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You are listening to the podcast show, hosted by Sietske de Waard, about female embodied leadership. When you are a woman on a mission, feeling a calling in your heart and soul, and you wish to create from Being, this is for you! We are speaking into so many different subjects around the energetics behind business, tantric and shamanic principles, it will be a joy for the heart of many sensitive women that have a vision for a new earth.
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USG Professionals is een van de grootste HR-dienstverleners in België. Met meer dan 30 jaar ervaring brengen we bedrijven en freelancers naar de werkvloer van morgen. In onze podcast bespreken we met experten en ervaringsdeskundigen welke evoluties onze werkvloer vormgeven. We bieden ambitieuze freelance consultants en bedrijfsleiders een stevige dosis informatie en tips om concreet aan de slag te gaan met verandering. Kickstarten als freelancer, de mogelijkheden van nieuwe technologie of de ...
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show series
In this episode of the Sacred Rebel Podcast, host Sietske de Waard together with Heather Rhea Dawn, a Shibari artist and healer, discuss the profound healing and transformative power of Shibari, the Japanese rope art. Heather shares her unique approach, blending her background in healing and tantra to create nurturing and safe experiences for her c…
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This episode is NOT your standard how to use IA to create content. This is a way to EXPAND by rooting deeper into your own LEADERSHIP, your own embodiment, your own power and from THAT place let AI create content for you. I'm blown away that we have found a way to make AI Tantric together haha! Welcome to a deep and mind blowing podcast on AI as a …
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This podcast is all for you when you feel like you don't fit in just one box and you would actually have multiple businesses at the same time! Listen to Eva Reida's story to hear how this came about, creating her second business and having so much more fun now this part of being a multiple business owner is alive. If you want to connect to eva and …
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'It's like you take a daily testosterone hit' When we talk about women coming from their masculine in business, feeling worn out, burnt out and lacking joy and passion in your life as you have not honored your feminine core yet. If you are someone creating 5 fig months but it's not fulfilling.... Check out this episode. If you want to master Femini…
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This is one of the most vulnerable and fragile pieces of podcast content I've published and I'm so honored to share such a deep and beautiful conversation around navigating all of the big events that life can give you.... Not only the good and the 'shiney' but also the most deep and profound losses you ever get to experience.. Cindy Stal gives us a…
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If you are interested in creating business from your creative erotic power... This is a must listen. Especially as Cara Mendez , A Soul Mastery coach and Dragon Priestress, and I into Sacred Wealth, receptivity and opening up through Erotic Alchemy, a way of alchemising your fears by using your eros. If you've ever wondered about Existential Kink, …
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If you want a whole new perspective on patterns and how you can soften into being aware of them ánd energetically shift them immediately.... This conversation is such a juicy one! Gonnie and I dive into the idea of gaining pleasure from unwanted patterns and seeing that will free you. If you love this I will definitely guide you to the existential …
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Tonja is the most incredible channel that I've come across mainly because she lives and breaths her message. If you see her you smile because she gives such a loving and joyful energy. And when we talk about wealth and money , you will get it from that exact perspective. She's even channeling a tailor made message for our episode. If you love to sc…
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How can you slow down when you have so much responsibility on your shoulders? How can you release some of the hard work mentality when your family depends on you. This conversation is especially for the moms that are both entrepreneur and also love to feel good in their bodies and adapt the tantric lifestyle. Check Vivian's work out here: https://w…
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If you are wondering how to create a sustainable money flow in the business, you CAN'T go around nervous system regulation. What is so fascinating to me is that your nervous system regulation and money flow are so connected to each other, especially when you want it to come in easeful. So if this is something you are interested in, as you are creat…
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You are soooooo welcome to join our conversation on a very juicy topic....... That is soooo important as a wealthy creative entrepreneur. Death and Rebirth in the Creative process and how you can move with it instead of forcing your will against it. As Lanie created her company to 7 figures, but not from force or draggin the business along up hill.…
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Deepen your embodiment through allowing your nervous system to guide your feminine energy to allow your creative process being finetuned to your holy fuck yes. Freeze/fawn - holy fck no Flight/ Fight - no regulation - yes Flow (micro/macro) - holy fck yes Curious? Go listen to the podcast! Flow State Bundle…
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This whole podcast will change your life..... The moment you shift the mindset work to a feminine way.... It WILL create a complete shift in actions that are your frequency more and more..... By aligning your Thoughts to your BODY, your energetic frequency... And THAT does create your life in a whole different way... And makes scaling much easier!!…
