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Start your mornings off right with a guided meditation retreat to feel better, get more done, and live this life confidently, energetically, abundantly-- fully surrendered to your highest life. Each day I'll share quick and easy access doors to help you find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review GoOD Mornings on Ap ...
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show series
I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you! ______________________________________ It's time. To come out of hiding, and to step into your destiny (into Love). You know it's time; that's why you're so uncomfortable, and also sleepy. You're not tha…
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I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you! ______________________________________ Remind yourself that it doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you. He gave that vision, that dream, that prayer to YOU, not to them, not to me. It's yours, becau…
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I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you! _______________________________ Jesus, this Love, finished it before the beginning, but we're celebrating it now. Watching now. Trusting now. Surrendering it all now. Let go, and, 'let your weight be car…
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Watch my interview with NBC's WFLA Daytime, HERE, thanks to my GoOD Friend, Farron Hipp! "If God removed every bit of darkness from your life, then you'd still be afraid of the dark next time it came. He's actually making you the kind of person who can have authority o…
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"By Your voice the whole world was made, and still you called my name." - @worshipblog The Breakthrough Prayer is powerful, but it's not what you think. You pray it, you speak it, until it breaks... until 'you' break... until you hear... and can see through to Him, seeing you through. There's nothing here but Love. Trust It. I Love you, nik Ram Das…
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"God will either give us what we ask for in prayer. Or will give us what we would have asked for had we known all that He knows." - Tim Keller Whenever you forget who you are today, close your eyes on the appearance, and feel what the appearance is made of. Feel what You are made of. Feel what is happening, to you, for you, through you. I can feel …
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This one hits right in the gut, right in the 'resistance', right in the 'self'. Your last blindspot. "You". Repeat after me, 'It's okay if it doesn't happen, God.' And melt the last block. I Love you, nik ________________________________________ My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). …
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"Jesus does not consider time, since He is eternal. He considers only Love." - St. Therese of Lisieux It's like it's Opposite Day out here. Letting go fills you up. This is a controlled fire. A necessary fire. Can you look around and say, 'this is fine.'? Can you stop holding your breath? Can you stop thinking about how to get out? Can you surrende…
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"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18 When I came into your life, I didn't come alone. I brought (y)our Mother Mary with me, She brought Her Son with Her, through Her. I brought Maharajji, Ram Dass, Ramana Maharshi, Rumi. All the Angels a…
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"Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to His word; instead, put it into practice. If you listen to the Word but do not put it into practice, you are like people who look in a mirror and see themselves as they are. They take a good look at themselves and then go away and at once forget what they look like. But if you look closely into the per…
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5 minutes before it happens, everything looks the same. ;) Persist. In. T(H)is. Love. Everything has changed this instant. Persist. In. T(H)is. Faith. I Love you, nik "Even if difficulties arise, I shall not follow the spirit of the world." - Father Kentenich ________________________________________ My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in t…
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"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33 Jesus is saying-- You still don't trust Me. You close that body's eyes, and you ask, 'Is Love here, too?' and then, instead of just noticing that I Am, you try to become Me. You try to become a feeling and then call it Me. A f…
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You've entered into your Self-- into your Miracle, into your Confidence, into your Jesus. Don't lose hope. God is about to surprise you for the first time, again. ;) I Love you, nik __________________________________________ My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). Divinely inspired. Lo…
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"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20 My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the…
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He's saying- Your Novena, even though it has not begun, has ended. Your prayers were answered. Your life isn't just better, it's Mine. Pray, 'Jesus you take care of it', until you Feel, "Jesus, you took care of it, thank you, thank you, thank you" I Love you, nik __________________________________________ My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetim…
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My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making. Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥 I couldn’t be more grateful to share this work that Love has brought forth through me. Head over to for the preorder information and instant downloads of my favorite prayers and practices I…
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My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making. Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥 I couldn’t be more grateful to share this work that Love has brought forth through me. Head over to for the preorder information and instant downloads of my favorite prayers and practices I…
