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Welcome to the Edalex Podcast – We are an EdTech whose mission is to surface learning outcomes, digital assets, and the power of individual achievement. Each episode features a thought-provoking conversation with global technology leaders and educators, where we discuss how we can deliver better outcomes for 21st century learners. Visit our website: edalex.com to learn more about us and stay tuned by following us via your podcast app, LinkedIn or Twitter.
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Upplyst är en poddserie skapad av Robert Ahldin och Christian Hellman på investmentbolaget Edastra. Genom intervjuer med entreprenörer och direktörer är syftet att sprida kunskap och inspiration inom företagande. Producerat av Silverdrake Förlagwww.silverdrakeforlag.se Redaktör: Marcus Tigerdraakemarcus@silverdrakeforlag.se Klipp: Patrik Sundén
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edamame talk

edamame sisters

女のアラサーからアラフォーは「ライフステージと心身の変化」に揺らぐお年頃。edamame talkは、そんな時期真っ最中な女子3人のあれこれを、NYとTOKYOをつなぎ発信する番組です。 ナビゲーターはedamame三姉妹、さおり・ともこ・まりがお届けします! https://www.edamametalk.com
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We are momtrepreneurs and friends on a mission to transform inspiration into action. Drawing from our formal training, exclusive interviews with renowned thinkers and leaders, the wisdom of everyday heroes, and the profound insights of the Chassidic perspective, we deliver thought-provoking insights that ignite purposeful living. Join us on this transformative journey as we provide the tools, guidance, and transformative conversations you need to lead a fulfilling life and make a lasting imp ...
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Luiz Felipe

Welcome to the Edaash podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thesollers
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Welcome to the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, where we engage in candid discussions with genuine legal experts. We dive deep into the world of the legal field from a multitude of perspectives. Our esteemed guests encompass a diverse range, including administrators, professors, court reporters, legal technicians, lawyers, and yes, paralegals! If you're a legal professional seeking guidance and eager to cultivate your legal career, then this podcast is tailor-made for you. Hosting Let's Talk Pa ...
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We understand the overwhelming nature of being a leader in a dramatically changing world. This podcast will equip you with high levels of confidence to lead yourself, your organizations and your teams into a future of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain.
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Hear stories of experience, strength, and hope from members of the 12 step group “Eating Disorders Anonymous”. To submit content from EDA speaker meetings, contact EDAPodcast@gmail.com . We are not officially affiliated with EDA, so direct all other inquiries to EDA’s website eatingdisordersanonymous.org . The information shared here reflects the experiences and beliefs of individual participants, and does not represent EDA as a whole.
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Joanna + Scott

The world's a big place. Join Joanna + Scott as they try to make it a little bit smaller, one conversation at a time! New episodes every Wednesday.
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EL programa EDA PODCAST es una plataforma de comunicación donde se pueda llegar a través de dispositivos móviles o equipos de escritorio, con material de audio que incluiría charlas y debates sobre distintas temáticas y desde distintos puntos (técnico, teórico) generados exclusivamente para esta plataforma en relación al cine y el montaje o la edición.
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Queremos que tu estancia en casa por culpa del Coronavirus se haga lo menos tediosa posible. Por eso cada día a las 2020h CET, y hasta que consigamos ganar la batalla al virus, te regalaremos un poco de voces y músicas en forma de relato sonoro para que te relajes, compartas y escuches en compañía o solo, pero SIEMPRE EN TU CASA.
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Se trata de un recopilatorio de cuentos para toda la familia, infantiles y con enseñanzas en la vida, de terror, leyendas, relatos, donde caben historias para todos y todos los gustos. Si queréis mandarnos vuestras sugerencias, escribirnos un mail a: santiagoramirezcruz@gmail.com. ¡Nos oímos!. Un abrazo.
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Nae Libby

edacious (e·da·cious – /iˈdāSHəs/ – adjective. Of, relating to, or given to eating. From the Latin edere, to eat. Synonyms: voracious – gluttonous – ravenous – greedy – piggish.) How do you stay passionate for your chosen profession? How do you stay hungry for your life when the obstacles seem to outweigh the triumphs? How do you stay EDACIOUS? Once a month we will explore this topic while eating great local food. Because everything happens when you break bread together. This is a podcast fo ...
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Quick Mujeres Sin Edad

Sacha Music S.L.

