Michael Amidei is a musician (The Flying W Wranglers, Infinite Grace), poet, and author. In this show, Michael shares his thoughts on life, creativity, and how to live what he refers to as "a poetic life". RSSVERIFY
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Over these 20 sessions, Rabbi Shmuly will guide us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Valley Beit Midrash (VBM) is dedicated to social justice as driven by Torah ethics. VBM's mission is to improve lives through Jewish learning, direct action, and leadership development. Listen to VBM's other podcasts: • Jewish Ideas to Change the World • Pearls of Jewish Wisdom on Living with Kindness Stay Connected: • Website: https: ...
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Keeping you up to date with World Events as biblical prophecy unfolds.
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Leading coach, Amina AlTai, interviews the world's top career, entrepreneurship, mindset, and well-being experts to learn how they changed their circumstances and built a life they love. In each episode, we'll explore how to stare down your fears, embody your gifts, and build a life and career you want to get out of bed for every single day. Amina Change Your Life is a masterclass in learning to up-level while centering joy, and the people and things you care about most. If you enjoy Dear Ga ...
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Bebas ngobrolin apa aja lah
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A Wellbeing & Emotional Intelligence Coach from Australia helping you to realise and live your full potential. It's time to get your sparkle back.
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Welcome to the Aminagha podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Utaznál, külföldre vágysz? Kérj segítséget profi tanácsadóinktól, nyelvtanárainktól. Szörfözz a https://mindenamikulfold.hu/ oldalon! A csapból még nem a Minden ami külföld folyik, de törekszünk rá, hogy minél több emberhez eljussanak az információk, tapasztalatok!
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Welcome to the amirhoein podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by Aminalz!
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An NBA Show hosted by basketball super fan Amir Blumenfeld. Each episode will include Amir and a friend discussing all things hoops--from way downtown Los Angeles.
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Where amazing things happen.
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Podcast poświęcony anime i mandze z niewielką ilością offtopu.
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The Conscious Connection Project aims to provide engaging readings of the English Translation of the Holy Quran for those unfamiliar with Arabic. Whether you’re Muslim or from another faith tradition, listening to the Qur’an in your native language can be a valuable experience. While it’s not a substitute for the original Arabic, if it helps foster mindfulness and brings you closer to the text, then it serves a positive purpose. Our goal is to facilitate a deeper connection with the Quran, e ...
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A podcast interviewing trailblazers, experts, leaders and prominent voices around the world with a special spotlight on the South Asian community. We discuss the messiness of childhood, have honest conversations about personal and professional journeys, talk about projects that currently fulfill our souls, and discuss all those things that make us tuckered out. Because let's face it, being Tuckered Out is universal.
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Join us as we discuss anything from interstellar travel to comics and fan-fiction. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aminthepm/support
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studi epidemiologi
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About my life and meanings and sorroundings
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Welcome to the amin podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A BitcoinBázis hetente jelentkező műsora a Bitcoin Kebab, ahol Lőrincz Barbara házigazda, bitcoin és crypto OG a kriptovaluták fejlesztéséről, befektetési lehetőségeiről, adatvédelmi aspektusáról és elfogadottságáról beszélget magyar és nemzetközi vendégeivel. Lájtosan kritikus műsor. Barbiról többet itt tudhatsz meg:
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About how important mini rules are Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jjying
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Comparison of American Football and rugby league Cover art photo provided by Kristina Kashtanova on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@icreatelife_
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Cerita kami dan kerja kami Cover art photo provided by JFL on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wallsbyjfl
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My life my journey. First Entrepreneur series. All feedback is welcome.
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Amir objects
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In this season of Amidst the Ordinary, we talk about community and connection. This innately human urge to be a part of something – to feel seen, heard, and valued by those around us. With stories from small towns in Georgia to the heart of the UAE and countless places in between. We’re here to tell stories, real stories, from real people. We’ll reflect on these stories together, discuss how they inspired us, and discover practical ways to apply them to our lives. Whether you move to a new c ...
