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Random Illusions

Shasta Re

The podcast where the occult community goes for it's listening pleasure! A fun and easy journey into the foundations of occult magick and creating your own path. Something for everyone from absolute beginners to seasoned practitioners! Grab a cup of coffee and join me for some magick chat!
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Rahayu Prasetyowati

Dunia hanyalah sebuah ilusi yang memenjarakan. Penuh dengan delusi dan angan-angan yang menjadikannya palsu, menipu. Karena sejatinya apa yang kita pikirkan dan kita bayangkan tak selamanya menjadi kenyataan. Ia hanya hidup dalam memori kita.
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Illusionoid/ Entertainment One (eOne)

A bi-weekly improvised comedy podcast in the style of old-time radio shows like Inner Sanctum or X Minus One, Illusionoid is performed by Paul Bates (CTV's Dan For Mayor, Second City), Lee Smart (Comedy Network's 5th Quadrant, Second City) and Nug Nahrgang (Dark Rising: Summer Strikes Back, SyFy's Scare Tactics). In the distant future, humanity has its last stand against the tyrant computer ILLUSIONOID. A lone survivor sends messages backwards through time in hopes that he can provide a warn ...
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Are you a Christian who wants to spread the gospel in an innovative and fun way? Look no further! Introducing The Illusionary Gospel, a podcast where we explore how illusions and the Bible can be used to effectively share the message of Christ. Join us as we dive into the world of clowns and their unique method of evangelism.
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Truth Behind Illusion Podcast

Truth Behind Illusion Podcast

A show about the Supernatural, The Paranormal, The Unexplained also anything and everything otherworldly. with a dash of humor, we dare to seek.....The Truth Behind Illusion". Support this podcast:
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What if I told everything we have learned about reality was a lie? What if our reality has been manipulated since the beginning of human civilization? What if we are only being told a part of truth? In this podcast I will be discussing greatest lie every told you us, the illusion of reality. In this show, we will be exploring the unknown and opening our minds to information not covered in the mainstream. So, buckle up, enjoy the descent into madness, and hopefully somewhere along we bust out ...
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Hoosier Illusion


Neal Taflinger and Ryan J. Downey are two grown up hardcore punks and longtime journalists born and bred in Indianapolis, Indiana, reuniting to talk about who they were, who they are, and where they're going. Listen in as they navigate the landscape of their mental health, rugged terrain littered with pop culture and the odd reference to Johnny Ringo, James Dean, Axl Rose, and other (in)famous Hoosiers. A PopCurse podcast. Talk to us at [email protected] Support this podcast: https:/ ...
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A podcast dedicated to revealing lies, illusions, and stories about "The Human Story" and replacing them with a direct and consistent Experience of Truth. Discover a radically different path to travel to unblock yourself; permanently end suffering, struggle, and pain; and Experience Ultimate Freedom.
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An Illusion of Escape

Shivani Gautam

Hi, this is Shivani Gautam and welcome to An Illusion of Escape, the audio sample series of my first ever poetry collection by the same name. In this series, I will take you on a personal journey of these few selected poems from the book; describing the context, narrating the verses and explaining central themes and ideas. If you like, you can get your copy of the book too. The link is down below - Happy listening!
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The Poetry of Illusion - Haiku