Lo último en belleza natural. El yoga facial es una disciplina que tiene como finalidad entrenar la musculatura facial con verdaderos resultados de lifting facial. Ara Rosón, especialista en técnicas naturales de lifting facial y creadora de su propio método Natural Lift, nos habla de su libro de yoga facial “Belleza más allá de tu piel” y de los cursos online de yoga facial, indispensables para quienes buscan un tratamiento efectivo para prevenir el envejecimiento del rostro y afrontar el p ...
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Caminos de Plata _ Un Podcast para la Tercera Edad

Didra Lorenzo_ Tanatologa y Coach Emocional Holistica

Caminos de Plata es un podcast dedicado a celebrar y acompañar a las almas doradas que transitan la tercera edad. Aquí, exploramos los desafíos, las alegrías, y las sabidurías que llegan con esta etapa de la vida. Cada episodio es un viaje hacia el autocuidado, la reinvención personal, y la conexión con lo que realmente importa. Queremos que recuerdes que aún hay mucho por vivir, aprender y disfrutar en este camino lleno de experiencias valiosas. Únete a nosotros en Caminos de Plata y descub ...
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A inicios de los 80 un vendedor de seguros, unos adolescentes y un artista fundaron la industria del videojuego español. De manera casi accidental, sus empresas pasaron a facturar decenas de miles de millones de pesetas en apenas unos años. Algunos de sus juegos se colocaron en lo más alto de las listas internacionales, donde nadie esperaba la irrupción de España. Aquí provocaron la mayor revolución doméstica de las últimas décadas: la entrada del ordenador personal en cada hogar, en un país ...
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show series
Send us a text In this episode of From The Inside Out Podcast with Rivkah and Eda, we dive into the art and science of building meaningful, transformative marriages with Rabbi Abe Kass. Drawing from decades of experience as a therapist and profound wisdom from Torah, Rabbi Kass unpacks the often-overlooked gender dynamics that shape relationships, …
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode we are diving deep into the delicate balance between confidence and ego and how mastering this balance can elevate your legal career. Confidence is essential for tackling challenges and advocating effectively, but unchecked ego can lead to missteps and strained relationships. Learn how to cultivate authentic c…
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Ett samtal med Peter Benson som kretsar kring hans karriär och hans tre professionella kärlekar; media, småföretagande och börs. Idag driver Peter Benson Affärsvärlden men med nedslag i hans karriär som innefattar anställningar på DI, Börsveckan, JKL, Traction m.fl. bjuds vi på många anekdoter och lärdomar.…
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Send us a text EPISODE SPONSOR: Discover AHYIN, a luxury boutique Judaica company founded by Micaela Ezra, blending her fashion design background with soulful intention and meticulous craftsmanship. Each heirloom piece, including the signature “Jardin” design inspired by the Garden of Eden, is hand-embroidered on 100% linen and designed to bring be…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, Alessandro Nolfo takes us on his inspiring journey to becoming a licensed attorney in California. Starting in 2016 with a trip to San Diego to learn English, Alessandro shares how his passion and determination led him to earn his LLM from the University of San Diego in 2018…
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Edastra träffar Fredrik Nordström som är VD på Fondbolagens förening och tidigare VD för AMF Fonder. Samtalet berör ämnen som konsolideringen av fond-branschen, kick-backs till distributörer, tightare reglering av branschen samt konsekvenser av att allt mer kapital flödar in i den privata marknaden istället för till börsen.…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of Let's Talk Paralegal, we are joined by Maria Rua, an expert in paralegal training and professional development. Maria shares her insights on how paralegals can equip themselves with the right skills to excel in their roles while navigating the unique challenges of the legal industry. From adapting to evolvi…
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Joakim Dal är idag partner på GP Bullhound där han investerar i teknikdrivna tillväxtbolag inom ramen för bolagets VC-fonder. Vad många kanske inte vet är att han en gång i tiden blev anställd av Robert på Remium innan sejourer på både Morgon Stanley och EQT. Vi får under samtalet en inblick i hur investeringar i bolag som Spotify, Klarna med flera…
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Send us a text In this interview, Dan McFadyen, Managing Director of Edalex, and Bill Hughes, President and CEO of Education Design Lab explore the Lab’s work to create a more inclusive and adaptable learning ecosystem. The Lab focuses on “New Majority Learners” (or STARs) who are underserved by traditional education pathways. Their XCredit project…
