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show episodes
Martial arts are a powerful path to fitness of the mind, body, and spirit… yet most people never even try a class! Join Ando Mierzwa as he shares ways to apply the wisdom of Karate, Kung Fu, BJJ and other martial arts to everyday life. If you are pursuing success in health, relationships, or business, you will quickly discover how even a little martial arts makes life a whole lot better!
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Es gibt unzählige Bücher, Blogartikel, Podcasts und Trainingsmethoden zum Thema Hund. Zum Glück setzen sich der freundliche Umgang, das Suchen nach den Ursachen für Probleme mit dem Hund und das Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse des Hundes immer mehr durch. Finde auch du heraus, wie du deinen Hund besser verstehen und lesen kannst, sein Verhalten aus einer anderen Perspektive siehst und sich neue Wege für ein harmonisches Miteinander für euch eröffnen. Aus den Fragen der Hundebesitzer*innen hö ...
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Toromboleando Ando

Martha Leticia Guzman Casanova

Taromboleando Ando, trata de todo un poco, desde temas profundos (con un tono torombolo) hasta simplezas de la vida(sin perder en tono torombolo). Sorpréndete descubriendo lo que escucharás en cada episodio 🤪
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Ando & Co

Chris Andersen

People are infinitely interesting. I sit down to learn more about people that interest me on a regular basis and record their entertaining stories here. This is also one of the key reasons I run Beers With Mates as well - to make it a habit to meet more interesting people from all walks of life each month. Some of the people featured here are sportspeople, artists and musicians. Others are entrepreneurs, business leaders or interesting individuals just doing their thing in the career they lo ...
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Andover Moms

Chelsea Frei

Comedian Chelsea Frei, along with other hilarious guests, improvise mom characters residing in Suburbia, Massachusetts, where they discuss important topics ranging from Sue's Son getting a DUI to the politics behind the Highschool JV Soccer Team.
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Gilberto Chavez "Niteboy", Ricardo Rubio "Psico", Dan Campos "Master Podcaster", Daniel Villamil "Wookie"

El podcast sobre súper héroes ¡sin tanto cuento! Conducido por Gilberto Chavez "Niteboy", Ricardo Rubio "Psico", Dan Campos "DC", y Daniel Villamil "Wookie". ¿Quieres más? Lo tenemos en por que nosotros no tenemos escuchas, tenemos una armada.
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Màrqueting De Continguts Andorra. La lectura no solo estimula el lenguaje, también desarrolla la concentración, la memoria, la imaginación, la agilidad mental, y además contribuye a que los niños expresen con mayor exactitud lo que piensan y sienten. Som especialistes en gestió de Xarxes Socials. Video Marketing i Marketing de continguts. Des del desenvolupament d'estratègies fins a la creació de contingut, des de la publicació fins a la distribució i promoció, els nostres serveis de marketi ...
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Pensando ando

