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James Reed's FORGE

James Reed

Verse by verse Bible teaching. James is Pastor of Green Meadow Community Church in Helena, MT. https://www.greenmeadowcc.org/ James is a retired US Air Force Master Sergeant who went on to earn an MA in Biblical Studies and an MDiv from Southern California Seminary. James brings a combined 25+ year experience from volunteer and vocational ministry as well as life and military experience into every episode. Here at the "FORGE" he offers his insights to the Bible, the inspired word of the one ...
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show series
We come now to a part of Genesis which is the most debated subject in the entire Book of Genesis. It is more debated that the creation story itself. I honestly did not want to cover this, and in the interest of keeping us moving at a good pace through Genesis, I thought I would have a good excuse to either pick another subject entirely or just skip…
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RC states of our text for today, “The prophesied hostility between the offspring of the serpent and the offspring of the woman (cf. 3:15) takes shape immediately in the hostility of ungodly Cain against godly Abel (vv. 1–16), and in the contrast of Cain’sungodly offspring (which we will see later) versus the godly line of Seth (4:17–5:32). There is…
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We continue on from where we left Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I did not bring this out last week, but in2:15 Adam was given a job to do.He was not to be idle doingnothing. His was a labor of keeping and tending the garden. Now, exactly what that looked like we are not told, but whatever it was- it was rewarding. It did not entail hard labor…
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Today, we will begin our study through the Book of Genesis. I love the Book of Genesis for a number of reasons which I’m sure will come out as we move through it. For the longest time, my approach to the Book of Genesis was defensive. I felt as though I had to be ready to give an explanation for everything Darwinian evolutionary and atheistic thoug…
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In Chapter 4 we have the wedding of Boaz and Ruth. If we were looking for a case illustrating the law of God as given in Dt. 25:5, there is no better example. But there’s a lot more going on here than a study in case law. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is here in pictures, shadows, and symbols. And, as I’ve brought out since the first chapter, a descen…
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At this point in our narrative, we are moving toward a major resolution for Ruth and Naomi. We are moving from despair to hope. We are going to see the power of faithfulness,courage, and hope. We’re going to see that even in the face of uncertainty, God’s loving-kindness, His steadfast love—what is called “hesed” in Hebrew will conquer all the thin…
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Up to this point in the Book of Ruth, we have seen the loving and excellent character of two women—Naomi and Ruth. Although others have been mentioned, these two women arethe only real actors up to this point. But now, in chapter 2 we will be introduced to the kinsman, Boaz. He’s the first male who’s not sick, dying, or disobedient to God we find i…
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Ruth has been called the most beautiful piece of literature in the not only the Bible, but the entire world. This book is about the providence of God and His covenant community. Providence is God’s care, preparation in advance, and His guardianship over you. Ruth is about the kindness of God’s people. BTW- We do not get to be God’s people because w…
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No other passage shows the heart of love of the Lord seen in the Suffering Servant, the Messiah, Jesus, more than this one. And all this 700 years before Christ lived on earth. The NT quotes more from Isaiah than all the other prophets combined, with an amazing 308 references in the various NT books. For example, John quotes Isaiah in chapter 12 of…
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Some of you may remember the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. There’s a scene where an exasperated Charlie Brown yells, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” I have to admit I’ve felt that way before. Amid the commercialism, materialism and the general confusion of the holiday, we probably all want to understand what happene…
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1. Are you troubled by the events, people, or circumstances in your life? 2. Are you worried about the events, people, or circumstances in your life? 3. Are you fearful because of the events, people or circumstances in your life? 4. Is your heart at peace? I’m going to suggest that if we’re honest, we are prone to being troubled, worried, and fearf…
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Today is our first Sunday of Advent. I love this time of year for a number of reasons. Advent is a time that we set aside each year to celebrate the birth of our Lord and King! It is a time when we are to long for or strongly desire His coming. The appropriate sense of the season is one of waiting with great anticipation for the Savior who will ran…
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In keeping with the theme of covenant, we are going to see today what I’m calling the covenant ratified through the death and burial of Jesus. In his book, The Roman Empire Colin Wells states, “The Romans had a highly developed and theatrical sense of the public ceremonial.” They loved the triumphal parade. You could say, “Everyone loves a parade.”…
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We are continuing on with the theme of the acknowledged covenant as the arrest and trial of Jesus comes to an end. Lord willing, next week up to the first week of Advent, we will see the covenant ratified through Christ’s death and burial, and we will see it vindicated in His resurrection. That will get us through Mark 16:1-8, and we will finish wi…
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Last week I gave us part 1 of what I’m calling “The Covenant Acknowledged.” What I mean by this is that the enemies of Christ have gathered around Him now to basically ask Him how He pleads to the charges they are bringing against Him, and in so doing they are in a way, acknowledging His teachings, miracles, and all other activities. One of the thi…
