in our lives before the emotional response hurts us. For more on Megan y…
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Ritchie Moore had a Near Death Experience after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. He tells us his journey of self discovery, surrender and healing after coming very close to dying. He left his body and had a spiritual experience which helped him see that he would heal. Ritchie now works with others in helping them in psychotherapy but from a…
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Holly Copeland is a former conservation scientist. She talks about her spiritual awakening path towards finding her inner happiness and passions. We talk about her passion towards our environment and what steps she took towards her new found love in sound healing and coaching. We dig in deep about how sound frequency can effect us and how she has h…
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Karen Docherty is a world renowned Psychic Medium from Scotland. We talk about her life story including her childhood experiences stemming from the spirit realm. We go into detail around how we can connect with our loved ones and what our true purpose is in this lifetime. For more info on Karen, please visit: #neardea…
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Recorded Oct 31st 2024 (Halloween) Sai Marie Johnson had a near death experience while giving birth during a high risk pregnancy. She explains what happened when she crossed over and how it has impacted her life! We also talk about some other spiritual experiences where she witnessed spirits & ghosts. Sai also is an author and you can find her newe…
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Corey Lyon Folsom talks about his journey around relationships. In his early life he found it awkward to build on emotional connections and relationships, but during a soul awakening in 2009, his world and view had completely changed. We dig into how Corey is now a relationships coach and how he helps others from an empath centred place find a deep…
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Debra Yates has had multiple Near Death Experiences where she recalls leaving her body. We talk about the experiences she had, what she saw and how it has influenced her life. We chat also about how she has been seeing world events since a young age and how that has affected her life. Debra is the author of the book "Woman Of Many Names" which was …
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Stana (Stanislava Karpatyova) was diagnosed with cancer at age 30. We discuss what was happening in her life and the steps she took in overcoming her illness. In this INSPIRING conversation Stana brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into how she started to heal, including the use of positive affirmations. You can find out more about Stana on he…
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Andrea Harsch grew up as an empathic child and felt energy around her. At 17 she began having heart related problems. Andrea tells the story of how she died for 26 seconds and survived multiple times! We also go into detail around the abilities that started to come more online after her close call with death. Andrea is now just starting a new journ…
  continue reading Eli Hans had a cancer diagnoses with a low change of survival. He overcame the odds and shared his remarkable journey in todays episode. We dig deep into the spiritual growth that Eli went through during his healing journey. He is now an accomplished play-writer and actor and has been sharing his story in the award…
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Ashley Donegan came very close to dying in her 20s. We talk about what happened to her and how it affected her life after the event. We also chat about children's books she has written since finding her new awareness and awakening in life. You can find out more about Ashley by visiting her website at: #neardeathexperi…
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Yolanda Tong had a close call with death. We talk about how close things got while giving brith to her son and what happened after she survived. Yolanda has the gift of channeling the higher realms including angels and guides. After she almost died she noticed her gifts were much stronger and we talk about the differences between being psychic and …
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Reverend Emmanuel taps into the spiritual energy of your body using his vocals by making harmonic sound. His amazing gift & insight into the emotional, physical and energetic body gives new hope into healing illness and other ailments. We also talk about Emmanuels life before the work he does now and also how we can all ground ourselves better to w…
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Holly Hughes went through many difficulties growing up and it led her down a life journey of finding her true purpose. Her intuitive gifts started emerging and at 28 years old she found herself digging deep on how to live and not just survive. Holly now works with others to help people untap their own gifts and lifes direction by finding their trut…
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Karen Yates was living a standard life with a very typical lifestyle when it became clear she wasn't happy. She enjoyed some of her work but the life around her was slowly falling apart including her marriage. Karen tells her inspiring story on what happened in her life and what fears and challenges she overcame to live the life she was destined fo…
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Rachel Corpus is has lived an extraordinary life filled with spiritual experiences including 2 Near Death Experiences. She is known as an Angel in a human body as it has become known to her that she is from the angelic realm. It is Rachels purpose in this life to help people remember that they are Source. She does this through my channelling, teach…
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Susan Grau tells her detailed Near Death Experience which happened to her as a child. Susan has a beautiful way of describing what she saw when she left this realm and witnessed the afterlife. Susan is also a healer, intuitive medium, speaker and author. Her book "Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons" is a deeper dive into her life including her NDE as …
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Irene Gabelnick had a close call at age 9 when she had a very brief Near Death Experience. We talk about how that affected her life then and now. We also dig into signs that came to her after the passing of her sister, including a moment that led her in her current direction helping others with writing. Irene can be contacted at the following links…
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