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Testing out Anchor
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Puisi Cermin Jiwa
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Discussing topics around content marketing, social media, generating side income online and more.
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I recite Qur'an!
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G FFS ah LCD back f flash h retrofit r too
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Empowerment of women, the LGBT+ community, sex/sex work and THE TWERK TIME!!
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Cash Aminos
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Építkezőknek és ingatlant vásárlóknak tanácsadás tervezésben, kivitelezésben, jogszabály értelmezésben, beszélgetés szakmabeliekkel. Vásárlás előtti házszemlékről beszámolók, monológok.
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Debates , Q&A just about everything really
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Nishmas: this powerful Tefila teaches us that gratitude is a most powerful key to unlocking the gates leading up to Hashem. Welcome to the Nishmas Army may Hashem answer your Tefillos L’tova.... & speedily! - Charlene Aminoff
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Do the best to win the rest
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All Mix from Amine Edge
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Hi my name is Amir Hafizuddin//26/6/2006//Brawl Stars Player//Loading...
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Podcast by AmirHayek
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Welcome to the Amin xodabaxs podcast, where amazing things happen.
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AMI Podcasts is a unique collection of presentations, talks and lectures on Montessori principles and practice, the unique nature of childhood and natural human development, human rights and much more. At the moment, the series includes AMI AGM presentations and Maria Montessori House Talks.
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Random Q+As, talk, mind chatter of a new NYC mother, designer, writer and musician, glowing through and growing through life and its diverse experiences.
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Welcome to the فیزیولوژی podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nahilnaseer
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This is a podcast developed by English language learners, for English language learners. We want to encourage learners of all levels to communicate with the world.
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Angol vízummal a snooker világhír felé - Révész Bulcsú 2025#11
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23:15Révész Bulcsú nyolc évesen kezdett el snookerezni és 12 évesen magyar bajnok lett. Tavaly, 17 évesen junior világbajnoki címével Ő lett az első magyar profi snookerjátékos. Most Angliában él Édesapjával. Egy jó kis beszélgetés, ahol beszélünk arról, hogy miért pont Anglia, milyen vízummal vágott neki, milyen tervei és céljai vannak a jövőben. Egy f…
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Így Vernek Át a Kripto-Csalók - Glaser Anita Elárulja, Hogyan Védd Meg a Pénzed
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1:19:11🎙️ Vendégünk Glaser Anita, a Kripteus társalapítója, adótanácsadó, valamint kripto- és blockchain szakértő, akivel mélyreható és izgalmas beszélgetést folytattunk a magyar kripto világ jelenlegi kihívásairól, a leggyakoribb csalásokról, valamint a kriptovalutákat érintő aktuális szabályozási kérdésekről. Anita tapasztalatai révén betekintést nyerhe…
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Hugh Forrest on SXSW’s Rise, Reinvention, Future and Ode To Austin
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39:05Hugh Forrest is the President and Chief Programming Officer of South by Southwest (SXSW), one of the world’s leading festivals celebrating music, film, technology, and innovation. A native of Austin, Texas, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the city’s creative and entrepreneurial identity. Joining SXSW in its early days, he leveraged his back…
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Ep 130: 🧠 Monday Mindset: how to stick to your habits even when life is hard
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11:15If you have been comparing you and your habits or goals when you’re in a hard chapter of life to you and your habits and goals when you are totally thriving and motivated then this episode is for you. This is your Monday pep talk to help you stop the comparison and beating yourself up. Learn how you can still be achieving your goals and healthy hab…
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In this episode, Michael describes what's been going on in his world and what 2025 holds for him and the projects that he's been discussing over the during of the show.
