We have a mission to invite Catholics into living fully alive in their Catholic Faith. We believe that Eucharistic revival is coming in the Catholic Church and we can't wait to see this Church on fire. Each week on this podcast we tell stories of God's goodness, the way He is moving in the Catholic Church, how we can be more fully aware of His presence and fall deeper in love with Jesus in the Sacraments. We hope this inspires you to deeper intimacy with Jesus, community, and living a life d ...
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107. "We Pray Because of Who He Is"
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55:28Welcome back friends! This week we are taking a break from our typical format and kicking off Lent with a little retreat just for you. We are sharing Megan's talk from a large Catholic youth conference on prayer. The theme of the conference was a quote by St. Augustine that says "Whole prayer is nothing but love." Megan's talk was on the subject of…
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106. "A Lent that Leads to Freedom Instead of Guilt"
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58:18Lent is almost here! On this episode Lindsey and Megan talk about the guilt that we face as Catholics and how the enemy uses it to keep us from experiencing the great love of God. We talk about Lent and how it should lead to freedom and intimacy with Jesus. We also discuss motherhood and the heavy burden that women carry for their families and the …
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105. "Come Holy Spirit" with Chad Copeland
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1:14:45Today is a big day, huge! Megan's husband, Chad, is joining us today. He has been very sick for the last five years with a disease that has taken him to rock bottom. Through this disease the Lord has been working in his heart in powerful ways. On the podcast today he shares his story of finally letting the Lord in and surrendering his heart to Jesu…
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104. "Revival through the art of accompaniment" with Milan Chaump
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1:04:35Milan Chaump is here today you guys! Milan is full of live and love for Jesus. She is a youth minister of a large Catholic Church in the Austin area. She has been known to carry around a large inflatable cow and make Christmas cards for her cat, which we get to hear all about. Milan loves her job and the teens in her care. On any given week you can…
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103 "Revival Through Healing" with Norine Shaivitz
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1:08:20We are continuing our series on the revival that is happening in the Catholic Church. I firmly believe that healing and deliverance are a huge part of the revival that is coming. God desires to see His church set free. Our friend Norine Shaivitz is joining us on the podcast today. She shares with us the story of deep wounds that she endured when he…
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102. "Revival on College Campuses" with Gabby Rodriguez
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1:07:11Today we have such a fun guest for you and we are talking about revival on college campuses. Gabby Rodriguez is a junior at Texas A&M university and a dear friend of ours. Megan had the joy of being her Confirmation sponsor and High School Theology teacher. Gabby grew up as a Catholic school kid, but always felt like she was missing something. She …
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101. "Let's Bring Revival in the Family" with Sarah Hoyt
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1:06:40Have you ever wondered how do I teach my kids to pray? How do I instill in my family a love for Jesus? Well today on the podcast we get to hear from someone who knows first hand. Our guest Sarah Hoyt is a mom and wife who lives out the meaning of revival in her family every day. She is also the oldest daughter of Deacon Ralph and Susan Poyo. We int…
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100. "What is God Doing This Year?" with Megan and Lindsey
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1:06:40Happy 100th episode!! Thanks for being here friends. Today Lindsey and Megan sit down and reflect on where God has been moving in their lives and what He is up to this year. The Holy Spirit was really moving in this conversation and there were several a-ha moments! Do you choose a word or Saint of the year? Share it with us on Instagram or Facebook…
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99. "He's Worth the Wait" with Heidi Lott
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57:48Today we have Heidi Lott on the podcast. She is our new co-host, Lindsey's, sister. Lindsey and her sisters are hysterical together. They exude southern charm and you will love Heidi! She shares an amazing story of how the Lord called her husband to the Catholic Church. It took 10 long years, but it was well worth the wait. We also talk about the p…
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98. Meet our New Co-Host Lindsey Garansuay
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1:14:22After a loooong break we are thrilled to be back! We announced last summer that Kendra has gone back to work and no longer has the time to record the podcast. We miss her terribly, but God has sent someone incredible to fill her seat at the podcast table. My dear friend Lindsey Garansuay will be our new co-host. She is a delight and you will LOVE h…
