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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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A essência de um ofício, um percurso, um legado, uma personalidade, um evento, uma época, um livro.A história, as artes, a ciência, a diplomacia, as ideias e o pensamento.
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Mit der buch|essenz stellen wir Sachbücher von besonderer Bedeutung für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, als Buchzusammenfassungen für dich bereit. Du musst Sachbücher mit mehreren hundert oder gar tausend Seiten nicht gänzlich lesen, um die Kernaussagen und Argumente der Autoren zu verstehen – denn genau dies decken unsere kompakten Buchessenzen ab. Mehr:
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Eerie Essex

Bethan Briggs-Miller and Ailsa Clarke

A podcast for those who want to join us on our journey into the stranger side of the county. We will be exploring the folklore, urban legends and supernatural encounters that form part of it's rich history.
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching !
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Podcast oficial del paraiso del house de la FM mezclado y seleccionado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE. Cada fin de semana en tu dial favorito de radio y en nuestro podcast oficial en
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Vetiver Vibes with Essentria

Nikki Fraser & Rachael Dean

Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mary Shelley, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way. Support the show and Join the Book Club
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Bei Radio Essen auf Sendung und online in unserer Mediathek zu hören: Das Lokalradio für Essen hat auch Bürgerfunk im Programm. Die Moderatoren und Reporter präsentieren bei Radio Essen aktuelle News, relevante Themen, lokale Veranstaltungen, spannende Interviews und natürlich Musik. Die Sendungen von Radio Essen gibt's in der Mediathek von NRWision sowie als Podcast per RSS-Feed.
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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Essential Zodiac

Cynthia McNulty

My vision for Essential Zodiac Podcast is to provide valuable and reliable information on a variety of topics related to astrology. We'll discuss New and Full Moons, important monthly transits and unique Astrological happenings. The podcast is released every other week, on the Friday closest to the New and Full Moons.
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Du interessierst dich dafür, was man bei der Stadtverwaltung Essen alles machen kann? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Von Ausbildungen über duale Studiengänge und Quereinstiegsmöglichkeiten haben wir für alle etwas passendes dabei. Bei unserem Karrierepodcast Filterkaffee & Faxgeräte erhältst du Einblicke von unseren Auszubildenden, von Berufseinsteiger*innen und von generellen Themen rund um den Alltag bei der Stadt Essen. Wir, Katja, Julia und Kübra freuen uns darauf, euch einen Einblick ...
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Lungenfacharzt Doc Esser beantwortet im WDR-Podcast montags und donnerstags drängende Fragen rund um das Coronavirus. Der Podcast ordnet ein, gibt Tipps und hilft, sich richtig zu verhalten, ohne dabei in Panik zu geraten. Schickt Doc Esser Eure Fragen an oder per Sprachnachricht an 0170/91 83 576.
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Featuring extended interviews with some of the biggest names in football and in-depth analysis of the latest talking points with Sky Sports' football journalists, dive deeper with the Essential Football podcast. Follow, like or subscribe today and make sure you don’t miss an episode.
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Essential Astrocast

Veronica Perretti

Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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234 Essential

Global Village

Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: For ads: 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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Using Essential Oils Safely

Lea Jacobson, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

If you're going to learn about using essential oils safely, get your information from someone who doesn't profit from selling them. Lea Jacobson is an essential oil safety expert with the honor of educating over a million health-conscious families on safe remedies for themselves and their loved ones.
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Sex & Essen

Nicole Siller

Nicole Siller ist Sexualberaterin, Beziehungscoach und Autorin. Du möchtest Dein Liebesleben wieder lustvoll genießen? So wie gutes Essen? Facettenreich, überraschend, schmackhaft, bewährt? Ich möchte Dich in diesem Podcast inspirieren und anregen, Deine Sexualität sowie generell Dein Leben, weil das ja alles irgendwie zusammenhängt, genussvoll und selbst zu gestalten. Damit Du es (wieder?) richtig auskosten kannst. Natürlich ist das für jeden Menschen individuell. Da gibt es kein Richtig od ...
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Wie klingt unsere Stadt? Bunt, abwechslungsreich und spannend! Bei Essen im Ohr bringen wir die aktuellsten Themen aus Essen direkt in Euer Ohr. Unsere Gäste sind dabei so vielfältig wie unsere Stadt: Neben Musiker:innen, Promis, Schauspieler:innen, Influencern oder Politiker:innen sitzen auch immer wieder Menschen mit uns im Podcast-Studio, die einfach eine spannende Geschichte aus ihrem Alltag erzählen. Bei Essen im Ohr wird nachgefragt, erklärt und vor allem viel gelacht.
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Kopfsache Essen