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552- Andre@Spiritual Logic – Audio Only Version
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50:10552- Andre@Spiritual Logic – Trump, Economic Collapse and a Globalist Ruse Right click to DownloadDoor Tony Koretz
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Rabbi Shmuly guides us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Stay Connected with Valley Beit Midrash: • Website: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org • Donate: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org/donate • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValleyBeitMidrash • YouTube: https://www.you…
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Ep 112: Why We Need to Redefine Productivity to Include Rest and Joy with Israa Nasir
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29:05Today, I'm joined by Israa Nasir, a New York City based psychotherapist, writer, and the founder of Well Guide, a digital community for mental health awareness. With a specific focus on mental health, identity formation, and healing for the AAPI first and second generation immigrant community, Israa has been featured in Time, Forbes, Harvard Busine…
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Ausztrál kalandok után Dubaj fényei 2025#10
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18:45Anikó több évet élt Ausztráliában majd két éve elköltözött Dubajba. Hallgasd meg a tapasztalatait, miért hoza meg ezt a döntést. Jó kis összehasonlítások a két országra vetítve. Érdekes beszélgetés ami Neked is segíthet ha döntés előtt állsz! Anikó több évet élt Ausztráliában majd két éve elköltözött Dubajba. Hallgasd meg a tapasztalatait, miért ho…
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Juz/Part 6: 4:148 to 5:81
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33:59The 6th Juz of the Quran, encompassing Surah An-Nisa (4:148) to Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:81), continues to elaborate on themes central to social justice, ethical conduct, and the legal framework for a righteous community. In Surah An-Nisa, the emphasis is on justice, fair dealings, and the importance of protecting the rights of individuals, particularly…
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Juz/Part 20 (27:56 to 29:45)
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34:58Juz 20 of the Quran comprises parts of Surah An-Naml (27:56) to Surah Al-Ankabut (29:45). This section emphasizes the importance of faith, perseverance, and the inevitability of the Day of Judgment. Surah An-Naml continues with the story of Prophet Salih and the destruction of the people of Thamud due to their persistent disbelief and defiance of G…
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Juz/Part 26 (46:1 to 51:30)
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28:48Juz 26 of the Quran spans from Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:1) to Surah Az-Zariyat (51:30). It begins with the story of the people of 'Ad in Surah Al-Ahqaf, highlighting the consequences of their arrogance and disobedience to God's messenger. The surah emphasizes the importance of worshiping God alone and adhering to His guidance. Surah Muhammad (47) discuss…
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Juz/Part 10: 8:41 to 9:93
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30:12The 10th Juz of the Quran includes the latter part of Surah Al-Anfal (8:41-75) and the beginning of Surah At-Tawbah (9:1-93). This section continues to address themes of warfare, guidance, and the conduct of the Muslim community. In the concluding verses of Surah Al-Anfal, the Juz emphasizes the importance of solidarity among the believers. It unde…
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The 7th Juz of the Quran spans Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:82) to Surah Al-An'am (6:110). It emphasizes several key themes central to Islamic belief and practice. In Surah Al-Ma'idah, Allah addresses the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), highlighting their historical transgressions and urging them to accept the final revelation brought by Prophet M…
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Juz/Part 18 (23:1 to 25:20)
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35:28Juz 18 begins with Surah Al-Mu’minun (The Believers), outlining the qualities of true believers: humility in prayer, avoidance of vain talk, paying zakah, chastity, keeping promises, and protecting prayers. It emphasizes the creation of humans from clay, embryonic stages, and the signs of Allah’s existence. The surah discusses the fate of past nati…
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Juz/Part 9- 7:88 to 8:40
