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Jmenuji se Michal Král, jsem Holistic Nutrition Coach a tvůrce online low carb programu, pořadatel low carb a paleo kurzů, tvůrce low carb jídelníčků na míru a majitel webu www.jsemlowcarb.cz. Kontaktovat mě můžete na e-mailu [email protected]. Najdete mě i na Instagramu @jsemlowcarb. Moje služby si můžete zakoupit na webu www.jsemlowcarb.cz.
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Plugged In is a monthly podcast offering personal and professional insights from guests with hands-on involvement in the life of adolescents and expertise in education and related fields. Our goal is to partner with parents and adults involved in the formation of young men and women by inviting them to tune into ongoing and engaging conversations that offer insight into the lives, habits, culture, gifts, and challenges of the current generation of adolescents. We hope these insights will ena ...
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JSE Offices Singapore

JSE Offices Singapore

We started our journey in 2018 as a one-stop serviced office provider, for individuals and small businesses to kick start and grow their businesses. We are the solution to “business made simple” as we strive our best to provide a conducive environment where clients can entirely focus on their business growth.
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Radim Pařík

Jsem PAŘÍK a RADIM: už od roku 2003 lidem a firmám, jak dosahovat lepších výsledků. Lepších, než si kdy mysleli. A teď budu radit i z podcastu. Někdy já, někdy moji hosté. A vám RADIM: pusťte si to. Nebojím se totiž zeptat fakt na tělo. Jedině tak zjistíte, jak skutečně přemýšlí ti nejlepší ve svém oboru.
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Dr. Brett Salkeld has become a leader in the work of integrating Catholic principles across disciplines within Catholic schools. But what does that actually look like? And why is it important at all? As Dr. Salkeld asked these questions himself and tried to articulate a response, he realized that although a lot of people were already doing this wor…
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Steve Minnis took over a struggling Catholic college with not much more than a lot of vision and a lot of prayer. Twenty years later, Benedictine College has made its mark as one of the top Catholic schools of higher education in America. In this candid podcast, President Minnis shares the three major decisions recent sociological findings show you…
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Mother Assumpta and Sister Joseph Andrew, two of the four foundresses of the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, join the podcast to talk about the beauty of Catholic education and what makes their Sisters so apt for teaching in and transforming Catholic schools not only in theology classrooms but in every disc…
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According to Dr. Peter Kilpatrick, Catholic Education is distinct not only in that it offers classes in theology or “religion.” Integration of the curricular and co-curricular is the true hallmark of Catholicism. That means that in Catholic schools – and especially Catholic universities – the goal should be much more than skills building for a futu…
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From Florida to Los Angeles, from public schools to private, school cell phone bans are on the rise. Is this just fear mongering? Is there any sound evidence to support radical school policies such as secure cell phone lockers for all students? Dr. Leonard Sax and his 17-year old daughter, Sarah,s share their opinion on no-cell-phone zones and answ…
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Cara Morales returns to the JSerra podcast studio, this time to share with parents of teen and tween girls the causes of and solutions to a growing social epidemic: mean girls. Having spoken to the entire JSerra female student population, Cara shares her approach to reaching the hearts of young women who are often both suffering from and contributi…
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In his sixth appearance on the podcast, Dr. Leonard Sax takes on what it means for parents to be the first and most important educators of their children. “Kids are not born knowing what’s right and what’s wrong,” attests Dr. Sax. Accordingly, parents serve the foundational role in the life of their sons and daughters of teaching them how to live w…
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Adolescence does not end when young men and women go off to college. In a sense, their education for life has only just begun. That’s why it is crucial to send our sons and daughters to universities that understand how to complete the comprehensive education they need to live a flourishing life. Join University of Dallas President Jonathan J. Sanfo…
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Every parent and every educator who has tried knows that getting teenagers interested in daily prayer requires perseverance and a commitment to the long game. Getting Gen Z-ers to put down the cell phones and turn to contemplation makes that task even more daunting. Now they don’t have to give up one for the other. Hear Hallow App co-founder, Aless…