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Send us a text In this episode of From The Inside Out, psychotherapist and Tanya expert Devori Nusbaum shares her personal journey and professional wisdom on navigating life’s struggles, regulating emotions, and cultivating joy and clarity. Devori dives deep into the intersection of psychology and Jewish spirituality, offering practical tools from …
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of Let's Talk Paralegal, Ryan McKeen shares his vision for building a better future in the legal industry by enhancing training and support for legal professionals. As a seasoned consultant and educator, Ryan understands the transformative power of proper guidance, effective training, and the positive impact i…
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Ett samtal med entreprenören Pär Svärdson som efter att ha sålt e-bokhandeln Adlibris till Bonnier 2005 gav sig ut på en ny resa i form av Apotea 2012, som nu är Sveriges största nätapotek. Vi får en lektion i framgångsrikt entreprenörskap där ledorden bl.a. är ständiga små förbättringar och att alltid gå med vinst.…
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Send us your thoughts! In the fast-paced world of legal support, paralegals often find themselves juggling immense caseloads and varied responsibilities. Danielle Butler, an independent paralegal from Atlanta, GA, and the Director of Business Development at The Records Company, joins us on Let's Talk Paralegal to discuss the unique challenges faced…
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Upplyst träffar Jonas Vig som 2007 tillsammans med tre vänner grundare live-video-bolaget Bambuser, som sedan 2017 är börsnoterat. Jonas lämnade dock bolaget ett tag innan noteringen och är numera VD för vårdgivaren Min Doktor, som nyligen genomfört en turn-around. Vi bjuds på ovärderliga lärdomar och anekdoter från dessa två företagsresor.…
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Vi träffar Johan Kallblad som är VD på det börsnoterade företaget Exsitec. Efter en sejour på ungefär 14 år som VD för företaget, då omsättningen stigit från 30 miljoner till 800 miljoner, så kommer Johan att kliva av som VD för en roll i styrelsen. Vi blickar tillbaka på resan och får ta del av lärdomar och anekdoter från denna bolagsbyggare från …
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Send us your thoughts! The paralegal role is evolving, and no one understands that better than Kelby Ballena. As someone who challenges the traditional boundaries of what it means to be a paralegal, Kelby shares valuable insights on how paralegals can expand their skill sets and increase their earning potential. In this episode, we explore how para…
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Send us a text If you or someone you know is struggling and needs support, reach out to the caring counselors at 988 by phone, chat, or text, or visit 988lifeline.org—you're not alone. In this episode of From The Inside Out Podcast with Rivkah and Eda, Dr. Jonathan Singer, a leading expert in youth suicide prevention delves into the complexities of…
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Vi träffar Olle Backman som är VD för mjukvaruföretaget Vitec sedan 2021 då han tog över denna roll från en av bolagets två grundare. Han blev därmed bolagets andra VD sedan det grundades i Umeå 1985. Vi bjuds på erfarenheter och roliga anekdoter som tillsammans skapar en god bild av hur Vitec styrs och drivs framåt. Producerat av Silverdrake Förla…
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Send us your thoughts! Color is more than just a visual element—it’s a powerful communication tool. In this episode, we sit down with wardrobe expert Kerry Heaps to discuss how attorneys can harness the power of color to make bold statements in and out of the courtroom. Kerry believes that color is a language, a way of life, and much more than a si…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, we tackle the critical topic of Regulatory and Compliance in the legal industry. As a legal support professional, staying informed about the ever-changing landscape of regulations and compliance is essential to both your career success and your firm’s integrity. We discuss …
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Efter en snabb karriär inom finansvärlden i London och Stockholm hoppade Viktor Fritzén av ekorrhjulet, bara för att snabbt bli upplockad av LeoVegas. Han blev bolagets första CFO och efter en raketresa där på sex år, som inkluderade en börsnotering, så hoppade Viktor av ekorrhjulet ännu en gång. Han har idag balans i livet med fokus på familj, git…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, we dive into the essentials of freelancing your legal services, starting with the foundational steps every aspiring freelance paralegal needs to know. I walk you through three easy steps. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your freelance services, this…
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Ett samtal med Per H Börjesson, VD och grundare till investmentbolaget Spiltan, som kretsar kring bolagets grundande, dess filosofi, hur driften sköts idag och vad teamet letar efter i nya case. Vi berör också bolagets största innehav, spelbolaget Paradox, som har blivit en fantastisk investering. Vi får också reda på vilken aktie som var PHs först…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, we dive into the importance of understanding people and how it can propel both your legal career and personal growth. We explore the critical skill of truly knowing your audience, clients, and colleagues, and how this insight not only builds stronger professional relationsh…