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31:45The 9th Juz of the Quran, encompassing Surah Al-A'raf (7:88-206) and Surah Al-Anfal (8:1-40), highlights themes of divine guidance, the consequences of disobedience, and the importance of faith and unity. In Surah Al-A'raf, the narrative continues with the story of Prophet Shu'ayb and his people, emphasizing the repercussions of rejecting a prophet…
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Juz/Part 24 (39:32 to 41:46)
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36:36The 24th Juz of the Quran encompasses the latter part of Surah Az-Zumar (39:32-75), Surah Ghafir (also known as Surah Al-Mu’min) (40:1-85), and the beginning of Surah Fussilat (41:1-46). Surah Az-Zumar continues with themes of monotheism and divine judgment. It emphasizes the consequences of denying God's revelations and the ultimate fate of the ri…
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In Surah Al-Hijr, the focus is on the eternal truth of Allah's message and the fate of those who reject it. It recounts the story of the people of the Hijr, who, despite receiving divine guidance, chose to follow their own desires and faced destruction. This Surah emphasizes the significance of the Quran as a clear and divine scripture, providing g…
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Juz/Part 23 (36:28 to 39:31)
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42:42The 23rd Juz of the Quran includes the end of Surah Yasin (36:28-83), Surah As-Saffat (37:1-182), Surah Sad (38:1-88), and the beginning of Surah Az-Zumar (39:1-31). Surah Yasin concludes with a powerful reaffirmation of the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. It emphasizes the reality of the afterlife, warning those who deny it, and highlighting…
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Juz/Part 13: 12:53 to 13:15
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38:04The 13th Juz of the Quran spans Surah Yusuf (12:53-111) and Surah Ar-Ra'd (13:1-15). This Juz continues the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and introduces themes of divine guidance, patience, and the struggle between truth and falsehood. In Surah Yusuf, the narrative highlights Yusuf's trials and triumphs, emphasizing his steadfastness and trust in…
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Juz/Part 2: Surah 2:145 to 2: 2:52
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32:37The second Juz of the Quran continues with Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow), covering verses 142 to 252. This section addresses various aspects of faith, law, and guidance for the Muslim community. The Juz begins with the significant event of changing the Qiblah (direction of prayer) from Jerusalem to the Kaaba in Mecca. This shift symbolizes the establi…
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Juz/Part 29 (67:1 to 77:50)
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28:56Juz 29 of the Quran includes Surah Al-Mulk (67) to Surah Al-Mursalat (77). Surah Al-Mulk emphasizes God's sovereignty over the universe and the signs of His creation. It calls for reflection on the natural world and warns of the consequences of disbelief. Surah Al-Qalam (68) addresses the story of the disbelievers who rejected the Prophet Muhammad …
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Juz/Part 30 (78:1 to 114)
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47:16Juz 30 of the Quran, also known as Juz 'Amma, comprises Surah An-Naba' (78) to Surah An-Nas (114). This section contains shorter surahs, focusing on fundamental themes of faith, the Hereafter, and moral conduct. Surah An-Naba' (78) emphasizes the Day of Judgment and the resurrection, urging people to reflect on the consequences of their actions. Su…
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Juz/Part 3: Surah 2:253 to 3:92
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35:24The third juz of the Quran begins with the latter part of Surah Al-Baqarah and continues into Surah Aal-e-Imran, spanning from verse 253 of Surah Al-Baqarah to verse 92 of Surah Aal-e-Imran. This juz emphasizes several key themes, including the importance of faith, guidance for community conduct, and the principles of charity and social justice. In…
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Juz/Part 27 (51:31 to 57:29)
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41:38uz 27 of the Quran spans from Surah Az-Zariyat (51:31) to Surah Al-Hadid (57:29). It continues with the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his guests, emphasizing his hospitality and faith. Surah At-Tur (52) describes the Day of Judgment and the fate of the righteous and the wicked. It urges people to reflect on God's creation and the consequences of the…
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Juz/Part 16 (18:75 to 20:135)
