Join filmmaker David Gordon Green ("Pineapple Express") and actors Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch as they discuss their new film, "Prince Avalanche." The story follows an odd couple of sorts who leave the city behind to spend the summer in solitude repainting traffic lines down the center of a country highway ravaged by wildfire. As they sink into the job, they learn more than they want to about each other and their own limitations. Through humor and nasty exchanges, an unlikely friendship devel ...
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Paul Rudd, Emile Hirsch, and David Gordon Green: Meet the Filmmaker
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Join filmmaker David Gordon Green ("Pineapple Express") and actors Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch as they discuss their new film, "Prince Avalanche." The story follows an odd couple of sorts who leave the city behind to spend the summer in solitude repainting traffic lines down the center of a country highway ravaged by wildfire. As they sink into the …
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