Life Radio Tirol

Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum du isst, was du isst? Oder warum es manchmal so schwer fällt, deine Ernährungsziele zu erreichen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Im Podcast Kopfsache Essen tauchen Life Radio Redakteur Philipp Granbacher und die bekannte klinische Psychologin Cornelia Fiechtl ( tief in die faszinierende Welt der Ernährungspsychologie ein. Hier erfährst du, wie dein Gehirn deine Essgewohnheiten beeinflusst und wie du diese Erkenntnisse nutzen kannst, ...
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Essential Grooves

Essential Grooves / Deep Influence

Essential Grooves: Bringing you the hottest and latest in House/Tech House/Techno/Funky-Groove-Jackin/Nu Disco. Debuting in 2020 as monthly show with Deep Influence on MIX93FM has now expanded to a weekly show and the line up with the talents of Oscar Velazquez, Deanne, Mike Ivy, and surprise DJ take overs from time to time!. Keep it locked in as we take you on a musical journey.
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Zuhause in Essen - Ein Podcast der Sparkasse Essen - mit Tobias Häusler

Tobias Häusler - Team (Sparkasse Essen): Frank Weßing, Nadine Steinkamp, Sylvia Twiehoff, Sebastian Kirchner

Früher war alles besser? Nein. Das Beste passiert jetzt. Tobias Häusler spricht mit Gästen, die unsere Zukunft in Essen selbst prägen und gestalten - zwischen Karnap und Kettwig, zwischen Frintrop und Freisenbruch. Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Gespräche des WDR Talk-Moderators (und Rüttenscheiders) in einer Serie, die selbst bereits für mehrere Preise (z.B. "Tacken") nominiert wurde. Vor allem aber freuen Sie sich auf die Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft, Kultur ...
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show series
In this final Accountant’s Minute podcast episode for 2024, Peter Towers emphasises the critical role accountants, bookkeepers, and business advisors play in guiding SMEs through increasingly challenging times. Amidst high interest rates, inflation, and business failures, SMEs are struggling with fiscal management, cash flow issues, and a lack of s…
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 14 The Conclusion, by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D after Hope gives his st…
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Im Veganuary versuchen viele Menschen, auf Fleisch und tierische Produkte zu verzichten. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wie gesund es ist, sich vegan, vegetarisch oder flexitarisch zu ernähren. Ist die Veggie-Wurst wirklich noch ungesünder als die aus echtem Fleisch? Demnächst sprechen Anne und Doc Esser über Tageslichtlampen, Vitamin D - der…
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Im Veganuary versuchen viele Menschen, auf Fleisch und tierische Produkte zu verzichten. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wie gesund es ist, sich vegan, vegetarisch oder flexitarisch zu ernähren. Ist die Veggie-Wurst wirklich noch ungesünder als die aus echtem Fleisch? Demnächst sprechen Anne und Doc Esser über Tageslichtlampen, Vitamin D - der…
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Sky Sports’ Ron Walker, Peter Smith and Sam Blitz preview Liverpool’s huge derby game vs Manchester United - which affects both ends of the table! Can Liverpool be stopped in their pursuit of the title and should Ruben Amorim’s Red Devils be looking over their shoulders at the bottom three? It's a match you can watch on Sky Sports on Super Sunday. …
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In this episode, Eckhart elaborates on the narratives we create called My Life. He says these stories are really a work of fiction. It’s like we’re following a script. We play our part and go through all the motions. He explains when we identify with these scripts, we’re unconscious and stuck in the grip of the ego. These patterns may go back gener…
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Send us a text In this episode of Vetiver Vibes, hosts Nikki Fraser and Rachael Dean kick off 2025 with a joyful reflection on their five and a half years of Essentria and Vetiver Vibes. They share their enthusiasm for the new year by discussing exciting goals: Launching a new course for a Level 2 certification later in 2025, perfect for those with…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 16, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D he makes his way to the opium …
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Diese Episode von „Übers Essen spricht man nicht“ nimmt uns mit nach Floridsdorf, wo Andi Maurer einen Biohof führt – mit Schweinen, Hühnern und Ziegen, und das direkt am Rande der Großstadt. Andi erzählt von seinem Alltag als moderner Stadtbauer, was ihn an Schweinen fasziniert und warum artgerechte Tierhaltung so wichtig ist. Er verrät, wie viel …