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Only Love is Here, and It's appearing as our NEW book, Wake Up to Love ( ), which isn’t just a book. It’s a living encounter with the One that makes everything new. Pre-order your copy ASAP and send your proof of purchase to and you'll receive five instant downloads of my favorite prayers …
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"I will give you more than you asked for. Be patient and trust Me." - Ephesians 3:20 The rest takes care of itself. Love takes care of Itself. But you have to be Love, not 'you', to see that protection, that help, that intercession, in action. To see Him take over, to feel His Heart beating. It beats for you. He lives for you. He Loves you. Love Lo…
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You have come into the light of His Face. You are conscious of His Everlasting Arms. You are conscious of what was hidden. It says in the Gospel of Philip that Jesus is His hidden Name. It's been revealed to you. Call on It, sing It, shout It, share It. "I heard their voices and I treasured their faith in my heart. And I sealed My Name upon their f…
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"You will succeed in all you do, and light will shine on your path." - Job 22:28 You know how when you walk into a Cathedral it's so quiet, that the quiet echoes? The silence echoes. That's how it is here right now. It's as quiet as His tomb, as empty as His tomb. Match My empty. Match My Silence. Feel His Love there. The air you think you're breat…
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"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." -John 14:1-3 What you thought was dead, look again. What you thought was impossible, He disagreed with you-…
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You're seeing your lack of faith from Faith. You're seeing your lack of love from Love. Who is seeing? What is seen? The eyes report rock, tree, wall, person. But My Spirit is seeing Love, Love, Love, Love. It's seeing Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It's all His. That's why we pray, 'take care of it.' It's His anyway. Give it back. Give him 'you', He'…
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"But me, I’m not giving up. I’m sticking around to see what GOD will do. I’m waiting for God to make things right. I’m counting on God to listen to me." - Micah 7:7 This is how you know God is listening to you right now- pray the words, 'Jesus, you take over', and just hear those words. 'Jesus, you take over.' If you heard only those words inside, …
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"Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."- John 16:24 You may say My Name at the end of your prayers, throughout your prayers, but you don't feel It. Up until now, It's just been a word to you. Up until now, you've asked for nothing in My Name. You know what that means? All of t…
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'I' didn't bring you here to leave you. Do you trust that? Do you trust Me? Then show me. Relax enough to feel Me. That Feeling IS My Name. Call It. "Become conscious of Being Conscious. Eventually, the false 'I' will vanish, leaving only the unbroken awareness of the real, immanent 'I', Self-Consciousness Itself." - Ramana Maharshi ****** I call I…
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Slow down today. That's the assignment. Every time you catch yourself going top speed to nowhere, STOP and slow down. And know that 'nowhere' will look like 'somewhere'... it will look like your office, or your home, or your room, whatever it is, stop in the midst of that stride, and slow down. Stop and listen for The Feeling. Stop and listen for T…
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"With every ending you didn't think you wanted, comes the beginning you didn't know you needed." - Eddie Jesus is saying, "Stop running. Turn around, and come face to Face with Me. This Silence is My Face. It is My Ear. It is My Hand. Take It." Take up your prayer beads, and invite Him into your heart. Feel Him praying within you. Feel your transit…
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Are you ready? WE START TOMORROW, 9/2! Tell a GoOD friend, and join us! "You're in a season where all they can take from you, is notes." - @spiritualasylum ___________________________________________ Guidelines for The Surrender Novena (9 consecutive days of prayer for special intentions)-- Start each day of the challenge by setting a clear intenti…
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Join me Monday for another 9-Day Prayer Challenge! 🚀 "Carry Me"... That's what Mother Mary heard. That's what My Mother hears. That's why She appears to still carry Me, when She appears. Carry Me, so that I may carry you, to where you know you already are." ___________________________________________ We're going to keep surrendering. We're going to…
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That is the prerequisite. I Am the Prerequisite, for everything you think you want, or need to be happy. Feeling Me you come to see that you are happy. And then the world will rush to prove that. And then you will rush to prove Me, to bring Me to the world. And I will help you. But right now I just need you to practice My Presence. Eyes closed. Chi…
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“Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” -Acts 5:38-39 (NIV) Mother Theresa said 'Certainty is the last idol that you're cling…
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"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 Nothing is as it seems. Don't be fooled by what appears to be your life right now. Keep standing as My Word. There's nothing else you can do. Nothing to speed It up. Or slow It down…
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His Favor is upon you, "and a thousand generations, and your family, and your children, and their children, and their children."* And you know this, while knowing nothing is here, while knowing nothing has happened, and nothing will happen, and that that's the only way to worship the God that was, and is, and is to come. Only Love is here. I Love y…