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Send us a text All three of these men have achieved remarkable success in business, but it's their profound dedication to philanthropy that truly defines them. In this epiosde of From The Inside Out Podcast with Rivkah & Eda, we delve into the heart of their giving, uncovering the unique challenges they’ve faced and the insightful lessons they’ve l…
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Send us your thoughts! Welcome to another episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast! Today, we have a special guest, Kyla, here to discuss the incredible power of podcasting as both a branding and marketing tool. In this episode, Kyla shares her expertise on how legal professionals can use podcasting to build their personal brand, grow their busi…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, we sit down with Curtis Preston, a technical evangelist for S2|DATA, to explore the rapidly evolving world of e-discovery and artificial intelligence in the legal industry. Curtis breaks down how AI is revolutionizing document review and legal processes, making e-discovery …
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Send us a text In this episode of From The Inside Out with Rivkah and Eda, we tackle the paradoxes and puzzles that we come up against in Torah and Judaism with Rabbi Dov Schochet. Right in time for Rosh Hashana, this episode will help you enter the new year with clarity, drive, and purpose. We cover questions such as: -What are the Torah’s guideli…
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Send us your thoughts! From the 1960s until today, a lot has happened in the world of paralegals. Join me as I take you on a journey through the evolution of the paralegal role—from its humble beginnings to the critical, multi-level position it holds in the legal industry today. We'll explore where the profession started, the transformations along …
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode, we sit down with Samantha Brillantino, a successful legal professional who has overcome the challenges of having a learning disability. Samantha shares her personal journey, revealing how she navigated the legal industry and achieved remarkable success despite her learning disability. Tune in to hear Samantha…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode, we are thrilled to welcome Melanie Lippman, a renowned expert in empowering female attorneys to elevate their careers. Melanie shares her proven strategies for helping female attorneys get noticed and grow their book of business in just 90 days. Tune in as we dive into the importance of mastering executive pr…
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Send us a text To our dear listeners: We’d love to hear your thoughts on making From The Inside Out Podcast even better and more tailored for you! Please take our survey here: https://vc7ah0gv.forms.app/ftio In this episode of From the Inside Out with Rivkah & Eda, we dive into one of our favorite topics—relationships! Feeling lost and spread too t…
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En el primer episodio, exploraremos cómo la tercera edad es una etapa llena de belleza, sabiduría y nuevas oportunidades. A pesar de los tabúes y juicios que a menudo enfrentan las personas mayores, este espacio está diseñado para celebrar la vida en cada una de sus formas. Hablaremos de cómo continuar viviendo con alegría, descubriendo nuevas pasi…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode, we're diving deep into a topic that’s fundamental to every legal professional's career: Ethics. Whether you're a paralegal, legal assistant, or any non-lawyer role within the legal industry, understanding and adhering to ethical guidelines is not just a box to check—it's essential to your professional integri…
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Send us your thoughts! Here at the Let’s Talk Paralegal podcast we relieve the gap between legal education and the practice of law. By bringing relevant topics in a conversational style and in a practical way. Between the deadlines, tasks, running a caseload, and possibly running your own legal service business… where are you going to find time to …
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of Let's Talk Paralegal, we are excited to host Joshua Brumley, the esteemed 2023 Sharkey Attorney Award Winner and the driving force behind Brumley Law. Renowned for his excellence in the legal field, Joshua shares his expertise on a crucial topic for any legal practice: creating the A-Team. Join us as Joshua…