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40:47Juz 16 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Kahf (18:75 - 18:110), the entire Surah Maryam (19:1 - 19:98), and the beginning of Surah Ta-Ha (20:1 - 20:135). In Surah Al-Kahf, the story of Moses and Khidr continues, highlighting lessons of patience, knowledge, and divine wisdom beyond human comprehension. This section also recounts the story of D…
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Juz/Part 19: (25:21 to 27:55)
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38:41Juz 19 begins with the continuation of Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion), highlighting the arguments of the disbelievers who question the prophethood of Muhammad and demand physical miracles. The surah responds by emphasizing the Quran as the ultimate miracle and the need for faith and obedience to divine guidance. It contrasts the outcomes of the ri…
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Juz/ Part 25 (41:47 to 45:37)
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48:53Juz 25 of the Quran comprises Surahs Fussilat (41:47) to Al-Jathiya (45:37). This section emphasizes several themes, including the importance of the Quran, the signs of God's creation, and the consequences of belief and disbelief. Surah Fussilat (41:47-54) concludes with a reminder of the Day of Judgment, the role of the Quran as a guide, and the s…
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Juz/Part 17 (21:1 to 22:78)
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36:10Juz 17 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Anbiya (21:1 - 21:112) and Surah Al-Hajj (22:1 - 22:78). Surah Al-Anbiya, titled "The Prophets," emphasizes the inevitability of the Day of Judgment and the accountability of all people. It recounts the stories of various prophets, including Abraham (Ibrahim), Lot (Lut), Noah (Nuh), David (Dawud), Solo…
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Juz/Part 15 (17:1 to 18:74)
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38:34Juz 15 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Isra (17:1-111) and Surah Al-Kahf (18:1-74). Surah Al-Isra, also known as "The Night Journey," begins with the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens. This Surah emphasizes the importance of the Quran as guidance for humanity and addresses variou…
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Juz/Part 12: 11:6 to 12:52
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38:42The 12th Juz of the Quran encompasses Surah Hud (11:6) to Surah Yusuf (12:52). It begins with the continuation of Surah Hud, detailing the stories of various prophets, including Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu’aib, and Moses. These narratives highlight the consistent message brought by all prophets: monotheism, righteous conduct, and the consequences…
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Juz/Part 11: 9:93 to 11:5
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33:07The 11th Juz of the Quran spans from Surah At-Tawbah (9:93) to Surah Hud (11:5). This section continues to emphasize themes of repentance, accountability, and divine guidance. It addresses the consequences of disobedience and hypocrisy, contrasting the behaviors of the believers with those of the hypocrites and disbelievers. The Juz highlights the …
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Juz/Part 21 (29:46 to 33:30)
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35:52Juz 21 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Ankabut (29:46) to Surah Al-Azhab (33:30). This section covers various themes such as the struggle of faith, the importance of trust in God, and the roles and responsibilities within the Muslim community. Surah Al-Ankabut continues with exhortations to the believers to debate with the People of the Boo…
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Summary of the Fourth Juz The fourth juz of the Quran continues from the latter part of Surah Al Imran and enters the initial verses of Surah An-Nisa. This section addresses several themes related to faith, piety, community, and social justice. Surah Al Imran (3:93-4:24) This section of Surah Al Imran emphasizes the importance of adhering to divine…
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Juz/Part 5: 4:24 to 4:147
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32:58The fifth juz of the Quran includes the latter part of Surah An-Nisa (4:24-147). This section continues to elaborate on the social, ethical, and legal guidelines essential for the well-being of the Muslim community. Surah An-Nisa (4:24-147) The fifth juz begins with further instructions regarding marriage and familial relationships. It highlights t…
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Juz 1: Surah 1 verse 1 to Surah 2 verse 141.