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Being more concerned with you and how your feminine energy works instead of trying to mold you into the 24/7 productivity will already create such a relief in your body. But then seeing that your feminine Cyclic nature actually holds the natural frequency of a certain structure is magic to see unfold. Start tracking your feminine cyclic nature and …
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If you want to scale through the feminine core it's really convenient to start integrating some forms of structures and goal setting that are really helping you to create an instant shift and growth in your business..... But as you might have noticed..... Rigid goals that have no energy behind them don't work so what will??? Becoming more concerned…
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In this episode we go into the co dependencies that can show up in creating your next level, that block you from creating the new body of your business. The primary focus of your mind is to create safety. If for some reason your new level is associated with unsafety you will find that you can't scale past your income level you have created until no…
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"Your desire for more isn't unethical; it's an expression of your love and vision for the world."If you are creative and sensitive like me you probably come across ethical questions like can i with a clean heart ask this for my offers or desire more and more>?? Is that ethical or not? We go into this topic that is especially good when you want to s…
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If you are wondering why you are not getting the results that you know you can, and if you need to tweak or sit this one out a little bit more, definitely listen to this episode that goes into the feminine and masculine creative power ( so the energetics behind the creative process) so you can see if there is anything you need to tweak to match the…
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The beauty of instant sales is that we go out of the idea that you have to make things work in your business ALLL by yourself.... Into the sense of hey.... wtf I FEEELLLL my people, I feel money in my field, I feel what's already there for me and I sense what life wants to give me. This podcast allows you to see how easy business and sales get to b…
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when you have an outdated business model that doesnt light you up anymore or that is capping your income, it feels like you go into a whole new venture without any experience. Having the feeling that you have to reinvent everything again will stall your progress and will make it way more difficult to find your ground in the new than is necessary. I…
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Agile werken: hoe werkt het en wat zijn de voordelen? Agile coach Kim Delgadillo schept duidelijkheid.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Joke Van Damme, Charlotte Vanbesien, Content Makers, Chris Kindermans, Danny Van Driessen, Mario Vanhoucke, Kim Delgadillo, Erik Steketee, Michel Godart, ThePodcastFactoryOrg
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Change management: hoe zorg je voor een succesvolle transitie? Trainer in change management Erik Steketee vertelt er alles over.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Joke Van Damme, Charlotte Vanbesien, Content Makers, Chris Kindermans, Danny Van Driessen, Mario Vanhoucke, Kim Delgadillo, Erik Steketee, ThePodcastFactoryOrg, Michel Godart
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Adaptief leiderschap: hoe faciliteer je een projectmatige organisatie? Danny Van Driessen, Directeur IT Services bij RGF Staffing, vertelt er alles over.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Joke Van Damme, Charlotte Vanbesien, Content Makers, Chris Kindermans, Danny Van Driessen, Mario Vanhoucke, Kim Delgadillo, Erik Steketee, Michel Godart, ThePodcastFactoryOrg
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Wat is de rol van smart data in project management? Mario Vanhoucke, ervaringsdeskundige en professor in projectmanagement en besluitvormingstechnieken, vertelt je er alles over.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Joke Van Damme, Charlotte Vanbesien, Content, Makers, Chris Kindermans, Danny Van Driessen, Mario Vanhoucke, Kim Delgadillo, Erik Steketee, Michel Godart, ThePodcastFactoryOrg
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Hoe voer je projecten succesvol uit? Chris Kindermans, ervaren projectmanager, vertelt je er alles over.Door Michel Godart, Danny Van Driessen, USG Professionals, Charlotte Vanbesien, Content, Joke Van Damme, Joke Janssens, Chris Kindermans, Erik Steketee, Mario Vanhoucke, Makers, Kim Delgadillo, ThePodcastFactoryOrg
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The way we often use planning, structures and goals in business makes us feminine entrepreneurs cringe.... It sucks the life force out of you so we try doing it al on our flow. In this episode I share how you can AMPLIFY your Creative Flow by building Healthy structures. In this episode: - You start identifying where you experience no flow or less …
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This podcast reveals the dynamic of the feminine Surrender energy in business and the Leading masculine energy in business. If you desire more surrender in your business, more safety and pleasure, you can find your answers in this dynamic. Where can you lead yourself more in life and business? In this podcast we go into 3 ways to fall deeper into s…
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New tech zoals AI en de metaverse bieden professionele teams heel wat voordelen, zoals meer engagement, verhelderende business forecasts en meer creativiteit in de eigen job. Toch mogen we niet vergeten dat ze vaak berusten op de analyse van big data, waaronder ook persoonsgegevens. Kunnen bedrijven deze technologie verantwoordelijk gebruiken? En h…