The Poetry of Illusion

A collection of haiku written and published over the last three years. In the tradition of sacred minimalism, the reading is held by a musical score with a duration of a single minute. All forms resolve to silence. All silence resolves to form.
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Have you ever wondered what goes into creating an animated short film? Animation Director, Reu A.T.T. as he discusses the process of creating an animated short film. No teams, No budget, only an idea and one man to realize it. Learn some interesting insights along the way. Are you still reading this? Hit play already....Jeez..
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He was a master mentalist, a warrior of the spirit, an adept in strange arts. And the last battle was about to begin. The hellish hurricane is coming. As it screams toward landfall, one man knows the truth about its origin and power. One man has seen the Mighty Angel that was called from the depths to wreak destruction and rain new evil onto the Earth. That man is Robert Arthur Dagon, the leading mentalist and magician of his generation. But Dagon is much more than an illusionist, he is a sp ...
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show series
In this illuminating episode we sit down with healer, life guide & intuitive, Nicole Bills, for a heartfelt exploration of spiritual awakening, ancestral healing & stepping into alignment with your true self.Nicole shares her spiritual journey—one that began in childhood with natural healing abilities but was later suppressed due to societal condit…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2nd cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentativ…
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Amateur de rock sous toutes ses formes ou presque? Cette émission s’adresse à vous!Nouveautés, découvertes et rock en tout genres!L'émission qui est en constante évolution propose une vision éclectique et parallèle de la musique actuelle: Indie, artistes émergents, musique alternative, psychédélique, progressif, classic rock, folk rock, country, al…
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Sequential and finite Illusionary Images 160 is here. Be sure to check out Illusionary Images on the first Thursday of every month exclusively on Alex Baker - Revolve (Original Mix) [UnderCurrent] Gryr - Letters (Hannes Kretzer Remix) [Blue Marble] Fractures, Cotton Duck - Reset (Original Mix) [Beyond Rec] Finley Bruckner, Courtney S…
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Amateur de rock sous toutes ses formes ou presque? Cette émission s’adresse à vous!Nouveautés, découvertes et rock en tout genres!L'émission qui est en constante évolution propose une vision éclectique et parallèle de la musique actuelle: Indie, artistes émergents, musique alternative, psychédélique, progressif, classic rock, folk rock, country, al…
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This week we explore the mystical world of animal communication with Nick Musica. Nick shares his unique journey of discovering his ability to communicate with animals—an ability that was revealed to him through an unexpected encounter with a psychic medium.Through personal stories & deep insights, Nick explains how animals serve as guides, teacher…
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Celebriamo l'anniversario della nascita di Darwin spiegando come la teoria dell'evoluzione abbia restituito valore scientifico alla biologa e ci permetta di affrontare scientificamente la domanda: che cosa è la vita?Oggi 12 Febbraio è l'anniversario della nascita di Charles darwin e nel mondo si celebra il Darwin Day. Questa live proporrà una "lezi…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2nd cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentativ…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Huit fictions radiophoniques réalisées par les élèves du 2e cycle théâtre du Conservatoire Maurice Ravel de Bayonne, à l'issue d'un stage mené par Hélène Darriot et Mario Bompart. Des histoires d’aujourd’hui, celles de gens ordinaires qui portent les marques de blessures anciennes, jamais guéries, dont ils vont essayer de se libérer. Huit tentative…
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Si vota la sfiducia individuale alla ministra Daniela Santanché. Le sorti del Paese appese ad un filo; o no?Speaker, Bio e RisorseCostantino De Blasi Presidente di Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni vuoi associarti o donare a Liberi Oltre fai click su questo link - …
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Linguistica e glottodidattica: questa nuova rubrica, dove Andrea Alesiani in qualità di "studente" dialoga con il linguista Stefano Vittori, ambisce a illustrare quegli elementi fondamentali di linguistica generale, storica e comparativa che possono effettivamente facilitare lo studio delle lingue straniere (a partire dalle lingue indoeuropee, dall…
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Foibe e il confine orientale nella II guerra mondiale. Oblio e ricordo, discriminazione e assimilazione forzata. Dagli errori del passato un pro memoria per il futuroSpeaker, Bio e RisorseCostantino De Blasi Presidente di Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni vuoi associarti o donare a Liberi Oltre fai click su questo…
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Un viaggio tra truffe telefoniche ai grandi industriali italiani, l’arte di circondarsi di personaggi improbabili e l’abilità di Trump nel sembrare il più equilibrato di tutti. Dal finto Crosetto ai politici che cadono nei tranelli più elementari, passando per l’ufficio della fede della Casa Bianca e il ruolo della simpatia in politica._______*Spea…
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Primo episodio di una nuova rubrica con il giornalista Giorgio Provinciali, che ci racconterà l'evoluzione dei vari fronti dell'Ucraina attraverso le sue testimonianze dirette, la sua capacità di analisi e la sua straordinaria umanità. Una rubrica che parte - in questo episodio - dalla situazione del fronte, ma in cui la tematica militare non è il …
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Al termine del ciclo di 3 puntate sull'opera di E.Said, facciamo degli approfondimenti con Massimo Ramaioli per comprendere il valore dell'opera di Said, le critiche al suo lavoro, e gli insegnamenti che si possono trarre anche in ordine alle tensioni in medio oriente________*Speaker, Bio e Risorse**Costantino De Blasi* _Presidente di Liberi, Oltre…
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Scontro con la corte penale internazionale, spionaggio ai danni di giornalisti e altre notizia fantastiche dalla fattoria più pazza del mondo________*Speaker, Bio e Risorse**Costantino De Blasi* _Presidente di Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni_ vuoi associarti o dona…
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Delicate and uncertain Illusionary Images 159 is here. Be sure to check out Illusionary Images on the first Thursday of every month exclusively on Max Cooper - The Missing Piece (Original Mix) [Mesh] Felix Rösch - Poly (Original Mix) [Felix Rösch] Sarco, Alpas - Dozing Off (Original Mix) [8589528 Records] Latteo, Xande (IT) - Eolian …
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In questa prima puntata della storia del concetto di razza, con Andrea Graziosi cerchiamo di delineare in che modo sia stata codificata il senso di appartenenza alla comunità dal mondo antico sino alle invasioni barbariche. Che cosa era il 'genos' presso gli antichi greci? In cosa si riconosceva il 'populus' romano? Come era classificato il genere …
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Il dibattito politico esprime quotidianamente una necessità: riformare la normativa. Leggi, regolamenti, ogni fonte del diritto può e deve essere modificata al fine di perseguire una determinata visione della società e del suo sistema socio-economico. Ma in che cosa si traduce una tale azione? Qual è l'impatto delle regole? Come valutarlo? E Le nor…
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Il piano di Donald Trump per Gaza è realistico o una delle tante folli provocazioni? Intanto la destra israeliana gongola________*Speaker, Bio e Risorse**Costantino De Blasi* _Presidente di Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni_ vuoi associarti o donare a Liberi Oltre fa…
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