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“You don’t build the house; you give them the foundation.” In this inspiring podcast, the “Dynamic Deacon” and father of five outlines practical tips for how to build your sons’ and daughters’ spiritual muscle memory. Engaging, entertaining, deep, and practical! Listen to Deacon Harold, the “Dynamic Deacon,” as he coaches parents in concrete ways t…
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In this second part of our series on, “Parents as Primary Educators,” Catholic school leader, Debbie Nearmeyer, shares some basics on how to move forward confidently in our vocation as mothers and fathers. In this second episode of “Parents as Primary Educators,” mother of five and Vice President of Faith and Mission, Debbie Nearmeyer, elucidates w…
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In this first episode in our series on “Parents as Primary Educators,” former JSerra teacher and personal counselor, Cara Morales, LMFT, explains why that is more than an overused cliché. Cara attests that God has chosen all moms and dads as the ones he has specifically ordained to raise the children he has given them. And she assures them that He …
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On this month’s episode of Plugged In, Emily Wilson talks about the difficulties she faced as a young Catholic woman going off to an enormous public university with the goal of keeping her faith and her ideals intact. As she faced those difficulties head on and navigated those challenges, Emily found her faith and her convictions intensifying. Thos…
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Is resilience as important as everyone is saying? According to the studies, yes, but perhaps not in the way you think. Why are so few teens unwilling to take risks? And what are the consequences for a generation that lives by the fabricated rules of “safety-ism”? How does the lack of resilience in teen boys play into their susceptibility to today’s…
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“Parents," says Fr. Mike Schmitz, “are the prototype.” In this lively conversation, Fr. Mike shares about what inspired his vocation and gives parents advice on how they can best equip their children to be life-long disciples of Christ. With his well-known wit and wisdom, Fr. Mike talks about his call to the priesthood, his work with college studen…
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Setting up a business in Singapore: This can include incorporating the business, registering for taxes, obtaining any necessary licenses or permits, and setting up any necessary infrastructure. The process can also include finding a suitable location, hiring employees, and developing a business plan. Singapore is known for its pro-business environm…
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Setup Company Singapore: Setting up a company in Singapore is a relatively straightforward process, thanks to the country's pro-business policies and efficient government bureaucracy. Singapore is a popular destination for foreign entrepreneurs looking to establish a business in Southeast Asia, as it offers a stable political environment, strong in…
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Company Registration Singapore: Look no further! Our consultation services offer comprehensive and expert guidance on the process of company registration in Singapore. From selecting the right business structure to filing all necessary paperwork, our team of professionals will ensure that your company registration is completed smoothly and efficien…
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Company Registration: Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process of registering your company and ensuring that everything is done correctly and efficiently. We understand that the process can be overwhelming and time-consuming, which is why we are here to take the stress out of it for you. With our services, you can rest easy know…
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Looking to start your own business? Let us help! Our consultation services specialize in company incorporation, making the process simple and hassle-free. With our expertise and guidance, you can focus on building your business while we take care of the legalities. Contact us today to learn more and get started on your entrepreneurial journey!…
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Parents have never been busier. Professional responsibilities, kids' schedules, and non-stop extracurricular events can make the idea of creating a family culture seem almost impossible. Lisa Hendey came to that same conclusion. Married to a successful doctor, flourishing in her own career, and trying to raise two children, she realized something h…
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Arthur C. Brooks has done the homework on happiness. The tenured Harvard Business professor, who is also a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, shares with us the secrets to finding true and lasting happiness — the scientific way. In this full-length recording of a talk he delivered recently to the JSerra community, Brooks lays out the fac…