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Technologie zit in een stroomversnelling en zorgt voor belangrijke verschuivingen binnen HR. Het is dan ook een van de topsectoren die vandaag al aan de slag gaan met virtual reality. Tegelijk leent ook Artificiële Intelligentie zich tot steeds meer toepassingen binnen HR. We vragen aan Pieter Van Leugenhagen en Maarten Verschuere hoe technologie d…
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Het internet gonst van de buzzwords als metaverse, deep learning, Web3 en NFT’s. Waarover gaat het en wat is de impact ervan op onze werkvloer? Metaversebouwer Pieter Van Leugenhagen en AI-expert Maarten Verschuere vertellen ons hoe technologie onze werksfeer heeft gevormd en blikken vooruit op de innovatie van morgen.…
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We kunnen er niet om heen: technologie zit in een stroomversnelling en brengt een nieuwe innovatiegolf. New tech zorgt voor verschuivingen op de werkvloer en daar zijn we graag op voorbereid. Want wie het slim aanpakt, neemt een voorsprong op de (arbeids)markt.Met deze podcast duiken we in de wereld van de Artificiële Intelligentie en de metaverse,…
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Surrender deeper requires safety. So to be able to surrender deeper you need to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. We will go into this deeper during the episode. And how the feminine energy ánd the masculine energy play a role in this. Follow Sacred Rebels Academy on instagram:…
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Before Tantra and her tradition and wisdom came into my life, I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress around being in business, making money, but also before, when I was in collage I was in constant insecurity about how I would be able to sustain myself doing what I love. This Tantric tradition and her principles made everything I was dealin…
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Michelle Etchison, business and expression coach and I are talking into the subject coming alive on the internet. How can you become so safe in your own skin that you can be in total authentic self expression and what can that do for your business. We are talking money, weirdness, business and all things alive on this call. Working hours as a femin…
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Onze podcast kende veel weerklank en we ontvingen veel positieve feedback; bedankt aan alle starters! In deze bonusaflevering gaan we in op jullie vragen. Want jullie verder op weg helpen, daar doen we het uiteindelijk voor! Heb je nog een vraag voor onze experten? Mail ze naar en we bezorgen je een antwoord. Tot g…
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Heb je succes als freelancer, dan rijg je de opdrachten aan elkaar. Maar hoe bewaak je je eigen grenzen? Bestaat er zoiets als een perfecte work-life balance? En slim time-management, wat houdt dat eigenlijk in? We vragen tips en advies aan psycholoog en ondernemer Elke Van Hoof. Als oprichter van Huis voor Veerkracht leert Elke ondernemers positie…
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Talisa Orens volgt sinds oktober vorig jaar het Start to Freelance-traject van USG Professionals. Waarom neemt ze deel te nemen en hoe ervaart ze dit kennismakingsjaar? Wat heeft ze al bijgeleerd en welke vragen heeft ze nog? Hierover gaat ze in gesprek met Didier Vandenhoudt, die al 23 jaar freelance aan de slag is als ICT expert, verandercoach en…
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We praten met Warda el Azzouzi over personal branding. Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je opgemerkt, aanbevolen en niet snel vergeten wordt? Hoe druk je met jouw unieke kwaliteiten een professionele stempel? Als HR Manager en freelance experte van USG heeft Warda heel wat tips en advies.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Charlotte Vanbesien, Joke Van Damme, ThePodcastFactoryOrg, Michel Godart, Warda el Azzouzi, Content Makers
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Voor veel freelancers is tariefzetting een moeilijke noot om te kraken. Hoe schat je je competenties en dus ook je tarief correct in? Waarmee moet je allemaal rekening houden bij de opmaak van een offerte? En onderhandelen, hoe begin je daar eigenlijk aan? Guy Van der Sande is Competence Manager bij USG Professionals en al meer dan 20 jaar freelanc…
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In deze 1e aflevering verkennen we met Marleen Deleu het freelance-DNA. Hoe kan je weten of freelancen iets voor jou is? Welke skills heb je nodig en wanneer ben je klaar voor de sprong? Na een carrière van 26 jaar in loondienst startte Marleen Deleu zelf als freelanceondernemer. Vandaag is ze directeur van NextConomy, een kennisplatform en communi…
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Deze podcastserie is voor iedereen die ondernemerskriebels heeft. Met expertise, tips en verhalen geeft freelance experte Joke Janssens je een duwtje in de rug om je vrijheid als freelancer te ontdekken of er net dat stapje verder in te gaan.Door USG Professionals, Joke Janssens, Charlotte Vanbesien, Joke Van Damme, ThePodcastFactoryOrg, Michel Godart, Content Makers
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As women we subconsciously carry childhood trauma inside our bodies that can play out in how we relate to life. Especially when for whatever reason our relationship with our mother was distorted or felt unsafe, we can feel unsafe in life, which can lead to people pleasing and codependent patterns. When you want to step into the fullness of your fem…
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When you decide to follow your heart and let a vision you have for the planet come to life through a business.... Odds are that you will get to deal with a lot of emotions! Emotions that come up when you do your first live, place your first post, present a new offer.... Emotions that might hold you back on following through. Recognize this? Then le…
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