Francisco Marco

Si necesitas cambiar tus hábitos, sanar tu ser, ganar motivación, elevar tu consciencia y sobretodo despertar y salir de este sistema que nos contamina a todos para así ser libre y feliz, entonces estás en el podcast correcto. La única misión que tienes en esta vida es ser feliz y libre. Hola mi nombre es Francisco Marco y aquí en “Pensando ando” te hablo desde mis pensamientos y que me ha servido a mi para convertirme en una mejor versión de mi todos los días. Yo estoy aquí para ayudarte pe ...
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Change the name of Marathwada University in Aurangabad, India to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University. It was a simple demand, but the reaction from opponents was immediate and violent. Facing this violence, interviewees waged their campaign for sixteen years, from 1978 to 1994. Their stories tell us about the changes in caste, class, and gender in the 1980s that led to the India of today.
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Weekly sermons by Dr. Jim Conner, senior minister of Andover Christian Church in Andover, Minnesota. Jim has a gift for making the Bible come alive and speaking to the real life issues that everyone faces today. You won't be "preached at" as much as be challenged to think about life with God's perspective in mind.
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Que es el pilates facial por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra la 1a parafarmacia de Andorra con el precio mejor de Andorra. No dude en consultar y visitar Gran Farmacia Andorra en el centro de Andorra la Vella su farmacia de confianza
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We've been fans of Star Wars since we were little kids in the '70s and '80s. And shows like Ahsoka, Andor, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and The Book of Boba Fett make us feel like kids again! Join us as we break down each episode with a good balance of fun and getting into the details to connect the dots of this grand story. We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV shows for over a decade now. Check out our other fare at This is ...
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show series
Welcome to Episode #124 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Stop Pulling Your Punches.” It might sound harsh, but most people are holding back… not just on the mats, but in every aspect of life. They’re NOT maximizing their efforts and, therefore, NOT maximizing their successes. (Yes, including me!) The question is WHY? Or is it? Maybe before a…
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Il basket giocato è finito da qualche giorno e i vostri Andrea chiamano a rinforzo una vecchia conoscenza per parlare di ciò che si è visto, di quello che non ci si aspettava, e di tante altre divagazioni. Cosimo Sarti torna a trovarci per parlare di Boston, di Dallas, ed ovviamente non solo. Si spazia da basket giocato, a libri di filosofia orient…
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Warum läuft der Hund an 20 Personen vorbei und der 21. wird attackiert? Du erfährst am konkreten Beispiel: warum dieser Hund in bestimmten Situationen Stress hat welche Stressauslöser sich angesammelt haben welche Reaktionen zu beobachten sind und welche Lösungsmöglichkeiten bestehen. In Podcast #033 (Das hat er ja noch nie gemacht!) und #034 (Schn…
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Análisis y Explicación del episodio 1x03 y 1x04 de STAR WARS: THE ACOLYTE ,la nueva serie de Star Wars que nos trae Disney+ y LUCASFILM. Una manipulación fetal de la fuerza, y un aquelarre misterioso sacan el lado oscuro de los Jedis, mientras una misión Jedi saca a la luz a un aterrador Lord Sith… Todo esto y mucho más nos han traído los episodios…
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Welcome to Episode #124 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Stop Pulling Your Punches.” It might sound harsh, but most people are holding back… not just on the mats, but in every aspect of life. They’re NOT maximizing their efforts and, therefore, NOT maximizing their successes. (Yes, including me!) The question is WHY? Or is it? Maybe before a…
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Análisis y Explicación del episodio 1x01 y 1x02 de STAR WARS: THE ACOLYTE ,la nueva serie de Star Wars que nos trae Disney+ y LUCASFILM. Los dos primeros episodios nos llevan 100 años antes del Episodio 1: La Amenaza Fantasma. Una asesina anda suelta cazando Jedis, y una antigua padawan es acusada injustamente, mientras una sombra amenaza la paz de…
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Ci siamo: un anno di attesa per quest'ultima serie.Boston Celtics contro Dallas Mavericks, una serie finale che si annuncia super interessante e con un sacco di possibili outcome.I vostri Andrea&Andrea provano ad eviscerarne qualcuno, con un occhio a quello che è successo nei turni successivi e qualche parola sulle sconfitte dalle conference finals…
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Hunde erzählen viel, wenn du genau hinsiehst und -hörst. Durch Erkennen der Stresssignale und rechtzeitiges Reagieren kannst du Eskalation verhindern. Du erfährst in diesem Podcast an drei Beispielen, wie Stresssymptome aussehen, was passiert, wenn sie nicht beachtet werden und du bekommst Lösungsvorschläge für die jeweilige Situation. In unserer A…
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In the season finale, Chris helps us with some myth-busting, addressing common misconceptions about what it really means to grow as a follower of Jesus. Thank you for coming with us on this journey of figuring out what Jesus started and how we can be part of it! We hope you've been inspired to begin or continue a journey of apprenticing under Jesus…