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For Dr. John Boyle, co-founder of the Catholic Studies program at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, not all books are made equal. Tune in as he explains why reading for reading's sake is not enough, and why reading the right books matters. In this extraordinary insightful conversation, Dr. Boyle explains why books impact who we become, …
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Fentanyl is now the number one cause of death among American adolescents. Declared a national emergency by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the alarming rise of this drug is that much more precarious due to its deceptive nature and its overpowering addictive qualities. Fifty times more potent than heroine and one hundred times stronger than mor…
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In this recording of a recent talk given by Fr. Robert Spitzer, the famed author, television host, and international advisor gets into the nitty gritty of the most contentious moral controversies confronting American young people today. With his trademark brilliance-made-simple, Fr. Spitzer identifies the undergirding bases of several modern moral …
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In this episode of Plugged In, Dr. Leonard Sax and his 16-year old daughter Sarah explore the factors contributing to America's current "culture of disrespect." They answer questions such as: What's different about today's teen culture and why does it matter? How much social media is too much? Does limiting your child's social media use make any si…
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Sr. Maria Catherine wasn't always a Jesus fan. Far from it. Before meeting Christ, she was an actress who was involved in a host of non-Christian practices and thought Christianity and its "superstitious belief system" would be the last thing she would ever give in to. Then something changed — dramatically. Tune in to hear how this now deeply commi…
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Všichni začínáme na stejné čáře, a proto se každý musí postarat sám o sebe. Tuhle oslavu individualismu nesnáším. Všechny ty řeči o tom, že všichni máme stejné šance. Nemáme. A nenapraví to ani dnešní pokřivená doba a potřeba namlouvat si, že jsme všichni do jednoho sexy, inteligentní a máme potenciál (nebo snad dokonce nárok) vydělávat stovky tisí…
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Students struggle in school for a variety of reasons. How do parents recognize when their son or daughter's academic struggle deserves expert attention? How do they help their teenage child to overcome the stigma associated with learning challenges? In this mini-podcast, JSerra's Director of Learning and Academic Support, Drew Clute, tackles a topi…
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Tak takovou otázku jsem ještě nedostal. Prý jestli ve Fascinating Academy pracuji kromě vyjednavače taky jako uklízečka. 😂 Ondro, děkuji ti za bezvadně a originálně vedený rozhovor. Je osvěžující neodpovídat po padesáté šesté na stále ty stejné otázky. Tato témata z našeho povídání stojí za to: 👉 Jak se postavit k lidem, kteří nedodržují dohodu: Po…
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Tenhle podcast stojí za to. Se Štěpánem se v něm dotkneme témat, o kterých běžně nemluvím. 👉 Česká politika: Řeknu Vám, jaký je Miloš Zeman vyjednavač, co si myslím o odchodu ČSSD z poslanecké sněmovny i jaké kroky by měl okamžitě podniknout Petr Fiala. Napovím – týká se to státních úředníků. 👉 Partnerské vztahy: Občas na mě někdo vyrukuje s tím, ž…
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Přiznejme si to. Ušli jsme už hodně dlouhou cestu. Akorát to je pořád strašně daleko od nějakého optimálního bodu. A než se k němu dostaneme, bude to ještě moc bolet. 💥 Bolí nás to, když posté slyšíte, že to nepůjde, místo toho, abyste si poslechli alespoň jeden smysluplný návrh, jak by to mohlo jít. 💥 Bolí nás to, když před sebou vidíte lidi, kteř…
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Cara Morales believes that waiting is a necessary part of life and that if we embrace it with the right attitude it not only makes us stronger — it leads us to Christ. Usually, Cara says, we are not very good at waiting. Advent, however, the season of preparation for Christmas, gives us the chance year after year to embrace the reality of waiting a…
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@Patrik Fiala a @Martin Klesnil mě pozvali do studia. Sedím U Kulatého stolu a pánové jdou rovnou k věci. Povídáme si o vyjednávání. Vyjednávání, ve kterém je člověk považován za slabší stranu. Je odkázaný k tomu, že vyjednávání prohraje. Pusťte si náš rozhovor. Vracíme se k vyjednávání o vakcínách a k nastavování cílů. Dozvíte se: Jak poznáte těžk…
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Dnes vychází nový díl podcastu Jsem PAŘÍK a RADIM. Dnešním hostem je člověk, jehož profese některým lidem sevře žaludek. Vlci z Wallstreet. Bez svědomí. Bez emocí. Bez srdce. Poslechněte si náš rozhovor až do konce. Dozvíte se, kolik pravdy je na tomhle tvrzení. Mým hostem je skvělý advokát a můj kamarád Vít Kučera. Vítek je rozený vyjednavač. Už n…
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JSerra's new Virtue Program has been a smash hit with students and staff, but three months into the project, some parents are asking, "Weren't you doing enough?" JSerra History Teacher, Sr. John Michael of the Dominican Sisters of Ann Arbor, gives a dynamic overview of the big picture around virtues and shares some concrete stories of the fruit it …