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Last week I made many references to this particular Passover feast as the last supper, or the final Passover feast. Obviously, the Jews still celebrate Passover even to this day. I used those terms in spite of these continuingfeasts because it was all fulfilled in Christ. These OT practices are finally fulfilled once and for all in Jesus. So, there…
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Today is a special episode from the Book of Luke. We will be back to Mark, Lord willing, next week. There are religions out there, some of them even masquerading as some form of Christianity, which teach people in one form or another to work for salvation. They have a theology which requires certain things to achieve salvation. This kind of false t…
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Something that we often miss in our culture today is the use of poetic, figurative, and judgment language in the Hebrew language. When we read of the sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light, stars falling from the sky, floods, fire, and smoke—these are very standard prophetic imagery for political and social collapse. It does not mean now…
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We live in a world which seems to be in constant turmoil. In fact, it has been stated that the 20th century was the bloodiest century of known history. From 1900 to 1988 170 million men, women, and children were shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death. Governments invented ways to kill people. Burning, d…
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When we left off in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus had silenced His questioners and He had told this last one in particular that he was not far from the Kingdom of God. We brought out at that time that, “To be ‘in the kingdom’ one must do more than simply approve of Jesus’ teaching; one must submit entirely to His authority and person. We are not told what b…
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Mark could be split into 2 parts. The first 10 chapters would be the Person of Jesus Christ; thenbeginning at chapter 11, the focus shifts to the Authority of Jesus’ Office. From Chapters 11-13 we begin to see not only the authority of our King Jesus,but we find Him dealing with the Kingdom of Israel in crisis. Our passage today will deal with the …
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Spiritual blindness and pride can hinder us in our walk with Christ. We can fail to see just exactly how close He is to us. And, when we fail to see His closeness it often leads to fear and unbelief. So, I want to encourage you today, take note of His nearness. Consider what He endured for you. It is very personal. And, then, as you consider these …
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Our King Jesus is also a Prophet and our Priest, and what we see in verse 11 is a temple inspection. We have talked about our Lord’s offices in previous episodes, and He acts here within the duties of these offices. He is King of Israel, the Prophet of God –foretelling with 100%accuracy the future events soon to take place, and the only High Priest…
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We have been making our way through Mark’s Gospel, and in a sense we have been journeying with our Lordto His destination—the cross. We have heard the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord!” We have been called to action, and we have seen the power of forgiveness. We learned that not only is Christ the Lord of lord…
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As we consider our passage today, we need to keep in mind the previous chapters we’ve covered. Remember how we’ve considered Christian service to others. Remember the things our Lord has said about the first being the last or the greatest being the least. Remember how He has emphasized the totally helpless dependency of a child as a comparison of w…
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The world’s attitude toward children of the Hellenistic society in the 1st century was hostile. Of course, we all know that Herod had children put to death at the Advent according to Matthew 2:16-20. Children were in a precarious position. Sometimes they were loved. Sometimes they were exploited. This all depended upon how the family thought they c…
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Jesus and His disciples are now heading south from the mount of transfiguration. Jesus has told them where they are going and what is going to happen. There is a decisiveness as Jesus is passing through Galilee for the final time. Jesus is not going to be stopping. His final destination is Jerusalem. We’ve just read that the Son of Man is being bet…
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This episode was first posted on March 19, 2024. I had to do some edits. Hopefully, this is the better recording. In this episode, we might begin to understand why people wanted to make Jesus their king. However, what was in the minds of people had more to do with physical healing and free food than with true followership. We are going to further s…
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Today our attention is turned once again to a demonic confrontation where our Lord Jesus Christ shows yet again His power over evil. This account is also found in Matthew and Luke giving us 3 different witnesses. When taken together we get a full picture of what was going on. In Matthew 17:14-21 we learn that the young boy at the center of this nar…
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Last week we celebrated the Lord’s resurrection. Today, we are going to cover some things which happened in the life and ministry of Jesus before His glorious resurrection. Hopefully this will be an encouragement to you as you continue to walk with Christ. You have heard me say this before, but it bears repeating. Not only is the purpose of preachi…
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Last week we learned that from this point forward Jesus was going to be focusing on His death and travel to Jerusalem. So, it comes as no surprise to us today that the very first thing we read in our Gospel passage today is how Jesus told them that the Son of Man must suffer, be rejected, be killed, and in three days rise from the dead. We also tal…
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We have seen two miraculous feedings at this point from our Savior. The first of course was the feeding of the 5,000, and last week we saw the feeding of the 4,000. Don’t forget that there were also women and children in these crowds. This is interesting for us to note as we see the disciples getting into the boat with Jesus and forgetting to bring…
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