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97. "The Time is Now"- Eucharistic Revival
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1:11:51Hello again! The volume on this episode is better. If you struggled to listen before try again. Hey friends! It has been oh so very long, but Kendra and Megan are back today discussing their experience at the Eucharistic Congress last week. The Spirit is moving in the Catholic Church and we are ready for revival. Listen to the end of the episode fo…
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95. "Being Wowed by the Power of God"
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56:39Today we have our friend Aaron on the podcast. He is the husband of Mary Kate who was on the podcast a couple of weeks ago. He fell in love with Jesus in High School and became a missionary as a young adult. He has served all over the country on college campuses and he was the director of an inner city Detroit Youth program called Youth Works. Whil…
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94. "When You Lose What You Love and Find God in the Process" with James Longoria
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1:04:14James Longoria is back on the podcast! James is the worship leader for our His Beloved retreats and youth minister at a church near us. He was on our podcast way back on episode 28 and you can go back and hear his entire story if you would like. It is powerful! Today he shares a new story with us that took place this summer. James, who has an anoin…
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93. "Teens, Social Development, and Identity" with Mary Kate
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1:06:59Today we have a wonderful new friend, Mary Kate, on the podcast. She is a Catholic marriage and family therapist in the Austin area. She shares with us the social crises that pre-teens and teens go through when moving from one stage of development to the next and how this effects their identity development. We talk about gender confusion and how as…
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92. Chase and Viva Crouse
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1:18:48Today we have an adorable couple on our podcast. Chase and Viva Crouse are here to talk all things Catholic Fitness. Chase has a background in ministry and Viva is an actress. A few years ago the Lord put on their hearts to become personal trainers and to train people using Theology of the Body and Catholic principles. That is when they started a C…
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91. "Healing Wounds with the Movie Encanto"
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56:11Hey there friends! Some terrible illnesses struck our house last week, so we were not able to record a new episode. We decided to share one of our favorites from last year. This was part of our "Find Your Fire" Series. On this episode Megan and Kendra dive deep into Dr. Bob Schutts writings about healing wounds using the movie Encanto. We highly re…
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90. "Faith, Life and Too Much Fun" with Gian Gamboa
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1:13:29Today we have an awesome guest for you guys! His name is Gian Gamboa and he is the campus minister (a.k.a. “That Jesus Guy”) at a Catholic High School in Austin. He is so dynamic and full of energy for Jesus it’s infectious! Here he shares with us everything from his reversion to the faith to what kind of lunch box he used as a kid (if any) and eve…
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89. "Revelation90" with Heather Murphy
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35:21Today we have Heather Murphy, the Development Director of Couple to Couple League. She shares with us a new initiative that CTCL has for women during Lent. We were blown away, by what she shared. This program would be fantastic for all teens and young adult women. It could also be helpful for any woman who is struggling month to month with her cycl…
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88. "Stepping into Something That Is Scary" with Roxanna Garcia
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1:05:48Hello friends! Today we have the sweetest lady in all the land, Roxanna Garcia, on our podcast. Roxy is a good friend of ours and we have watched God moving in her life. We asked her to come on the podcast and share the story of how God lit a fire in her heart for Theology of the Body and asked her to step out and do something that felt terrifying.…
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87. Where will God take Us This Year?
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50:07Hey there friends! We are back! After a break for Christmas we are back with our New Year's episode. We talk about our words for this year, what God has taught us this year and what He is doing in our hearts right now. Join us for the Hosanna Retreat! Daughter, your King has come! Do you ever just want to sit in the moment of triumph on Palm Sunday…
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We would love for you to join us at Hosanna: Daughter Your King has Come! Daughter, your King has come! Do you ever just want to sit in the moment of triumph on Palm Sunday as Jesus enters Jerusalem? Can you feel the joy, the excitement, the wonder that the King has arrived in all His glory? We know that heartache is coming, but we can’t miss the b…
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience with O Radiant Dawn.
