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Willkommen bei "healemotionalhunger", dem Podcast, der dir hilft, emotionale Essgewohnheiten zu verstehen und zu überwinden. Wenn du dich jemals gefragt hast, warum du in stressigen Zeiten zu bestimmten Essgewohnheiten greifst, bist du hier genau richtig. In jeder Episode teile ich wertvolle Einsichten und praktische Tipps, um deinen emotionalen Hunger auf gesunde Weise zu stillen. Gemeinsam erkunden wir die tieferen emotionalen Bedürfnisse, die oft hinter Essverhalten und alltäglichen Herau ...
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met·a·mor·pho·sis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. Everyone that has had a vision for their life has gotten stuck at some point and questioned themselves. Am I doing it right? Is this even working? Is it even worth it? Val and Jen, doTERRA leaders, talk about overcoming and breaking through the guilt of "shoulds" and the creativity killer called comparison as they journey on in their business toward purpos ...
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show series
In dieser Folge untersuchen wir, was emotionales Essen ist und wie man es erkennt. Viele Menschen greifen aus emotionalen Gründen zu Essen, ohne körperlichen Hunger zu verspüren. Ursachen für emotionales Essen: - Stress, Traurigkeit und Langeweile - Konditionierung und Belohnungsgewohnheiten - Fehlende Bewältigungsstrategien Checkliste: 1. Isst du …
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Willkommen bei "healemotionalhunger". Ich bin Sarah, und ich freue mich, dass du hier bist. Mein Leben wurde lange Zeit vom emotionalen Essen bestimmt. Meine Diätkarriere war geprägt von ständigen Jojo-Effekten, die alles nur noch schlimmer machten. Doch an einem Punkt erkannte ich, dass es nicht nur um das Essen selbst ging, sondern um tiefere emo…
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You were made to live a life of miracles, but somewhere along the way, life taught you a different story. In this upcoming course (January 2022), we are taking you through a step by step process to undo old stories of stress and struggle and replace them with a radical awareness that life is always working out for you. This episode breaks down the …
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You were made to live a life of miracles, but somewhere along the way, life taught you a different story. In this upcoming course (January 2022), we are taking you through a step by step process to undo old stories of stress and struggle and replace them with a radical awareness that life is always working out for you. You have power. You have choi…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re o…
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Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car. If we learn to be sensitive to listen to what our body is telling us, we can get clues about the thoughts and beliefs that go against what our spirit knows to be actually true. These signs show us our misalignments with the Truth. This episode gives the basic breakd…
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Depending on what culture and background we all come from, we've developed a very specific understanding and vocabulary about our spirit. As we learn more holistically how to take care of our bodies and add more tools and resources to our mind/body health practices, it's fun to look at the way the spirit is nurtured in each of them. They are all ro…
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The first challenge to be able to experience something outside of your normal realm of natural is to be able to quiet our chattering mind. In this episode we give some examples of essential oils to help your mind let go of the cycle repetitive negative thoughts and get into a state of mindfulness or meditation. Shifting from the natural to the supe…
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Spirituality... What is it? What isn't it? What hinders it? What should we avoid? Our friend and guest, Justin Grant, helps us unpack the junk drawer of confusion that surrounds spirituality and how to grow healthier as spiritual beings. We also decide that everyone who has survived 2020 needs a bottle of doTERRA's Console blend! Get the roller ble…
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In this episode, we talk about navigating around the anger, sadness, and confusion that's happening around us and how we are zeroed in on gaining wisdom that encourages others and diffuses the chaos in the air. The most powerful weapon we have is our peace, but the process of gaining and maintaining peace can sound a little abstract. We break down …
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In the middle of a pandemic, cultural revolution, and whatever else 2020 brings, are you wondering what's next for you? As life challenges you to leave the illusion of safety in the "normal" and step out in courage, you may stop along the way and feel like you're back where you started. But if you take a closer look, you may realize that you have b…
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This week we had some friends join us! Kathy Bryant and Amy Fricks are educators who are beginning their own journey into guidance for whole mind, body, and spirit health and wellness. They are taking their own personal growth journeys and creating helpful resources that integrate the Enneagram, body types, food plans, exercise, prayer, and soon es…
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We were so grateful in this podcast to tie together Val's upcoming book with previous work we've done on resources for using essential oils to enhance prayer, meditation and journal time! We give an excerpt from our prayer journal and explain how it ties in with the book, and we share a great roller bottle blend that helps with the process and a di…
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Val unpacks more of the value in her upcoming book, Designed for Joy, about going from stressed, anxious, and less than hopeful about life to living in joy and finding identity and purpose. She shares what led her to write the book and how it can be helpful for anyone struggling to see purpose and value in what they're doing in life.…
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During the quiet months of quarantine, Val was able to dig deep with people and work on finishing her book, Designed for Joy (release coming in June 2020)! In this episode of the podcast, we're breaking down some of the valuable tools in the book as well as her experiences that led her to writing it. Everyone is born to live in joy... so why aren't…
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Boundaries are something we hear a lot about, but how do you actually decide who gets access to your time and energy... and how much should you give them? We walk you through a healthy process of making these decisions and give you a blend to help your body physiologically agree with your boundaries. Boundaries, 5mL Roller Blend 8 drops Clove 12 dr…
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Substances used in, on or around your body can have a negative or profoundly positive impact on your mood and emotional wellness. Mind, heart and body coherence is how your thoughts, emotions, and physiology work together. Synthetic or toxic substances do not work with, but actually, impede the proper connections and communication between cells and…
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Chronic overwhelm and difficulty finishing tasks, as well as exhaustion and other physical symptoms can be a sign of a cluttered life. In this episode, we share tips on how to physically declutter your life to improve attitude, mood, energy levels, focus, productivity and your ability to make a positive impact on the world around you. Use the Clear…