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Send us a text Happy New Year! Let’s start 2025 off right by joining me for the latest Edufaith Essentials Educational Podcast episode. 1:36 For our inspirational story, I will highlight superheroes among us with an organization geared to bring out the superpowers within children. 3:21 Dates to Remember, including MLK Day and the Chinese New Year. …
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First coming to international attention after Brian Eno heard him playing in Washington Square Park in New York City in 1979, Laraaji’s calm, meditative, and deeply spiritual work was widely heard for the first time when his Ambient 3: Day of Radiance, record was released by Eno in 1980 as the third in his “Ambient” series. A collection of his earl…
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It’s the end of 2024, so Dr. Carolyn and I are talking about goal-setting and how we view New Year’s Resolutions. Along the way, we dabble in the importance of working with our brains rather than against them, the power of feeling seen, and why staying true to our values is important. Register for the ADHD Essentials Parenting Groups Here Learn Mor…
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Edición especial 1269 donde hacemos un repaso a lo que ha sido el año 2024. Los auténticos discazos del año en todos los subgéneros de la música house. Más de 3 horas desde lo más elegante hacia lo más oscuro de la tendencia (deep house, soulful house, funky house, club house, tech house, afro house y melodic house). Imperdible.…
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Forgiveness Standalone Essential Church December 29, 2024 SUMMARY Forgiveness is defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards someone. The speaker shares his personal story of not being able to forgive his father who abandoned him and later committed suicide. Forgiveness is mentioned numerous ti…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 15, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D evening Dorian goes to a din…
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Holy Family Sunday – Honoring Mother and Father Msgr. John Esseff reflects on the need for healing mother and father wounds, a topic that resonates with many. With his deep spiritual insight and experience, he reflects on the complex dynamics of family life and the crucial roles of understanding and forgiveness. Through intricacies of parental rela…
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Adattarti. In modo armonico, alle esperienze, alla vita, alle tue istanze profonde. Sceglierti, per stare bene, per stare meglio, per creare una vita armoniosa. Il cervello è neuroplastico se tu, sei neuroplastico. Così, invecchi o ringiovanisci, costruisci il futuro o vivi nel passato tanto quanto scegli di credere in te e nella tua possibilità, d…
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 11 A Continuation of the Reminiscences of John Watson MD by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D…
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The December 30th New Moon in Capricorn offers a chance to accelerate progress toward end-of-year goals and 2025 resolutions. This New Moon encourages disciplined, practical planning, but astrologer Cynthia McNulty warns that with Mars retrograde until February 23rd, you may find delays with immediate action. While plans and goals can be set, actua…
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Yoga, joggen oder Fußball? Frauen und Männer trainieren oft unterschiedlich. Vor allem beim Kraft- und Ausdauertraining haben wir unterschiedliche Voraussetzungen. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen über das beste Training für Frauen und Männer und klären, worauf ihr beim Sport achten müsst. Das sind die Themen in dieser Folge des Gesundheitspodcasts: (01…
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Yoga, joggen oder Fußball? Frauen und Männer trainieren oft unterschiedlich. Vor allem beim Kraft- und Ausdauertraining haben wir unterschiedliche Voraussetzungen. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen über das beste Training für Frauen und Männer und klären, worauf ihr beim Sport achten müsst. Das sind die Themen in dieser Folge des Gesundheitspodcasts: (01…
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In this episode, Eckhart talks about the Being dimension which is where we find our true essence. However, for many of us Eckhart says our beingness gets lost in thinking. Our job is to separate the two. We reclaim consciousness from the mind because he explains this separation is the essence of all spiritual practice. Eckhart describes his own awa…
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C’è sempre bisogno di qualche pensiero incoraggiante, da tenere nel cuore e nella mente, e da usare, quando di forza ne serve di più. Se pensi che il successo sia qualcosa di solo materiale, ti inganni. Il successo vero è l’equilibrio nella vita e della vita, e senza crescita spirituale, raramente arriva e rimane, e cresce. Così, le leggi spiritual…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 14, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D next morning, Dorian awakes f…