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We are getting so close friends! This is our last episode in this Advent series, it has flown by! We pray you have had a deep encounter with our Lord this Advent season! In this episode we seek Jesus as “O Radiant Dawn”. As the warmth and newness of a sunrise leaves us in awe, the warmth and newness He brings to our hearts will also leave us in awe…
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience with Adonai.
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How many times have you seen God move deeply in your life only to slip back into doubt and mistrust shortly after? I have too. So did the Israelites. In this episode we talk about Jesus as “O Adonai”. The Israelites’ rescuer, our rescuer. He is mighty and showed His might through a gentle teenage mother who yearned for the Messiah so deeply that he…
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience with Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb.
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84. Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb
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46:37“Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion." "Ooh" said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion"..."Safe?" said Mr Beaver ..."Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.” -C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Our God is mighty…
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience as Jesus: The Bread of Life.
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83. Jesus: The Bread of Life
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41:54As we enter into the second week of Advent, journey with us as we enter more deeply into the incredible gift of Jesus as the Bread of Life! What an incredible gift from our Abba Father to be so deeply longed for, that He would allow us to physically be one with Him……every day! The truth of His presence in the Eucharist goes all the way back into th…
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience as Jesus as the Bridegroom.
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82. Jesus: The Bridegroom
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38:27On this episode we dive into the sacrificial, unfailing love of the messiah for His bride. That bride is you my friend. Do you know how deeply you are loved by Jesus, your bridegroom? Is it hard to hear that He loves you that much? If that feels thrilling or terrifying this episode is for you. Listen in and let the love of Jesus wash over you once …
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Find a quiet place to sit back and encounter the Lord with this short prayer experience as Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
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81. Jesus: The Good Shepherd
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37:16Welcome to the first episode of our Advent Names of Jesus Series. Today we explore Jesus as the Good Shepherd. What does it mean to be sheep in need of a shepherd? Why does it matter if our shepherd is good? How do we learn to trust and surrender our lives to the Good Shepherd? What does the rapper Coolio have to do with all of this? Ha ha we discu…
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Advent is here!! We are so excited to kick off this Advent study with you. This is the first activation in the prayer journal. Find a quiet place sit back, and let the Lord speak to you through these words. If you don't have a prayer journal yet, it is not too late to grab one on our website. https://www.hisbelovedoftexas.com/product-page/names-of-…
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80. Names of Jesus Intro
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30:35We LOVE the season of Advent!! As you prepare the house, hang the lights, plan the trip, PREPARE YOUR HEART as well for His coming Join us on the His Beloved podcast for a journey into the heart of Jesus with our Names of Jesus series and devotional. On this episode we share our hearts for how God called us to write this devotional and what how it …
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79. "Evangelization in a Mosh Pit" with Chris Bartlett
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1:10:27Kendra's husband, Chris Bartlett, is back on the podcast today. We have had several episodes with Chris over the years. He has over 20 years of youth ministry experience in the Catholic Church and is currently the Vice President of Ablaze Ministries. Ablaze Ministries trains and empowers youth ministers across the country in their mission with the …
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78. "Discipleship in the Pews" with Deacon Ralph Poyo
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1:02:52This week we sit down with Deacon Ralph Poyo and dive into evangelization in the church. He is the founder of New Evangelization Ministries. Many times when we hear the word evangelization we immediately go to programming, events, books, etc. Deacon Ralph is a fresh voice in our church today, challenging this norm with out of the box thinking. He i…
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77. "Living Boldly for Jesus" with Jessica Konzen
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1:26:30On this episode we got to visit with one of Megan’s good friends, Jessica Konzen. For a long time now Megan would tell me “you have to meet Jessica! You will just love her!” And she was right! Y’all, Jessica is the coolest. Not only is she in the know for the coming fashion trends (newsflash, RED), she is a firecracker for Jesus and lives her life …
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76. "Friendships Worth Fighting For" with Megan and Kendra