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Jesus warned those eager to follow him to count the cost before they got themselves in for a ride they weren't prepared for! What does it actually cost to apprentice under Jesus? And what difference does embracing this cost and making some brave moves actually make to our faith? Have you got a brave move story? We'd love to hear about them on the N…
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"Das hat er ja noch nie gemacht" stimmt fast immer und du solltest der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Es gibt viele Gründe, warum ein Hund die "Beherrschung" verliert. Ein großes Thema ist STRESS. Stress kann z.B. ausgelöst werden, wenn sich die Auslöser für Stress ansammeln bzw. stapeln, die Reizschwelle des Aushaltbaren überschritten wird, der Hund S…
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Want to deepen your relational life, struggling to connect to others, or wondering whether apprenticeship under Jesus can meet the longing you have for meaningful community with others? In this episode Becky and Chris explore the impact of Jesus' teaching and his life on our relationships with one another, why the earliest apprentices under Jesus s…
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Francisco Rico fue durante medio siglo un profesor de literatura insustituible en la universidad española (primero en la UB y después, de modo consolidado, en la UAB). Discípulo de José Manuel Blecua y de Martín de Riquer, aprendió de ellos el rigor filológico en la edición de los textos literarios, la meticulosidad en la historia y la crítica lite…
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Pedro Sánchez ya se ha ido, aunque el lunes anuncie su continuidad al frente del Gobierno, una vez concluido el periodo de reflexión de cinco días anunciado por él mismo el pasado miércoles. Aunque siga en el puesto, después de haber provocado estos días un agitado debate público sobre los límites de la agresividad política en España, Sánchez habrá…
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Verlierst du an Autorität, wenn du deinen Hund entscheiden lässt? In diesem Podcast erfährst du: Was darf ein Hund entscheiden? Verlierst du die Kontrolle, wenn dein Hund Entscheidungen trifft? Schwächen Entscheidungen des Hundes die Beziehung und Bindung zu dir? Welche Freiräume kann der Hund haben? Musst du dich immer durchsetzen? Podcastfolgen, …
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Candice Bould created The Lounge & Co in 2015 to build an environment where the best of hair, service and luxury can meet and you can benefit from a better overall hair experience.Designing all three salons herself, Candice has created a landscape where great hair is non-negotiable, while the well-appointed interiors and design features transforms …
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El fenómeno de los influencers se propaga en España a través del uso cada vez más extendido de TikTok e Instagram.Enganchados a las pantallas, jóvenes y mayores se entretienen siguiendo la vida de estos personajes que comparten sus intimidades a la vez que publican anuncios en los que ellos mismos promocionan productos de marcas que les pagan por h…
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Siamo tornati! E torniamo al momento buono, con il basket che conta che sta per iniziare. "It's the most wonderful time of the year", perché i playoff NBA sono alle porte. Ogni possesso diventa importante, ogni difetto viene sfruttato, ogni mismatch cercato, ogni partita comporta conseguenze ed aggiustamenti.E si vede il miglior basket del mondo.Ba…
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Chris and Becky sit down for an in depth conversation on our mindsets and how they inform the way we live...and end up talking quite a lot about roast potatoes! Jesus was and is clearly very interested in the way we think, and as we apprentice under him our mindsets make a lot of difference! We hope this episode challenges you, gets you thinking, a…
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"Alles in Ordnung" soll dem Hund Sicherheit geben, sorgt aber oft für Unsicherheit. In diesem Podcast erfährst du: Wann sagen "Hundeeltern" diesen Satz"? Woher kommt diese Formulierung? Warum teilen wir dies dem Hund mit? Welche Wirkung haben diese Worte tatsächlich und welche Verknüpfungen entstehen auf neuronaler Ebene? Wie kannst du deinen Hund …
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SEO a TikTok és una de les xarxes socials amb més usuaris actius a tot el món. Posicionament de vídeos a TikTok. Des del seu llançament el 2016 ha esdevingut la quarta xarxa social més popular mundialment quant a nombre d'usuaris. Per aquesta raó, molts usuaris es pregunten quines són les claus per posicionar els vídeos dins dels motors de cerca de…
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In this episode, Chris and Becky talk about Jesus' very real sense of connection to God - who he called his father. How did Jesus understand that relationship, what does it mean for his apprentices to be invited into that relationship, and how do we inject some life back into the practices that people typically call on to find connection with God? …
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Wenn dir dein Hund an einem bestimmten Ort entwischt ist, um seiner Jagdleidenschaft nachzugehen, dann wird er sich diesen Ort gut merken! Du erfährst in diesem Podcast etwas über das Ortsgedächtnis von Hunden, die Auslöser der Jagd und warum Hüteverhalten auch zur Jagd zählt, was du tun kannst, um den ursprünglichen Ort des Verschwindens nicht für…
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