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Send us a text This episode is in honor of Collel Chabad: Link to download the "Jingle App": https://colelchabad.org/pushka-app/?utm_source=inside Pushka.cc/inside Episode Guest: Shiela Nazarian Nazarian is an Iranian-American plastic surgeon and television personality. She is the best known as the host of the Emmy nominated Netflix reality televis…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of Let’s Talk Paralegal, we dive into the crucial topic of motivating your legal staff to achieve their highest potential. The legal profession is known for its high stress, long hours, and demanding clients, all of which can take a toll on team morale and performance. Join us as we explore practical strategie…
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Send us a text Episode Sponsor: Bikur Cholim of Crown Heights. To Make a Donation or to get involved, please visit: https://bikurcholimch.org/ Episode Guest: Amanda Spiro Amanda Spiro is a cancer survivor who travels the world sharing her story of Divine Providence and coming back to Judaism. Focusing on the power of positivity in the face of chall…
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Send us a text Podcast Sponsor: Visit WWW.AHYINjudaica.com and follow @micaela_ezra and @ahyin_judaica on Instagram for more. Sign up on the site for a 10% off code! Learn More About Ahyin Heirloom Pieces Below __________________________________________________________ On this episode of From The Inside Out Podcast with Rivkah and Eda, Rabbi David …
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Vi träffar Rickard Lyko, som tillsammans med sin familj, har byggt upp Lyko från att vara en hemsida för familjens frisörsalong till att idag vara en e-handel i mångmiljardklassen med tillhörande butiksnät. Vikten av att vara långsiktig och att våga ta investeringar, även i tuffa tider, har varit central för framgången. Producerat av Silverdrake Fö…
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Send us your thoughts! In this episode of the Let's Talk Paralegal podcast, we sit down with Bo Royal, a former Fortune 500 advertising agency executive who has seamlessly transitioned into a law firm marketing expert. Bo's impressive career includes leadership roles at eBay's marketing solutions division and scaling the online advertising revenues…
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Fredrik Kjell, då produktchef på Kindred, rekryterades till Truecaller som operativ chef 2020. Tillsammans med Fredrik talar vi om den resa som företaget Truecaller är ute på, hur produkten fungerar och hur den har utvecklats över tid. Vi halkar även in på frågor som organisation och styrning då Truecaller inte är organiserade som de flesta företag…
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18 år gammal, i Moskva 1980, tog Bengt Baron ett OS-guld i simning och det är tveklöst så att Bengt är en vinnarskalle av rang. Vi bjuds på ett samtal där Bengtbjuder på lärdomar och erfarenheter från Coca-Cola, Vin & Sprit, Cloetta, Mips m.fl. Vi lär oss också mer om Kunskapsverket. Producerat av Silverdrake Förlag www.silverdrakeforlag.se Redaktö…
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Send us a text Episode Guest: Rabbi Moshe New Episode production and editing by : @abenstudios (Instagram) Join us in a deep and thought-provoking philosophical conversation with the esteemed Rabbi New of Montreal about the limits of free will. In this discussion, we explore our limited understanding of free will, and Rabbi New brings in the Chassi…
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Tillsammans med Björn Krasse, med erfarenhet från flertalet VD-uppdrag inom dagligvaruhandeln, tar vi oss igenom en karriär på cirka fyrtio år och bjuds på många lärdomar, erfarenheter och roliga anekdoter från bolag som exempelvis 7-Eleven, ICA Meny, Espresso House och Glitter.
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Vi träffar Viktor Blomqvist som sedan tjugo år tillbaka är VD för Skultuna, ett bolag grundat redan 1607. Samtalet kretsar kring bolagets historia men också kring Viktors historia som VD för Skultuna under en period då bolag har vuxit sig mångdubbelt större, öppnat egna butiker och egen e-handel. Producerat av Silverdrake Förlag www.silverdrakeforl…
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Send us a text Join us as we meet three incredible survivors of the Nova Festival, Dor Kapah, Shye Klein, and Or Elmakias. Their unwavering courage amidst the chaos and horrors of October 7th stands as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Listen as they share their journeys of healing and finding light in the darkness after t…
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Vi träffar Mattias Sjöberg som är VD för ventilationsföretaget IV Produkt. Mattias började sin karriär som bilförsäljare i Växjö där han lärde sig vikten av att ta väl hand om kunder. Detta, och mycket annat, har han tagit med sig till IV Produkt som har blivit ett stort och lönsamt företag under hans ledarskap. Bolagets kultur präglas av en stark …
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Send us your thoughts! Join us in this enlightening episode as we uncover the remarkable journey of Brooke Lively, the founder of Cathcap and the bestselling author of "Exit on Top." Through insightful conversations, Brooke reveals the motivations behind the creation of Cathcap and its profound impact on revolutionizing the legal industry's financi…
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