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Vatican News. Vocea Papei și a Bisericii în dialog cu lumea contemporană. Audiențele și discursurile Papei, evenimente din viața Bisericii, actualitatea internațională și manifestări culturale. Emisiunea zilei este disponibilă în podcast după ora Romei 15.30. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican News - Hrvatski Program

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Vatican News svoj program emitira na 39 jezika u Rimu i u pokrajini Lazio. Program obuhvaća aktualne vijesti, infomacije i aktivnosti Pape, Svete Stolice i Vatikana, kao i univerzalne i domaće Crkve. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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A Vatican News magyar műsora

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Adásainkban beszámolunk a pápa és a Szentszék tevékenységéről, ismertetjük a Szentatya homíliáit, beszédeit, beszámolunk apostoli utazásairól. Kitekintünk a világegyház eseményeire, megszólaltatjuk a Rómába érkező magyar egyháziakat és zarándokokat. Hírt adunk továbbá a határon túli magyar közösségek életéről, illetve elősegítjük az ökumenikus és vallásközi párbeszédet. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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show series
Die deutsche Übersetzung siehe unten! “HEBDÓMADA PAPAE” NOTÍTIAE VATICÁNAE LATÍNE RÉDDITAE Die décimo quarto mensis Decémbris anno bismillésimo vicésimo quarto TÍTULI Ad Sýriam diutúrne coniunctéque servándam, hortátur Póntifex. Francíscus de humáno progréssu, qui nummária disciplína tolerábili indíget. Item Póntifex ait: nostrum est offícium quod …
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- Pope Francis prays for the victims of a cyclone in the Indian Ocean, which is feared to have killed thousands of people - Israeli authorities deny three more UN-led aid missions access to besieged areas in the north of the Gaza Strip - We speak to the bishop of the diocese of Tallinn in Estonia, about the announcement of the beatification of a Je…
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In the headlines this Tuesday, December the 17th: - As the death toll continues to rise in Mayotte following Cyclone Chido, aid organisations on the ground warn that the situation is worse than catastrophic - the Maronite Archbishop of Aleppo, speaks of the need for caution and collaboration as Syria navigates an uncertain future But first: - On hi…
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- Pope Francis urges bankers to invest in hope, not in speculation - Thousands are missing and feared dead in the Indian Ocean Mayotte Archipelago following the most powerful cyclone in a century - The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza says the number of Palestinians killed in the enclave by Israeli strikes has surpassed 45,000…
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