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1:10:29In this episode, Megan and Kendra dive into the gift of friendship. Jesus had friends! He had his super close circle of 3, his close circle of 12, and then a bigger group of friends extending from that. Jesus wants YOU to experience deep friendship too. The friendship that Megan and Kendra share was an answer to years of prayer for that super close…
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75. "Intimacy" Kendra's Talk from the Draw Near Retreat
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35:07In the first part of this episode we are sharing Kendra‘s talk from the “Draw Near” women’s conference that His Beloved put on in September. It was a day filled with such grace and the intentional pursuit of the Father’s heart over each and every woman. In this talk given by Kendra, she dives into intimacy with the living God. What does it look lik…
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74. "Who is He To You?" Megan's Talk from the Draw Near Retreat
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44:27Hey there Beloveds! This week will look a little different on the His Beloved Podcast. We put on a retreat a couple of weeks ago about intimacy with God and we felt like you might like to hear those talks. This week is Megan's talk called "Who is He To You?" Megan dives into intimacy with Jesus and who He is to her. We spend a lot of time talking a…
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73. "Healing and Freedom" with Haley Riney
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1:12:59Haley Riney is back!!! If you have listened to last week's episode check that one out first. At the end of the part one episode with Haley we just knew we had to get her in the studio again. So. Many. Thoughts. The Lord parted the seas and we were able to connect with her while she was “on location for Jesus”. The three of us came into this episode…
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72. "He Blows Me Away" with Haley Riney
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1:18:23Sometimes when we’re recording, the content feels like it was specifically for our hearts to hear, and that’s exactly what happened with this episode with Haley Riney. If you only knew how many notes I took while we were recording! Haley and Kendra met at the Encounter conference in December of 2023 and immediately she thought two things….1) She is…
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Oh what a weekend! Kendra and Megan put on a women’s retreatthis weekend in Hutto, TX and it was breathtaking. We talk today about how God moved in hearts of the women at the retreat. We also talk about the power of Jesus inAdoration and hearing the Holy Spirit. If you have been touched by this podcast, we would love for you to partner with us in t…
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70. "Preach the Gospel and Live it!" with Ryan O'Hara
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1:07:10Do you ever have those moments when you are listening to a dynamic speaker and wonder “what are they like in real life?” On this episode we get a glimpse into the authentic world of Catholic speaker, minister, and podcast host, Ryan O’Hara. Ryan’s life took a pivot in college when he had his conversion, and has been working with youth, and young ad…
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69. Oh how we have missed you!
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47:15Weeee'reee back!! As sad as we are to see summer go, we are so excited to be back in the studio recording season 7 of the His Beloved podcast. In this episode, we catch up with one another, and share different stories of how God moved in our lives while we were away! From bears to healing dirt….. join us as we kick this season off!P.S. We also shar…
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Hey friends! Today we are sharing with you an episode of Sunday Stories for Catholic Kids. Gather your fam and listen to this on your way to Mass this weekend. Today we get to talk about my absolute favorite… the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine a church where kids know the depth of the Holy Spirit? What if they knew who and what they are receiving at …
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Surprise Episode- Sister Alicia Torres- "Finding the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist"
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47:28Surprise! We have a bonus episode on the podcast today. We would like to share an episode of the Girls Arise podcast with you. Sister Alicia Torres joined us and she is such a gem. We thought you would want to hear from her too! Hello girls! Today we have an amazing guest. Sister Alicia Torres of the Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago. She wor…
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68. Surrender, Revival and Trusting Jesus this Lent
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42:29On this last episode of this season Kendra and Megan discuss the movement of the Spirit that is happening in college campuses across the country. We can’t help but notice how this revival is stemming from repentance and happening just before the season of Lent. Let’s make this Lent the season where we allow revival and awakening in our own hearts.…
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67. "Healing, Annulments and Becoming Catholic" with Rachel McClellan
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56:43Rachel McClellan, the third member of His Beloved, is back on the podcast! She was on episode 31 of our podcast. She told her story of falling in love with Mary and feeling called to join the Catholic Church. If you haven't heard it yet, go back and take a listen. Since then, God has done so much in her life. Her story is truly remarkable. She shar…
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