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We live in Grace, while we wait for Grace. We live in God, work in God, Love in God. (T)here's only God. No 'we'. Hi Love. His Work. His Life. Trust Him with It. I Love you, nik Please support the show: ▶▶ ▶▶ Cash App $NikWalton __________________________________________ Surrender Novena Day …
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Affirm: "I don't need anything, I need Him." And watch as that stomach relaxes. Those shoulders come down an inch or two, a smile returns to your face. The song returns to your lips, to your tongue. The Worship is back. Real life is back, without fear, that spirit that He didn't give you. The miracle happens every time you wake up to Love. Every ti…
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"I tell you, keep on asking, and it will be given to you. Keep on searching, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." - Jesus Christ Keep remembering that I Am your Daily Bread, and you'll never hunger ag…
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Be not afraid. Your carpenter season is ending. Listen for the Calling. Step into your calling. God is saying- "For I know full well the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for your misfortune, plans that will offer you a future filled with hope. When you call out to Me and come forth and pray to Me, I will listen to you. When you …
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I had an encounter yesterday. That resulted in me altogether scrapping the episode I recorded for today and recording this one instead. "I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to dance. And it's not so much of an answered prayer. It's like He's saying, "I've always been taking care of everything; you just recognize it now." -A listener speaking of…
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Affirm: "There is nothing to heal, only God to reveal." (Ernest Holmes) Then light a candle and pray to God, knowing there's only God-- "O Blessed Lord, and my beloved Mother, Mary, accept this burning candle as a sign of my faith and love for you. Like this candle, I am ready to be used in Your service, without asking why and to what purpose. Even…
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“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden." - Matthew 5:14 There's softness about us, that is very powerful. You can hear It in my voice, and I can feel It where you are. You don't get to hide anymore. He has set you on a hill. Burn, brightly. Shine. Glow. Lead. The. Way. I Love you, nik Please su…
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"Your shame and disgrace are ended. You will live in your own land. And your wealth will be doubled; Your joy will last forever." - Isaiah 61:7 But let's start with right now. Let's pray right now. Together, as One. Welcome to the Surrender Novena Day 1 (again)! We are walking not by eyesight, but by Heart-sight, by Faith-sight, out of the boat, an…
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View your mind like traffic that has nothing to do with you. Traffic that's on the other side of the road. The kind of traffic that makes you say, 'whooo! Glad I'm not going that way!" Don't get involved with it. You're not stuck in it. You're simply watching it. Every time a thought approaches, ask yourself, 'to whom does this thought come?' And p…
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Never hold a thought, never drop the Thread. Watch and listen to your mind. Notice when it's doing what it does. Notice its judgements, criticisms, projections, conclusions. Don't react. Don't respond. Don't try to stop them. Just notice. And then notice what else is present. Listen to the Silence that the thoughts are coming and going in. Feel tha…
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You: "Jesus, you take care of it... take care of everything." Jesus: "Say those words again, but this time like you're speaking them to someone in the room. I don't want dead words. Vain repetitions-- meaning words without Love, words that feel like they're going into an abyss. You are My heart, and hearts feel, hearts Love. And that is My Will for…
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God is speaking to you. He's always speaking to you. But the sound of His Voice is silence, and if you could learn to translate It, to understand It, you'd hear Him saying, "Surrender. Surrender. Surrender." Like a mantra. (T)His Silence is a mantra, reminding you of your purpose in every moment-- to surrender. You can't just surrender once. That's…
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Love. Surrender looks like Love. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9 "Is Love here, too?" That's what you ask. That's what you feel, right next to the panic. And you breathe into the panic, the way you would breathe into labor pains, and you give birth to Go…
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If you want to start another 9 Day Prayer Challenge (Surrender Novena), email me and let me know! Also, let me know what your experience was like this time! People think prayer is less than meditation, that it's dualistic. But we pray, seemingly in a dualistic way, knowing there's only One here, knowing that the moment the pray…
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The Light of God broke through the moment you took the focus off of yourself, and placed it on God. The moment you stopped stopping, and kept feeling Love, kept affirming- "I have resources the world knows not of. The fish I need will be sent to my nets. I am healing, and I am healed. Everything I need is here, because I feel Him here." If you take…
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"If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." - John 15:4-9 This is when the miracles start-- when you remember there's only Him. That's when the solutions show up, when the healings show up, when you know there's no one here to be healed, no bones to be broken, no bank account to be empty…
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