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Studies on stress, satisfaction, physical health and cognition all speak to the value of streamlining your life. In this episode, we share the effects of clutter, types of physical and non-physical clutter, and ways to get started on streamlining your life for more energy, better mood, and more progress toward your vision. Use this blend from Desir…
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Elisa Allen joins us to extend our series on self love and compassion to the process of learning to trust yourself. So many times overwhelm and anxiety are linked to feeling powerless or that all of the answers to our questions are outside of us, when in reality, we actually already know the next step. Elisa teaches us a meditation that she uses to…
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Self love and self care is a hot topic these days, but the old view of self care being bubble baths and pedicures is changing. We are realizing that we all have a right to feel happy, healthy and loved, but life doesn't automatically allow for that. We have to take some initiative to design our life around that belief. In this episode, we give you …
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Do pedicures, bubble baths, and massages fill up your cup enough to pour love back out onto everyone else in your life to the extent that you envision or want? Yeah... us either. In this episode we talk about clearing the way to feel more love, the physical flow of love into the body and what blocks it, and of course, practical steps to making that…
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We loved this opportunity to chat with therapist, Elisa Allen, about how to curate a life of creativity and joy vs constant productivity, burnout, and exhaustion. She gives wonderfully practical suggestions that anyone can fit into their daily life to find the flow and rest that everyone needs to be truly healthy and happy. Connect with Elisa at Wi…
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We all have work to do, but does that work have to exhaust us, leave us unfulfilled and burned out? Or can we actually reach a place of flow where life seems to be working for us, even before we ask or think about what we need? Just like a butterfly is intelligently designed to receive guidance through its antenna, we are also wired to receive supp…
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Is resistance a good thing, a sign that your efforts aren't working, or are they just part of the journey? We give our perspective on resistance and how to work through fear, anger as you change habits and disrupt your comfort zone. We also share more specific essential oil advice for overcoming upgrading your habits.…
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Have you every started out toward a new goal excited and hopeful about the outcome, only to get sideswiped by overthinking, residual disappointment, or the feelings of frustration when it doesn't happen quickly or smoothly enough? Haven't we all?! If it were possible to stay motivated, in a creative state, and fueled to keep going by playing on the…
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Are you giving up on New Year resolutions? We don't blame you! Willpower doesn't work longterm. In this episode we talk about setting up your environment for success and break down to root cause of some habits. Please fill out our listener survey and sign up for free resources at https://www.valandjen.com/…
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Get a peek into all of our own personal development this year and get our list of favorite tools and resources here. Heading into the New Year is the perfect time to catch up on Episodes 16-35 to clear negativity, nourish new beliefs, and activate new mindsets for powerful new year of positivity and growth.…
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Having a vision for your life creates the momentum and the energy behind the decisions and work you have in front of you. It creates the alignment and the purpose to drive you forward. In this episode we help you break down the simple steps of taking your reflection questions and answers from last episode and put it together with twelve goals for y…
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As we grow, we will uncover new areas where chaos might have served its purpose for a time, but order and clarity will be necessary for the next phase of growth. In this episode we walk you through reflection questions to uncover the areas of your life that are sure to grow and expand in 2020, as well as a yummy new diffuser blend to release the re…
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Preparing for a year full of joy sounds like a tall order, but it IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE!! The next step after doing some mindset work with essential oils is prepping your environment. You get to choose where to start, but we share some great resources to guide you in the process because honestly, most of us don't have a clue what a truly aligned a…
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We've gotten a lot of questions about our new prayer journal and what's in it, so we decided to do a whole episode breaking down why we created this journal, how to use it, and even walk you through the prompts and oil protocols right from Day 1 of the journal. Day 1: Emotional Honesty, Letting Go of Untruth, and Trading Up for Truth To see the jou…
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Clary sage reacts with a combination of all of the major neurotransmitters that combine to allow us to feel feelings of happiness and excitement in life. In this episode we break down the importance of creativity and pursuing it. And of course, you'll get some essential oil tips to enhance your creative best self and move forward into that…
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In an attempt to hold on to expectations and a sense of hope, sometimes we just end up tense and full of frustration. Letting go of narrow expectations and focusing on good things in each moment can actually speed up the process, or at the very least, make the journey more enjoyable. Learn how to use Wintergreen to receive more by letting go.…
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Faith without effort is just a wish. Effort without faith is limited and exhausting. Both are necessary to experience change and results. Learn to use Arborvitae to help you keep your mind focused on the belief that life is working in your favor, stop taking score and trying to decide IF it's working, and just stand firm that you're on your path an…
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Confidence is simple. Show up and be yourself. Say what's on your mind and in your heart. The world needs more people who have true humility to go the way and show the way. This episode teaches you how to use spearmint essential oil to increase confident speech and project your message and purpose out into the world, not as a way to be recognized a…
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This episode is extra short for a good reason. If you find yourself getting stuck in thinking, planning, and talking about all of the amazing things that you want to do with your life but never seem to close the gap on it, you may just need to act on it and try some things and see what happens. We can only predict and plan so far before we just hav…
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