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Mám výjimečnou příležitost odstartovat s Martinem Hurychem #Zážeh. Martin je výborný vyjednavač a mentor. Pomáhá Vám a Vašim firmám růst. Martine, děkuji Ti za pozvání. Povídáme si obchodu a obchodnících. Obchod je těžké řemeslo. A já si dobrých obchodníků nesmírně vážím. Háček je v tom, že obchod dělá kde kdo. Přečtou 2 knihy. Aplikují nějaký amer…
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Nový #PODCAST „Co na to říkáš“. Tentokrát už ve studiu v Modřanech. Jestli takhle se stěhováním bude Tomáš pokračovat, skončíme za pár let v Olomouci. 😁 Nové studio a nová technika. Celé nastavení trvá dlouho. A podle toho, co mi před natáčením Tomáš řekl, mám strach, že se příště neudrží. Nechci si ani představit, jak to dopadne. 😱 👆 Varuju Vás př…
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Bridget Desmond raised ten children, but that is only a small part of her role as a shaper of young people's lives. In her 16 years as Dean of Discipline at JSerra, she has had thousands of conversations with teenagers about the virtues they are made for and the behaviors that do — or do not — help them reach that destiny. In this 12-minute mini-po…
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V dnešním podcastu mám opravdu zajímavého hosta. Vsadím se, že až vám prozRADIM, čím se živí, nebudete mi to věřit. Hostem mého dalšího podcastu je etický hacker Martin Haler. „Pořád za mnou chodí kamarádi, jestli jim hacknu Facebook, LinkedIn nebo třeba mobil jejich přítelkyně. Mobily nehackuju a soukromí lidí mě nezajímá.“ říká o sobě Martin. S M…
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Matúš Kuchálik mě pozval do podcastu Teorie peněz. Matúš je skvělým vyjednavačem. Vždy se pečlivě připravuje a dělá si velmi detailní rešerši. Příprava je 80 % úspěchu. Kvůli takovým lidem musím pravidelně kontrolovat fotky na internetu. 😂 Bavíme se o spokojenosti v životě. A pak mi Matúš položí zásadní otázku. Poslechněte si to. 🎧 Povídáme si o zá…
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Poslední dobou se mi zhoršuje zrak. Když nad tím přemýšlím, je to vlastně od té doby, co s Tomášem natáčíme podcast „Co na to říkáš”. 😁 Dohodli jsme se, že dnešní díl bude seriózní. Hned na úvod přichází seriózní otázka od Lucie 一 naše začátečnická škobrtnutí. Tomáš je zkušenější než já. Zkušenosti jsou na něm vidět na první pohled. Když začal v ro…
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S hostem dalšího #PODCASTu 🎧 mám společnou minulost. Oba jsme několik let pracovali pro potravinářský řetězec. Jan Stohanzl začíná ve francouzském řetězci na Smíchově. Je tam zmatek. Na jedné straně ještě betonují a na druhé už skládají zboží do regálů. Když po pár letech odchází, zakopne o reality. Ty mu už zůstanou. Z garážové realitky na Vinohra…
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David Duc Do je CEO společnosti Czech Viet, která propojuje české firmy a organizace s vietnamskou komunitou. David je zakladatelem Rejža doma. Pohybuje se na Tik Toku a učí lidi, jak na této síti uspět. David je vietnamský influencer. Do Čech přijel až v 10 letech kvůli rodičům. Začal chodit do školy a neuměl ani slovo česky. Byl ve výhodě, jak sá…
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5. díl Co na to říkáš. Náš pravidelný #PODCAST! s Tomášem. ⚠️ Pozor, už samotná upoutávka je lehce nekorektní. Nic pro slabé povahy. Pokud jsem Vás ještě neodradil, pusťte si ho. 🎧 Když jsme natáčeli podcast, venku zuřilo léto. Ve studiu zuří Tomáš. Brýle mu zvětšují kde co. Bez brýlí nic nevidí. A ještě si chudák myslí, že pochází z města. Z Olomo…
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Tentokrát mám výjimečného hosta. Hosta, který vyjednává každý den. Při vyjednávání ho nezajímají peníze, smlouvy ani hospodářský výsledek. Vyjednává o lidské životy. Mým hostem je profesionální vyjednavač a hlava pražských policejních vyjednavačů Karel Pošíval. Karel se vždycky chtěl stát policejním vyjednavačem. Když se u zásahovky se uvolnilo mís…
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Studies show that affluency, strong skill sets, and the school our children attend are not the most important factors for achieving health, wealth, and happiness. Dr. Leonard Sax shares new findings on the causes of adolescent stress, anxiety, and long-term unhappiness and offers evidence-based criteria for what most impacts a person’s long-term pe…
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Už podruhé s Mirem Babkou a Hankou Petržílkovou natáčíme rozhovor pro Realitní týden. Hned na úvod se mi povede pěkný přešlap. Poslechněte si to. Tématem našeho rozhovoru je hyperkorektnost. Já nevím úplně, co to je. A Miro se kvůli tomu cítí provinile. To je úplnej skandál. Ve vyjednávání většinou vždycky jdeme rovnou k věci a hodíme velkou smradl…
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Další díl podcastu „Co na to říkáš”. Pusťte si ho. Dozvíte se, jaké má Tomáš zkušenosti s reklamou na vaginální mykózu ze 70. letech. To si nesmíte nechat ujít. Od začátku natáčení 4. dílu si Tomáš stěžuje, že je mu vedro jako prase. Přitom chodí navlečenej a ještě tvrdí, že je to dresscode. Já bych řekl, že spíš něco kryje. 🤷‍♂️ Když se obleče míň…
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