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33:49The first juz of the Quran, known as "Alif Lam Meem," covers Surah Al-Fatiha and the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah (verses 1-141). Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter, is a short, powerful prayer that praises Allah and asks for guidance on the straight path. Surah Al-Baqarah, the longest chapter, begins with a call to believe in the unseen, establ…
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Juz/Part 28 (58:1 to 66:12)
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38:06Juz 28 of the Quran includes Surah Al-Mujadila (58) to Surah At-Tahrim (66). Surah Al-Mujadila discusses social issues, specifically the practice of zihar (a form of divorce in pre-Islamic Arabia), and emphasizes the importance of justice and the protection of women's rights. Surah Al-Hashr (59) describes the expulsion of the Banu Nadir tribe from …
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Juz/Part 8: 6:111 to 7:87
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33:27The 8th Juz of the Quran encompasses Surah Al-An'am (6:111) to Surah Al-A'raf (7:87), addressing key themes vital to Islamic theology and morality. In Surah Al-An'am, the emphasis is on the consequences of rejecting divine signs and messengers. It highlights the repeated refusal of past nations to accept the truth despite clear evidence and miracle…
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Juz/Part 22 (33:31 to 36:27)
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36:18Juz 22 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Ahzab (33:31) to Surah Yasin (36:27). This section covers themes of social conduct, the importance of following the Prophet's example, and the affirmation of the hereafter. Surah Al-Ahzab continues with directives to the Prophet’s wives, emphasizing their unique position and the higher standards expect…
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551- Leo Hohmann – Audio Only Version
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38:15551- Leo Hohmann – War and Tariffs, Turmoil, Technocracy and Trump Right click to DownloadDoor Tony Koretz
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Rabbi Shmuly guides us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Stay Connected with Valley Beit Midrash: • Website: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org • Donate: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org/donate • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValleyBeitMidrash • YouTube: https://www.you…
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Ep 111: Escaping the Invisibility Tax: Strategies for Under-Represented Leaders with Chloé Nwangwu
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31:00Chloé Nwangwu, known as the brand scientist, serves as the director of NobiWorks, a brand visibility consultancy. With a background in international conflict resolution and mediation, Chloé's journey into understanding under recognition began during her involvement in peace negotiations. Her work led to the identification of the phenomenon of under…
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Likvid Demokrácia a Blokkláncokon - A Polkadot, az OpenGov és a Magyar DAO Szerepe
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2:07:33Ebben az epizódban a Polkadot ökoszisztéma mélyére ásunk! 🎙️ Vendégünk Vikk, a Magyar Polkadot DAO egyik vezetője, aki részletesen mesél arról, hogyan működik a Polkadot decentralizált kormányzása (OpenGov), miért egyedi a likvid demokrácia modellje, és hogyan épült fel a magyar közösség. 💡 Témák, amikről szó lesz: 🔹 Orange Pill & Pink Pill – Hogya…
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Vállalkozóként Svédországban 2.rész- Cséti Attila 2025#9
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32:55- Mit adott Attila életéhez a svéd építkezési stílus és Svédország?- Svédországban milyen lehetőség van egy vállalkozónak az építőipar területén? Ezek voltak a fő témáink és egy szuper kis beszélgetés lett! Ha érdekel az első beszélgetés Attilával itt tudod meghallgatni: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/juZoP6OmjRb A csapból még nem a “Minden…
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550- Jamie Walden – Audio Only Version
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43:35550- Jamie Walden – Golden Age, Trump’s Gaza and the Grand Luciferian Deception! Right click to DownloadDoor Tony Koretz
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Rabbi Shmuly guides us through the depths of the blessings of the Shemoneh Esrei (the Amidah) traditional Jewish "standing" prayer. Stay Connected with Valley Beit Midrash: • Website: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org • Donate: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org/donate • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValleyBeitMidrash • YouTube: https://www.you…
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Ep 110: Building an Audacious Mindset: Build the Life You Deserve with Anne Marie Anderson
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34:00Anne Marie Anderson, a three-time Emmy Award-winning broadcaster and keynote speaker, boasts over three decades in the sports television industry, covering prestigious events including six Olympic Games, heavyweight title fights, NBA and MLB playoffs, and the Super Bowl. Renowned as one of the most experienced female play-by-play announcers in the …
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459- Eric Stogner – Audio Only Version
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41:54549- Eric Stogner – Chaos, Control and The Trump-Musk Wrecking Ball Right click to DownloadDoor Tony Koretz
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Az Állam Árnyékából: A Bitcoin Forradalma és a Gazdasági Önfelszabadulás – II. rész
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1:33:44Vendégünk Táborszki Bálint újabb epizódban kalauzol bennünket a szabadság és az állami beavatkozás mélyebb összefüggéseibe. Ha az előző részben már bepillantást nyertél a gazdasági szabadság és az állami intervenciók veszélyeibe, most még mélyebbre ásunk a témában! Előző epizód:Az Állam Árnyékában: Gazdasági Szabadság, Infláció és a Libertarianizmu…
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