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A Christmas message for everyone from Msgr. Esseff! Is 52:7-10 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, “Your God is King!” Hark! Your sentinels raise a cry, together they shout for joy, for they see directly, before their eyes, the L…
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Edición #1268 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE con novedades de Riva Starr, DJ Luck & MC Neat bajo el remix de James Haskell. Gabriele Ranucci, Guillermaten, Hayley C & Stanny Abram, High & Dry, Juan Diazo & Karo Gomez, Kideko, Marvin Sykes, OTIOT, Rj Gibb, Ship Wrek, Truth x Lies & KLP y Vintage C…
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On Christmas Eve, the grand sweeping journey of salvation history comes to an important epoch with the “yes” of a virgin named Mary. From that point, the world is transformed forever. Msgr. Esseff challenges all of us to identify the tendency or flaw that cripples us. Give whatever that is to God. Christ has the power to heal you and change you int…
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Zwischen Tönen und Träumen – Mit Monika Ballwein über Weltfrieden, Sinnlichkeit und Lebenslust“ In dieser Episode spreche ich mit der außergewöhnlichen Sängerin Monika Ballwein über Themen, die weit über Musik hinausgehen. Wir tauchen ein in die Kraft der Stimme und wie sie eine Brücke zum Weltfrieden schlagen kann. Gemeinsam entdecken wir die Bede…
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As we count down to the end of a memorable year in the football, relive the last 12 months in the Premier League and beyond as Sky Sports football journalists Ron Walker, Ben Grounds and Sam Blitz dish out the awards for the best and the worst of 2024.Who's been top of the tree, who's been the surprise package... And who's been the biggest disappoi…
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If you're wondering which essential oil brand to purchase from, you can check out the website of the brand that you are interested in, and go through a list of questions to see where they stand. Some of those questions I've shared on previous episodes, and today you'll hear some more. As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist who doesn't sell essentia…
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Em 1984 o Twisted Sister lançou o disco que veio a mudar sua carreira e espalhar o nome da banda pelo mundo. Stay Hungry é o 3º disco do grupo que apresentou aqui simplesmente dois clássicos absolutos do Rock "We're Not Gonna Take It" e "I Wanna Rock". Porém foi forjado em meio à uma queda de braço entre a banda e o produtor, e apesar de ser o disc…
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Essential Grooves: Bringing you the hottest and latest in House/Tech House/Techno/Funky-Groove-Jackin/Nu Disco. Debuting in 2020 as monthly show with Deep Influence on MIX93FM has now expanded to a weekly show and the line up with the talents of Oscar Velazquez, Deanne, Mike Ivy, and surprise DJ take overs from time to time!. Keep it locked in as w…
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The Faithful, The Faithless & the Joy of Christmas Standalone Essential Church December 22, 2024 SUMMARY The pastor has preached over 100 Christmas messages in his 30-year career, and he feels he has exhausted the material from the few biblical chapters about Christmas. The pastor prefers preaching Easter messages because the entire New Testament a…
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Und warum das besser wird, wenn wir unseren Egoismus überwinden.Warum scheitern demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse? Warum hemmen egoistische Interessen und kurzfristiges Denken den Fortschritt in wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen? Er skizziert einen optimistischen Ausblick und zeigt, wie der Überwindung des Egoismus durch Solidarität …
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Zerbrechlichkeit und Resilienz der Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert.Stehen wir vor einer "Demokratiedämmerung"? Wie steht es um die Resilienz und Krisenbewältigungskompetenz von Demokratien? Die Demokratie sollte sich auf ihre Lösungskompetenz und die Fähigkeit besinnen, auf Herausforderungen nachhaltig zu reagieren. Die Rolle der Partizipation ist da…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 13, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D takes Basil up to his lock…
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The Fourth Sunday of Advent – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff On the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Msgr. Esseff reflects on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary; her profound humility and obedience, which serve as the cornerstone of salvation through Christ. Drawing on scriptural passages, he highlights Mary’s pivotal role in the Incarn…
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